Box 9, Folder 4, Document 33

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Box 9, Folder 4, Document 33

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July 30, 1969

Dr. Joel Fleishman
Yale Intern Program
Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

Dear Dr. Fleishman:

Mr. Bill Ramsay of the §.R.W.B. has told me of your interest in the service-
Learning approach to education. Bill also indicated that you are aware of sone
of the student intern programs in the South and that you might be able to

help us in finding a director for the Atlanta Urban Corps.

As you know, the Urban Corps is a college intern program. This summer, more
than 220 students from 43 colleges participated. our main emphasis is build-
ing @ program whose primary purpose is an educational experience for the
intern, This sumer, our staff of fifteen is composed almost entirely of
students. We also have five professors serving as educational consultants. We
are presently planning a year-round program what will inelude academic credit
for interns through three cooperating Atlanta colleges.

Our central problem is the need for a director. I an leaving in Septeuber for
Harvard Business School. Ideally} we would like a young graduate student

typa with experience in working with students and administrative problems.

The director will be jointly working with the Southern Regional Edueation

Board and The Office of The Mayor for program administration. Possibllities

for faculty status of a director at Georgia State College are good through their
Urben Stidies program. Salaryiievel is in the $800 per month range and above,
depending upon experience. The job is full-time and minimum obligation of

@ year,

If you know of anyone that might be interested in serving as director, would
you please have them call me collect? ‘The enclosed information will supplement
this Letter in explaining the Urban Corps.




(eet Mr. Ban Sweat


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