Dublin Core
Box 12, Folder 27, Document 6
Text Item Type Metadata
March 15, 1967
Mr. Wellborn R. Ellis, Administrator
Fulton County Department of Family
and Children Services
County Administration Building
165 Central Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Wellborn:
May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of March
14th regarding Fulton County’s proposed participa-
tion in the Model Cities Program. Iam placing this
letter in Dan Sweat's hands regarding your meeting.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my
appreciation for the splendid cooperation you have
given this project.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
cc: Mr. Dan Sweat
March 15, 1967
Mr. Wellborn R. Ellis, Administrator
Fulton County Department of Family
and Children Services
County Administration Building
165 Central Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Wellborn:
May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of March
14th regarding Fulton County’s proposed participa-
tion in the Model Cities Program. Iam placing this
letter in Dan Sweat's hands regarding your meeting.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my
appreciation for the splendid cooperation you have
given this project.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
cc: Mr. Dan Sweat