Dublin Core
Box 10, Folder 11, Document 45
Text Item Type Metadata
September 21, 1966
Mr. Bob Lynn .
Extension Area Manager
East Central Neighborhood Center
486 Decatur Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Bob:
When you and the group from the Beulevard section were
in my office one of the problems discussed was traffic on
the residential streets in that area.
I arm advised by the Traffic Engineering Department of the
City that the City Ordinance now prohibits tractor trailer
trucks from using any of the streets which cross Boulevard
except Ponce de Leon Avenue, North Avenue, Forrest
Avenue, Highland Avenue, Irwin Street and Edgewood
Special Trucks Prohibited signs are currently placed on
Morgan Street and Wabash Avenue. The Traffic Engineering
Department is now checking the physical conditions of the
signs on Morgan Street and on Wabash Avenue and will
arrange to install additional signs on the other east-west
residential streets which cross Boulevard in this area and
from which tractor trailers are prohibited in the Ordinance.
As soon as the signs are replaced, the Traffic Engineering
Department will advise the Atlanta Police Department and
I am sure the Police Department will take appropriate action.
The Sanitary Department and the Health Department are
cooperating in the rat baiting program which was one of
the big problems discussed. I hope that the Neighborhood
Center can take some action on the suggestions in my
letter to George Dodd on September 15, -
Mr. Lynn
Page Two
September 21, 1966
Please pass this information along to the committee.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat
ce: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr,
Mr. R. Earl Landers
Mr. Bob Lynn .
Extension Area Manager
East Central Neighborhood Center
486 Decatur Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Bob:
When you and the group from the Beulevard section were
in my office one of the problems discussed was traffic on
the residential streets in that area.
I arm advised by the Traffic Engineering Department of the
City that the City Ordinance now prohibits tractor trailer
trucks from using any of the streets which cross Boulevard
except Ponce de Leon Avenue, North Avenue, Forrest
Avenue, Highland Avenue, Irwin Street and Edgewood
Special Trucks Prohibited signs are currently placed on
Morgan Street and Wabash Avenue. The Traffic Engineering
Department is now checking the physical conditions of the
signs on Morgan Street and on Wabash Avenue and will
arrange to install additional signs on the other east-west
residential streets which cross Boulevard in this area and
from which tractor trailers are prohibited in the Ordinance.
As soon as the signs are replaced, the Traffic Engineering
Department will advise the Atlanta Police Department and
I am sure the Police Department will take appropriate action.
The Sanitary Department and the Health Department are
cooperating in the rat baiting program which was one of
the big problems discussed. I hope that the Neighborhood
Center can take some action on the suggestions in my
letter to George Dodd on September 15, -
Mr. Lynn
Page Two
September 21, 1966
Please pass this information along to the committee.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat
ce: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr,
Mr. R. Earl Landers