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Box 10, Folder 11, Document 16
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Mrs. Marshall S. Solomm
3399 Buford Hwy. N.E,
Apt. B-2
Atlanta, Georgia, 30329
September 11, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I would like to congratulate you on the fine way you handled the riot
last Tuesday.
I have a suggestion for you and the city of Atlanta which might further
help the people in our underpriviledged neighborhoods. I lived in
Houston, Texas, until a year ago and that is where I saw this highly
successful project. It is a plan to help people help themselves. This,
in my opinion, should be the basic philosophy in helping anybody in need.
In Houston the have established Neighborhood Centers Association
of Houston and Harris County. They have a fabulous program for the adults
and children in many neighborhoods in Houston. The staff of N.C.A. go
directly into housing projects and work with the people to help them help
themselves. I could write pages about this program but if you are
interested, I have a book Neighborhood Doorways by Corrine S. Tsanoff
which explains the whole project in great detail. I also have a paper I
wrote in college in 1963 on this subject based on personal visits to
the various areas. You might be interested in seeing them as an idea for
a future project in Atlanta. You might already have a similar program
which I dp not know about. If so, you can forget this. Or, you can borrow
the book and paper if you are interested and use them for new ideas.
I hope that + can offer some help in this area of great need. If
you would like to see the book and paper, please write or call me and Il
will bring or mail them to you.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Marshall S. Solomon
3399 Buford Hwy. N.E,
Apt. B-2
Atlanta, Georgia, 30329
September 11, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I would like to congratulate you on the fine way you handled the riot
last Tuesday.
I have a suggestion for you and the city of Atlanta which might further
help the people in our underpriviledged neighborhoods. I lived in
Houston, Texas, until a year ago and that is where I saw this highly
successful project. It is a plan to help people help themselves. This,
in my opinion, should be the basic philosophy in helping anybody in need.
In Houston the have established Neighborhood Centers Association
of Houston and Harris County. They have a fabulous program for the adults
and children in many neighborhoods in Houston. The staff of N.C.A. go
directly into housing projects and work with the people to help them help
themselves. I could write pages about this program but if you are
interested, I have a book Neighborhood Doorways by Corrine S. Tsanoff
which explains the whole project in great detail. I also have a paper I
wrote in college in 1963 on this subject based on personal visits to
the various areas. You might be interested in seeing them as an idea for
a future project in Atlanta. You might already have a similar program
which I dp not know about. If so, you can forget this. Or, you can borrow
the book and paper if you are interested and use them for new ideas.
I hope that + can offer some help in this area of great need. If
you would like to see the book and paper, please write or call me and Il
will bring or mail them to you.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Marshall S. Solomon