Dublin Core
Box 9, Folder 4, Document 35
Text Item Type Metadata
Student Application Process Procedure
Student application forms distributed on campus by colle-e relations beard to stu-
dent center, student povernment office, placement center, etc.
Applications returned to college relations board member on individual campus ,©0%
completed by May 2, 1969. Postcards will be sant to all applicants stating that
their application has been received and is being processed.
Urban Corps finance representative will meet with financial aid officer on each cam-
pus and review applicants from that campus as to their elisibility for financial aid.
Some applicants will already be eligible from past aid records. Other applicants may
have to complete supplementary financial applications. The definition of financial
aid is the financial aid officers responsibility. Ideally we will request him to
certify from Atlanta Urban Corps applicants a number eligible for work study fund-
ing equal tc his number of off campus work study slots. In addition we will ast the
financial aid officer to select alternately elivibles equal in number to 20% cof his
total number certified in the event that those originally certified cannot be placed
due to job requests not available.
Application forms will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee consisting of student
agency, job developer, and recruiting representatives. Those applicants previously
approved for work study funds by individual campuses will be separated from other
Remaining non-work-study eligible applicants will be reviewed by the Personnel Com-
mittee and a number of applicants will be selected to be funded from private sources
(estimated to be equivalent to 70 interns), on the basis of ability, desire, work
experience and financial need. Likewise the Personnel Committee will select an
“alternately eligible" group in the event their first selections cannot be placed.
Work-study and privately funded applicants will be srouped according to interest and
assigned to job slots by the Personnel Committee. Of these financially "covered"
applicants those that cannot be placed for reasons of specific jcb requests will be
held aside and replaced from "alternately elicible" applicants.
All applicants will be notified of their application status. Categories will be as
follows -
a. financially eli,ible for work-study fundine and assigned.
b. privately funded and assipned.
c. alternately eligible ~ poss‘ bility of placement
d. cannot be placed due to lack of funds and/or job not available to fit appli-
cants request.
Assigned interns will be notified of their job description and requested to interview
their intern supervisor. Student and arency will approve assi nment.
Internships not approved by ayency or student will be reviewed and placed elsewhere
by the Personnel Committee if possible.
If approved internship cannot be filled a new applicant will be drawn from the
“alternately elirible" applications.
Page 2
Confirmed interns will be sent orientation material and informed of payroll and
operating procedure.
Intern attends orientation program.
Work period begins.
Student Application Process Procedure
Student application forms distributed on campus by colle-e relations beard to stu-
dent center, student povernment office, placement center, etc.
Applications returned to college relations board member on individual campus ,©0%
completed by May 2, 1969. Postcards will be sant to all applicants stating that
their application has been received and is being processed.
Urban Corps finance representative will meet with financial aid officer on each cam-
pus and review applicants from that campus as to their elisibility for financial aid.
Some applicants will already be eligible from past aid records. Other applicants may
have to complete supplementary financial applications. The definition of financial
aid is the financial aid officers responsibility. Ideally we will request him to
certify from Atlanta Urban Corps applicants a number eligible for work study fund-
ing equal tc his number of off campus work study slots. In addition we will ast the
financial aid officer to select alternately elivibles equal in number to 20% cof his
total number certified in the event that those originally certified cannot be placed
due to job requests not available.
Application forms will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee consisting of student
agency, job developer, and recruiting representatives. Those applicants previously
approved for work study funds by individual campuses will be separated from other
Remaining non-work-study eligible applicants will be reviewed by the Personnel Com-
mittee and a number of applicants will be selected to be funded from private sources
(estimated to be equivalent to 70 interns), on the basis of ability, desire, work
experience and financial need. Likewise the Personnel Committee will select an
“alternately eligible" group in the event their first selections cannot be placed.
Work-study and privately funded applicants will be srouped according to interest and
assigned to job slots by the Personnel Committee. Of these financially "covered"
applicants those that cannot be placed for reasons of specific jcb requests will be
held aside and replaced from "alternately elicible" applicants.
All applicants will be notified of their application status. Categories will be as
follows -
a. financially eli,ible for work-study fundine and assigned.
b. privately funded and assipned.
c. alternately eligible ~ poss‘ bility of placement
d. cannot be placed due to lack of funds and/or job not available to fit appli-
cants request.
Assigned interns will be notified of their job description and requested to interview
their intern supervisor. Student and arency will approve assi nment.
Internships not approved by ayency or student will be reviewed and placed elsewhere
by the Personnel Committee if possible.
If approved internship cannot be filled a new applicant will be drawn from the
“alternately elirible" applications.
Page 2
Confirmed interns will be sent orientation material and informed of payroll and
operating procedure.
Intern attends orientation program.
Work period begins.