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Box 9, Folder 4, Document 34
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CONSTITITIG vturday, Nav, of, 1965
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Atlanta city government hones
to have an Urban Corps of up
to 100 college interns working
for and with it by the spring _
Dan Sweat,
aison director at City Hall, said
Friday that the city is seeking
to employ 100 under the federal
College Work Study Program,
and already is negotiating with
college officials. -
Sam Williams, president of
the Georgia Tech student hody
last year, brought the attention
of Sweat and Mayor Ivan Allen
Jr. to the success of the New
York intern program last spring.
Williams and other college a
leaders have followed up this
out the city’s massive summer
program, Sweat explained.
Sweat met with the students °
last Monday and has another =
session set for next Thursday.
The students have been asked
to select a spokesman. who ‘sll
be sent to New York to concer
with the director of the program
there, Michael Gildstein.
The Ford Foundation gave
New York funds to provide free
technical assistance to other ci-
ties interested in establishing an
Urban Corps.
Sweat said that the City Per-
sonnel department has estab-
lished two classifications for the
college interns. John Cox, execu-
tive director of the Atlanta Chil-
dren and Youth Services Com-
mission also has cooperated.
Sweat hopes that the college
students can provide general ad-
ministration and supervision for
the program. The program will
hit its peak during the summer
governmental li-
The delay was due to the -
time needed to begin and carry ;
Con Liep> iD LAYS SL a “iu UO
competences Frank McGaughey and Eugene
PN po McLemore last summer rein-
ee forced the intent of the city
to establish a larger program.
“We must use the talents of
the young men and women,”
Sweat said. ‘We've found they
can carry a larger role than we
: normally would think. We must
use their creative abilities in
our government.”
Dan Sweat
months Sweat said, bui could
have about 50 working for the
city in all departments during} ,
the spring months. New York '
City has about 3,000 in its pro-
gram. ;
Georgia Tech stuidents “spear- F
headed the drive to establish
an Urban Corps here, Sweat
said, and Emory University and
the Atlanta University Center
have also been interested. [n
fact, Sweat added, he hopes all '
38 colleges in the metropolitan
area will eventually take part.
Sweat said the outstanding .
performance of city interns
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