Dublin Core
Box 10, Folder 11, Document 46
Text Item Type Metadata
September 15, 1966
Mr. George Dodd, Director
East Central Neighborhood Center
486 Decatur Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear George:
The City of Atlanta Sanitary Department and the Fulton County
Health Department are cooperating in a joint effort to clean up
the Boulevard area and carry out a rat control program.
In talking with Health Department officials, they indicate that
little will come of a rodent control program unless the people
in the area will join with them and practice better sanitation
Mr. Cantrell, who has been working on a special program
in that area already, says that he believes that if we could
get EOA to help tell the people about good sanitation practices
and possibly prepare and distribute posters throughout the
area, this would have a real good effect. He says that his
department will be glad to work with Homemaker Aides or
any other person designated by EOA to train them to instruct
residents in the area in these practices.
I would suggest that we might get the elementary schools to
have a poster contest after two or three lectures on sanitation
habits to control pests. Then these posters could be displayed
at apartments, stores, and other locations, This has worked
very well in the Fire Department and I believe it would work
well here, This would be a project EOA could carry out very
Mr. Dodd
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September 15, 1966
Let me know of your thinking on this and if there is any way I
can help. You might have someone call Mr. Grennon at 572-2116,
who has charge of the Rodent Control Section of the Health
Department, or Mr. T. A. Cantrell at 572-2844,
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat
ect Mr. C. O. Emmerich
Mr. Bob Lynn
Mr. George Dodd, Director
East Central Neighborhood Center
486 Decatur Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear George:
The City of Atlanta Sanitary Department and the Fulton County
Health Department are cooperating in a joint effort to clean up
the Boulevard area and carry out a rat control program.
In talking with Health Department officials, they indicate that
little will come of a rodent control program unless the people
in the area will join with them and practice better sanitation
Mr. Cantrell, who has been working on a special program
in that area already, says that he believes that if we could
get EOA to help tell the people about good sanitation practices
and possibly prepare and distribute posters throughout the
area, this would have a real good effect. He says that his
department will be glad to work with Homemaker Aides or
any other person designated by EOA to train them to instruct
residents in the area in these practices.
I would suggest that we might get the elementary schools to
have a poster contest after two or three lectures on sanitation
habits to control pests. Then these posters could be displayed
at apartments, stores, and other locations, This has worked
very well in the Fire Department and I believe it would work
well here, This would be a project EOA could carry out very
Mr. Dodd
Page Two
September 15, 1966
Let me know of your thinking on this and if there is any way I
can help. You might have someone call Mr. Grennon at 572-2116,
who has charge of the Rodent Control Section of the Health
Department, or Mr. T. A. Cantrell at 572-2844,
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat
ect Mr. C. O. Emmerich
Mr. Bob Lynn