Box 12, Folder 27, Document 8

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Box 12, Folder 27, Document 8

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,. tlanta, Georgia
Part I. page 1
P :..10 POSP_L ~-::..GHLIGHTS
Des crip-::io. o.,· t he City
The A t lanta a :rea i s cu:rrcney ex;,e:.:i..:;:1.cing an increase in Ol:)u l2.d on
oi 35, 000 ::..ud i tional peop1e e,.ch ~ c2. r, o :;: . ., :: annual gr owfr_ :: ate o
3.1 per ce 1t. :vi ch o · this i:1c1:e_ :;e is a ttributab e t o an infrc.x
of families J.:1:om surroundi ng r u 1·al 2.: eas of Ge o rgia and the rest
of tl1.e southern stateso
2.:.:ge por·Vo1 of these peo e a ··e pc,or~
un ducated and untrained~
P rovL.. ii g urb2._ serv:.c es t o a bu:·g~ rn.etropo Han a ... ea p ::e.sents
cou1:_::.L::x prob:i.exnso A ·~! a, ·2 1 :1owc--c ..· . :,as a cmo:: . . ·~:.:ate 11.:s
w illingness to face r..p -~o :.t s ' :.: oblems ::i ~ni i atin~ one o ·tl1.e -2. ::: gcst
ur ban r enewal pl'o ~r c.r:1.9 :..1. :::..~ : n.'i:ioIJ., by developing a:.1. oui;s "i.:;
w2.r on pove ...·ty, and by ci:.·eat ir.g a , . ..! ·rcpo:i.-~an council of ~ .::al
A".:~c:mta is a young, dyna,:ni c a ::.d ):.:-og re..,s~v,2 ~egiona~ cente::-o
T he p:::ivate sec or of the e co~1omy as co1.:t:;: iouted t:1.c o::~:cc
b i :u.inss a nd hig· :.:ise a a:: trnc .'~s that a ·e ~:i:'ansfo_:::ning tl:mta's
s kyline . Tl:c public secto:· ?.12.s c:·ca c"d such con1.plim nt2.:ry
facilit ie s a s -~he sta ium a nd t ~1.e audit o r:u::n~c u:::~ur a l c e :-i.t :..
complexo P· blic u.:i.d pr·va·~e inte:i:es~s a:,:e dete:.::nlne t o ens ure
A thnta 1s vital economic rolE: as f ·w t·a spo -~ ation hub a n 1 CD..):.~o
o '.:i."c s ot..tiicast o
Description of the Designated Area
T h e City of Atlanta has chosen fo:.:- its .1.odel neighborhood 2. s c t io
o f tl-1.e city w:1::.c . .1 d1· m tica l · con1.' in s al_ tl1e facets ·o ~ b i~l"..t
and deterioration.
T he chosen ar ea lies within a and 2.. hdf of the cent ... a core
of the city and is b ou,1.ded on ·f-i.e norfo by foe 1~20 Expi·es sway;
on the west by L ee St;:eet; orr the south by t}le Atlantl!:: ·2.nd VI st
Point Railroad and 0;_1. the e __, st y the b .it-line railroa o
T h i s a r e a contain s 3 9 035 a.c :: es w h~ ch is a bout 3o 7 p e r cent o:7
t he to:al city land a:i.:ea of 8 2,173 acr e s. Out of A tlanta's -~o-~a :i.
popuiation of 199,000 people~ app rox in1.atel y 48J 000 live i -~:,e
model nc.ighborhood a1·ea w h i ci.1 1:cpresents about ten per c ni.:
�At... o.nta 0 Georgia
Part·· o page 2
'·ot .... 1 popula . :1·01' O'"'hc ·~~
....u - '-'-•"'···o~
a h-w
1 :., 1-0·or fili:~ci pe:: cc .. _t ic Cv-1.~cn-.::\.,d in -'·::.3..:; a· eao
33, 10 ~

1,__ .
The t:- oposcci r.1. eel n~l::)1ho:::!·. - .,d ~::; ~:, :·'.:·01.a:.-::.y a res:i. cn-~:-1

n0i.:;:,b0:·~1ood c r.1 .poscd o:·: ~-.....~:.... cL.) c.~:... _ ~_...,\J :nco .-.c v1lTitc and :' C f;l'O s. T:1c c:.~1a~ity o.: :101......, :n~ i. i:'lc p::o· o..., ed model nei.=;nbo· 2100d
.::.:· 0;1 ~2:. •• ~es f::-or.'1 standa:::-d :1ol'.s : ~1:; ·co ·;::c vc-_·y vo::..·s t e:;::.r."l:'.)~c.s
c · dilapiC.:-~cc !:ousing. Oi ·.:he ci~y:.., !:ou..:;ir..;; u:-i.its 0 3 600 o:·

--~ :..· c r..t ..:1·e v:i;;!1ln .... 18 r.1.od. ::._ :r.c:.::;:1bo::hoodo 0£ ·~ hese hou..:i::.:5

itJ, 3, 0 21 o:: z:,,. ~ . :. . ::~:.-_'.; 2.::e L.1 .;·~2..r.c.2..rd condi i:i.on, 9 765

0::.' 7i~ 8 pc . c en~ 2,:~·c :~;1 s ,bc;tr:..r-,.·:::..:~
"'C c -:1Cl·~ioL~ c1 ... d 05 7 or 6" 3
k'-r ce:nt L.,:r~ c::1~p~C:~\:~do ,.[: .. _.: r, ::. ·~ J. 3n, ·onta:.A1.s o e:.~ 19 J

x:1· cent oi t:i" c:'~7 s ·~o·.:c.: -u'.:;.:.-~::.:,.:.::..~·c. hou.J:i.:..1g n·ts a

.L !1~ 1·esi
er.ti •.: co:.1s t:i:uc tion o:: ·:.:~-~e 2.:.:c.: is p:.'cd.o:n:.:1.antly i:;:z.r.:1.e c
,...--:c G 2.nt Par!· a:· .: J.J cas·~ of :.:~:.:..:. S '. : :.:c-2,·~; Q.,:.C: AC: - i:..· P2;.::~ s-c:L_
~:.os.:;c.:;s o. srnaii. /;own c:1a.:i.·2..c·· _:i:::i:-:::,2..'.:;.::y becc' o:: G"0
ar c hLsctu:-e, :?Opula.1· 2.::.--0·..n:::: t:1.c ..;u~.·:1. o . -' ·~~-.:: c;:;~1tt:. _'yo T~13
re n1ainC:c r of t~e r.;.od~l nc::.~:1·oc~:!1oc::. n.,:c..o.. "'Su;.-£:.j::.1.e1·h:ll,
'.\ , e c11an1c
. sv:;..1c
· 1 ·• ~ ::::.c., i--_
~ . ..;..;s.::n:~c'
. • . ,
b ·w:._;
, ., .•
...-_:>e op ... c s t·own, 1v.
.. w2.s e:1

c1..,as o·.: ha3 deve"opcd into lo~.-; :.::co:-n.::: :·.~>.:.-..,m:.,10odso Co--:.cequc::::~>/.1

iving c on iti :1·- a :rn o c:,:C:i.'OWGcd~ ::/.:.:., o: -~~ c:.r.. 1 ·._.:1:1-32.:::..:::.::70
Pu.b::.c u.'.:i:.i·;~es and c ommtu .ity ::2.c:.:~·~:.:;s 2.:::e ~r::-c.3 s~~r·
T:1e 2.rea c-:mt2..ins a co:nb~nc · _ ::.~1i-::E..:: ; s·!:o::.-~n sc _;1e::.· sys·::0:.-:-<
\ '1i}1:c:1 is inadequ::.te 2.:1d ob~c~c-~..;J ._7"2,.. , s'c~e.: zets have 1:l,:-;:_-:;i __~
o·.:i.1c1· tr.a n at· inte_·r;~c".:~o~:s .in6 n.:.2.:·:.y ol · :.nc2..ncies cen'i: ~-~::-.':.:a.::
a1·e s:i!l in useo F O\V oi t:'lall~c iG JOO:~~ ~1:~~· ....L1. ·:i"y bec2:~~ · ·~:.·~cts
c:.:: e poo:.:ly de s :.gned o

ndoor and out o:.· rec-·eG·l::lon f:..~i_:~:~n e~. 3 : ..:\Jui ..: cle:n.-:.; ,

G ··2 ·,·;·

Ja,~1.-,-.s·~ ':c::i

Con ""1.d""-1·~
CJ.. -"'v,· '·'1..,
L.... .... den";
.:.J • '·y
.L v e ~--,,
~ ....
! ... -., •
..i.. -'-:> '·}J "' "a·•
space in t~1e 2.1·ea, also se:.·vec ,;,:eE..ter L:::l2.nt<1: with i'~s ~oo,
Cyc:ora.rna a:;._d playi:.elds ., TnG::.' e 2.::e scvzJ.·:.:l sma":e~ ps.:·~-3~
but r .:10s ~ of -~hese a -e eithe:i.' lli'.icve:i.ope 01· ;._ot a equat :..:
'-" ~
The p · ob.Lems of the modzl ne:g:C.oo::hood 2.:t·c many c.:.n v.:.:r~c.::l.,
'.1-:.3 ? :..'Oi.LC:i.11.
• ·1

. ..
d" l
11e moct serious
and p!.·es s ~
.. ov1evcrg ::.s ~11e ovc ::c :: oe - ~,
sub::.ta:i<lard and p ooi: quality ho:1s ::1:;o The 960 Ccn su.:, L C:.ic::.'.:cd.
that a lai·ce pel' c entage of the ar..·ea 2s housing uni ..·s a:i.·e ov0-.: c:..' ·16.c-·
and substa. da d o
�Atlanta, Gcore;ia
Part I. pa3c 3
Tn.J:..·c arc a wide va:::foty of fa- .:o:..·J Y1~1I.:: h,_vc cat.:scd the
dctc1·::.or~1Lion and inad-3qua·.:0 r, )ply of stc::.nclard
'.Jn..:;ic pr oble1:1. is po or o:.: i ' L12.~ Jc...,5.__,n a11d corn,·~:;_·uc·~.i.,:, _ oZ
res:..dcntb.l a:reaso Pao::.· ::..... ~1.:-.:. pk::.,::ir.s '-nd const:uction
!1::.1xc :·'--' su:·~cC: ::1 bc~1: o:f :wivac:r o '.!·; \.r.::, c ::.·~ u:fr~s and badly
d ·c.J:-ior~tc.:. i::.1te:;.·io1.· a;:1ci c::w :,:io.1. :c1 .tcc:· :11s .
in..:or.,_1:xt~iblc land use .3 w}1i ch · cc.-_~:_·; · ~- ~21c ):·.·;,s:..::..:
01i_:;:r; ci fais a:reao The ar;;; con~J,::::; c orD ••1.e1.· cc a"1d indus::.:y
wi i::1 :1.1any:::0oi cnccs sc2.t-::c r e u. .:..:-.-10J.:J o:;:- adjacent to co;,-.nn.1.e:,.· c:c...:
a:1d industl'ial us So Adve··se L.1iluc::.1ce s such as noise , s:nokc,
fu"TJ..JS and r::1£iic a:..·
in2.d.Js_u2...:..:-;:1 bl'.L:;;;1.· e from reside:1ti2.:.
ar as o
Ano'·hcr problem w:-:ich has co:rnp::n::.ncl~d ·;;1,e ::_:ioo_ hous h:.g
sht:atim1 is the ·ow level oi ~:1c0:·nc oi rna:.1.y oi the cside:i."1'.:s .
Nc~:-ly ha!f of the fam::lies ~1;:.v..-:: L·.~oi-r:c s ":J ;_,~ov, -'·h;;; pover;;y
level of 03, 000. This :;_2,c:~ o:': ~l.: .. C:...:; ~12.s n1.2.dc i'i:: -~:' .!.O::
n1.c..ny ow:1.::1:s to 1nal;:e ::-:cp2.i::-s .
n a-:.C:.itio:1.a t:1c se _ov.; inc rr:e


n·ir.c.a~ :i'fos1·oes a ::.:e s:·.:-.1.?:Y no·c 2. ::.£ crde · 2.cces s

to adequa·~ h usin[; c'wice in -:::1:s 2-::ec:. o~-: o·~he:: a:;.·c:1c of -~:1c city.
.: -•~"~1· - '·" C
I .d .H •• ~J.1
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~ ••
, ....1_,:._.:,;_~\..!.u!

-..'! .--- ,·-rrri 0~

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ur.1.:.·..:3 ,viil be r:e c dcC: i11 -~:1c :-J.-.,.~ c~ ~l c.. :.--eao O~ -~;2is r-u:.r-::,c1' .1 ( 8 z:
v;i:!..l ':Je rec;.u::.1·0c. as :..·e~J:.2.c.:;~-.:-~.::. ._ ; c:~.:s :'.:o:;.· c.i l:.~;ida.-~en s·-~::·uc·~u::0s.
Additio~1al uni~..; \'"1i!l c~ :·~c::~: :..-vc;. ·,;o :.. eiJ~.2..c.:; t!~os e clea~ccl f.c:.~ ·;.l, v
cor..:nn nity facil'·~-' esQ {o;.· t os 0 .. a ::.::::.Ecs ~.)2.ying ;,no: e ·c han
tw1::nty-fivc per cent of thel:r h~con1e XC)l' hcusin_; 0 anci ~o p.,: ovide
units for thos e · ivu g :l.a ov3:-c:;:-ow,:;, d d v:::::~i:rigs o
Anofr,E.r r.::1ajor element a<lvc::i;sdy u..:.: ·\:ic'i:L1g t:1e are::-, rn t :e >00~7
condition oi s·~:.·cctsa M.o::;t o:: -~he a:.: ca's s ·: :ree ts a:;:e :;:12. :.·1·0,.- ,,
unsare, poor y cicsi.::;ned aml do no·~ adee;,ua·.:e··:r se:::v -~:1 e :: esi.c;;:..:-;;s o
In additi o:.1, ;:::1ajor thorou::)1fa1·en o ice -~lrough the are2. ·"c su:ti:r.g
in heavy traific flow a:..1d haza.rdm.'.D co:,,;.dit' ons fo:-c the re :::::icle:ri;;s o
A rnajor portio;.1 of the ,:.• oc.el ;.1cighb c:.·hood is se :i.-vcd b a n
inadequate sewer syst0r,1 9 s-::::ect ::_:;Ming :s pom·J and 2·u.bbLis ucattered thx oug 1ou··· tl1e a. :t ca o (I'I-ic l v\V _evel o:.: ~.c--u:~ici?2..l
se 1·vicesD toge ther wHh :many o ·~ :he res'clen-~ 1 s lac!-: of des:1:e
an rn.otivation to 'm.prove co: dit: ons has c01nbined to cre .... 'i:.:.
physical blight and decayo
�A-tlanta, Georgia
Par·~ Io page ~
T:1c p 1.blic transportatio:1 ·.;:1::0~.::[(1 fo.c 2,:;:eci. ·.s 1:J.rgcly :.:adially
0 ·ic:::tcd to doy.;n:ow;.1 and ,c;; a· cqu2.-i.:e: sc:..·vicc to ·f ois
1...."'sti;:i:i.-~ion. Int~::~0:· and c ..:oss-c::..·:.y ;:,ccc3s, how.::;vc , is
d.:~ic lt. As ::i. r suH, r0:.;~.,L~ _.:s c..:i.:~ :so· .•. -..:e;<l :.:rom othc:i.·
a:-id iror:1 various :_:iublic .1:1d ;::or,1n-mn~ty fac:litic.:; wi'd1in 2.ncl
a :j.::i.ccnt to foe areao
Eckcation.::i.l probleri'l.s of tLc :.:..::sicic:1ts c:!. 'i:l1·s area a:i.·c rnar.yo
1?00_· s-::hool attc::1dt1nce is a s:....::icus p:.:oo~e;m in the t~rget ;:.··ca;
a ·~.:c.~.di:mcc at ten of the twclv~ c~cme;:1t2.:cy schools in ·d-.e a::-.:::a
av..,r.::i.ges lc.::;s tha:.:
·.>; :;::,c- cc1'.;. In acldidon, a la::.3e
nu:..-r1o~r O'~ youd1s ·;. v.: ..... ~ ..1-==: c.:::ca cl:rop O 'C of s c h o ol oc ro ,.·
fi:1i3hing hi _, h schoo o
The only hc2..lC1 s ~~· faci~::~y in fae vicinity ::.c ~.ocated 2.t r::rn
c:::1·cme :;outnc::.·n c::l~e an s.;;::ve.::; z. vc-.__·1 ~a.:1:ge 2.:: a. s:·.~1.::c
most oi tl1c ~1,2;,:.].:~h s e:i:vices a::.· e ccn-i:;:alized :11 the d own.tov t:.
a:i.· ca, tl1e t:ra;,.spor·i.:a·'·ion and econ .... n::.c p1·c0.1erns :,1vo ved in
re2.cl1i:-:_: these fociE~ies p~·e e:.t se rc:::e obs-::ac .cs t o : _ 2.r.y
r e..;:. ·
. .., oi the areao
S oci'-_: s i~vicc fc1c:.} ::~ -~~1e 1ncde:l·l:ooc!. a:-e ~2-...,; 1_
n urn.ber, -;:!-::1:i.y oca ·::c 'J 2.i- prov · de only E;,n:·::8d s :rv:c fo:::.· 2. s r_1.a 1 nwY1ber of rcsi 'en'.:so
"~;i i'~:.:L1. t:..e model neig:1bor}1006, al:nos ·~ eve'l'Y .um2.::1 ·0::.-0"':J:e:-.1.
c.:i.;,1 be oun - c..~1d foese p::.·oblc;ns ~i-;i:e:..·.J..ct a:1C: a ·1ect o·:;:,. "r
to produce c omplex p:;:00 .. em cc ..noi:n2.tions o
T ~1e :1ea~th p:;.·ob ems and 'i:~1.e::.:r causes ·-~1 -d1e 1·.1.ode~ :1.::::._.:;:,-00:·hoc
a::e priinc;..:i..•1.1.y c.u t o n,a nu'i::::tic11, po.J:.· s2.n:·~::,.-~ion, a:r:.a. )G~-.__·
hon1e l:ea th 1:actices o ··1112.;,~:c mo:c'..:aiLy a,
tube:i:cuJ.os::. s :..·,c:~es
are cw1ce Da ouna 1:1 :.:-,1.10.c_c-c.1..ass a;:eas; _so:rne ne13,1 b c,-_•_. o d s
in the pr o · e c t a r e a ha v e ra·~e 'i:h ·ee and fou· th-::-i - s as h · :;~10

The 1Y1odel neizhb orho od a:c·ea ce,L_tains 1, 7 6L';; o:t 2-to 6 pe:: cc:.-.t
o:: the city I s separat ed fer,,a~es ~ 0::1-y 65 pe:· cent of ·foe c~:L.d~·cn
in ti.1c a:rea live with b oth pc.1·ents as opposed to the ove:ral
c ity's figur e o 75 pe:: · cen'·o
C rime and de_inquency ra;tss wh:::~1. be :,.1.odel ;.1.ei_;'1bo:;:hoo, 2.:;..·c
ar.nong t:1e hi[;hest in the c"·~y. i\t'casured bo·~:1 h ·· ·ci:1e 10~2.c:0~1.
of arrests and the res· dencc of convicted offender , ~he p:..·o,; 0c-:.:
a.cea c ontain s some of the m .ajox t::oub e spo·i:s fo:· JO ice an·. l2.v1
en£ or c ement.
�Atlanta 1 Gcor 0 ia
Pa:i.··i.: I. page 5
T}i.:s .:irca, ty::>ical of oth.J:i.· k:.:r;c ci-::y ~ow income (krca s, s uffers

r01,.1 s o,:::i-11 b_icht a:..1.<l physical decay, i\/L1ch of. foe blight and

dec.:iy ca::1 be directly relce ·.:!cl ·w t:1e ~3. ::.l.:: of e ducational
opportur.itie s for ade ...uat-2 2rn:._:)_oymc:--. . .:o
T he 190 0 C cn..,us h 1c.~:::a·~ccl -~h2.t 2.p~):.·0:cimat0ly five per cer_~

rcJiC:cnts in -:::rn ,._c ·c_ 1-ci 0 a:.: c nplo1 c<l while

s e ve rd d r.1.ore c ::i.n b-::: c:c13 s:.,.-L:;d as unde:remp_o7cC:. · ·~ Jo 6
pci· cc:--...t of the aJults ov.2:..· twe~:.ty-: i re year s oi 2. 0 c h&.ve ~.::.:;s
t:12.n an eighth gi:ade e uca··- ~o:-:o Low educ at · 0:..1::..~ levels D 1.2..c.- o{
employable s:cillss a h.i~h pe:::ccn·~2.3e o: one pa1·ent .! 9
dis crin1ination, unde1·en1.1:.loy:-.'l..:mt 9 2.r..a · ow wages a _· e
cha:..'act r i stic o ·::he areao
G c ;:<.s of t.1e Prog::-arn
Ti.1e for the model ne:.[;ll.bor}wo ..... c:.:.·ea are c atego:;.·::zed b:i:o
seve:ra n1.ain con. onents o
Nu:..nb c r one is the p~-i~-:_s i~c.-!. i~-:;:1 ".):_'2~c;·,::;s c o::-.7.. 0:1.~ \vhi c:1. all t :10s e g oa.~ s o.cai5;ne ~ towv.:: d r.1.;:i,kinG ·c:1e D1odel
nc:cl1borhood a mo:::c liv2..b:e and s2.'~ :sfy:: ng en i:rorn:n :. "t:. ~he
g o als pertinent towar
this en
a:c·e as :Zo:i.:i.ows~
3.erno r e o:;.• arres t bli.:;::·.: 2. nc. dec2.y !n the model
neie hoo:;:hood a rea by subsU1ndally co:i::i:ectL1.2 ll
buiiding and related ,:,-;nvi··onLen-::a · d0£icieDcics 2.:..1.d
to p:rovide the fac ilides and ar:.:.e,1 ·.i:ics ·i;l1at con-~:db t te
t o m aki:;:ig the a:.· ca a sa..:is ~yin3 ·ivin.g envi~oamc1:to
Upgrade the area to
sound physical cond::i;::.on by
1 -s 3 . a · f•c, ".l","\d a l · pu' ..,.Lv.,..
· 1·ng
"i-' ,~ ·y·
Up l.)
!,..:) :)
y\ LJ. .;.'\.


.1. -
owned proper ties wit:1 an ·nc:rca.sed
of m nicipa.!. s e 1:v· ce s o
C,;, ,1..a.
l' ve·
ual ·-cy
hnprovc anc encourage clevelo1rLent of sto:;.·e s,
theatres and ofoe:r c01nme1:c.- 2.l facilides to suppo;.· "L
and maintain the ::-esiclc:.itial ci,aracter of ·che a:reao
The goals concerned with me e·; foe :f 11 :,:ane;e of _.ous::.~: r: .1.e er~c
i n the model ne "ghborho od ar E.. a:::-e "is tc below:
T o dev elop a varie·~y cf i10~sing type
appealing ,..o and
�Atlanta, Georgia
Pa1··~ Io page 6
wit: in reac:1 of fa:a1.ilies oi v;::.:do;.;., ::acome evels and
family sizes witl in ·c:1c r . :1odc~ neigh' o:.·!1000.
2. To J.chievc :nr,:uonious. s·~:::.'J~~ ncighbo1·hooo.s a"i:trac·~ive
to IiliTJ.i! y 8 J. OU::_)3 o
3. To provide _or a subst~:i-~i2.::. ::·.::::.·..::;:i.s c in i:hc supply
o staac.c:.:rd hous~n::; 0:: ::.ow an<l cost and :;:ov:de
·or ':i;; 1 {L1a i-cy hous ir:..g :h:.:oug:10-:.ri.: ti.1c a _ ea,,
com-)O"'"'~'· _.,,.
.,...:hy"~---T '.l,.., ..... ---~--oo-~·" '·i~n
l ..:_,(.j..:_~-:::::.::.:::...
---· co-,~-,-,..1co.1 .,,;t·1
acccs s o · :..·c.::::ic·,ts to ~)}.2.c,.;:::; c:.: c:.11:_-loy1ne:..1.t: comr. _e:; a.n 1
corr,i·nunity :acilidcs c T o :.:1:~.:):_:..,1:-:~.1~ ·.:'.1:.::; p:::og::arr~ componcr_.;r
the ollowing 6 have b:::.::r. ..,s'~::c.o:..:...,::cd:
\ . , , _ , ...... .:.,
! .. \.,,-,.!o,.i,
1. To p::-ovidc a bct'~e:-.· c~:.·c1..:.~:2.-~:c~:. ::;ystcm ·,-::,,h::ch :.s safe
and ple· ant as we:.l .:.s :.. o.;:.cai 2.nd 0< u:1.cie:cs too , o
2. To p:!: ovide public t:.·2.:";..:.:_'o:;:·~0.-:::0:.1 fr12.·~ is economical
and convc::.~~;:.t: p:.·cv~c:.:r:.:_r ~ooci 2.ccesc to all
in the area as we l as ci.own';owno
the J:;:ovision o:Z · _igl1 c:,--:::.., ~as::..y 2-ccess:b:.0 edt"!.c:,do:."12.~
serv:.c es to a:.cea r0sidc::. -~s of 2.:.1 2.s:cs 1 :7.:1 sc:100: and ou·i; o:'.: ..:c .:oo_o
S r:-:.e w:.ll o::i.::.:. c. v.3.:. :11..:.:y o:i. eciuc2..-;ion2._ e.::s:.;,:.·:.ences
anci. rne .. ~·-ods 0::. i:1:::;t:.:-u..c·~lon ~~:~.-~ m2.~ce c.ucc..-~: c~1. ::::2.t~.b~c tc
youfo and -dults in -~he a::ea.; :.:.·.np1·ov2 aca-:2-::r.1.ic achicv-2::-::1.e::·:: oi
ch:.:dre~1. by me 2.::1s o.:. :::pedal _·e;mcr·:::.l hcl? en::..·ichmc:nt
ex)criences and p:.:.•e =sc:100:i. 9:.·og::c:.r-_-;s; irr,p:.·ove eil:.~::--.-::· o:;.:.:
leve of :.::.d.;.:1.·;s in the commu::.--.::.~y -..::::·01.:;~- 02..s·:c educa·~io~1; ~-:..::;ht
schooi a
a.ult·c ):.•o ,·:.·
God,;; io:.· :.:cductio~1. w:_:: · e -~o ?~:event ancl cont:.·ol -~:10
o-..:to:.:cak of c:rime 0 rehabi~Lc:.·::e c::·rn.inals a.~1.' dcli.1 _-:.1e n-;;s, ,,L-d
creJ.te a safe~ llealtlly e~1vh·omncr.~ fo1· 2.l ·foe a:;:ea s :..·es~clc!:.·~so
Methods of schievb.3 this , o.11 c::.:·c listed below:
lo To provi~e more ace ~1..-~.:.i.;c c:.nd
mc~·c pe:i."S o:i.lalized po~ ice
ui·otecti on in tl1e m.odc1. nei<1hbo3:hooJ.
with the ain.1 oi
inhibiting ci·ime befo:,:c h occu:;.·s and a
positive attitude towa:.:d law and police
�J\tknt.1 1 Georgia
Pa:.:t Io page 7
To im. rove the levc~ c_: ci'i:bcnsl1::; z..nd cor:unun:'.ty
co::icern in the nci~f.100:.:>.oocl; -::o educate and modvate
citizens tow;:i.rd diei:.: :.·o_c .-~1 maintD.inin3 law and o:rdc:;;'.,
To eE~n:11a·~c t:1e soci2.l e~·c.·c:-..1:::. and hcal'.:h
co:.,.d:.tions faat p •. ov: ..:11e b:reedin~ erou;.-i-· s for c :::·me
nd dc'inquencyo
The ~)rin1a1·y ~oal oi ·2he rec:rc, ·:,.o·:::_a.n-~ cuL~u·c~l co:r.-1pone!lt i.J
to p1·ovide a b ·oad ranee of rec:.:c~;~:onu..l and cul'i;u:ra::. opportu::i::'.:ic:s
ies:.:;:-icd to serve the tns~es 2-~1.c. ;.;.cc.::.s of ·i:he areao Tl1c
ac:1 · cvement oi fo.zs e eoa s w::.l: c accorap:' in the fol:owb~
1. Providing open space Si..,_:':~ic~.e::i:~ :2o·· .,l1ysical dcvzlopment
and t o meet ·foe :i.'ec1·e2.t:0:.:1a: nce.:2s oi al::. the resiC:.0i.:'.:s
within foe r. 1.odel
neigh· o::.·: ooci. n.:·cu.o
Zo Developing ~)osi::ive c..-c·~:'.~1.:2.e~~ ·;:ow2._·d }.·ec::.·e:1tion 2.::ca
info:::n1a education -:::1:.::~ ::.:1.:::0:.:~:c:...·2.·~es a w0l -:;:ou;.-:ded ii·~c:
expe:::ience and conc ·~:.· u.c· u.s.:: o~ leisu:;,.·e t1:ne~
3. Enc oura3in[: e1e develo9::.-scn:~ of 2.r·~::s'~ic ski.Es w~1ic~1.
resu:i.: ·n ex~1ib:ts or nc::io1.·l",1~:.-_ce oi 1nusic, cance 01·
rama and cor.t:.·!bu'~es ·to t:.18 :. ::. ··i.vid·.1.::;1 1 s achievemc:-,·~.
T . . e ::_Jl"ilna:;:y objectives o·~ i;}:.2 ·::·ri:'.'):.?yrn. e:_·'; co·::.1pr.,11er.t w~:!. c:;
t o reduce t:10 nz:m:._) oymen-:: a~:c:. i.E.c..c:..·er-.,1p~o-rn1.1::~1'~ 1· oi -~he
m odel neig:1t.01·:1.ood a1:cao ':'~-:.:c w:i._~ be .::.cco:i:. 1~1~shed
Decentl"aliz:.:n.g c::i~1d· loca~i~ .. :; 2... ccn;.l):::c!"'lcn.s~ve job
plo..cemen service hri:o r..eig!10c:::~ooci oi ·~Le a:reao
S eek·ne to in uc0 new i:.1. ·'us·~:...7
c:, __ d
bus:.ness ;;.n-~o t he a::e2..,
3 , Increase and i::..-:1.p:::ovc ·foe occupo..::ion2..l s ·ills of emp!oyc:..ole
a ults in the a :i:e.1.
The major goal of the he 2.~:fo sc:."vice conY[)Oi.1.CiTt is to p:::ovic:8 -.:he
nee es sary facilitie s and as siG·c.:..nce .:o mee·c the indivici.;;2.l :-:.-J2..lth
ncecis of t:1e reside nts in -::he c:.:.:ea, rvio ·c specific goa s a~e
istcd bel ow:
�Adan ta; Georgia
Pai·t L page 8
2. To inci·ease the hcv..lL . ::o\?:cd3c ;ind motivadon d
residents to a poi:..1t whc_·c ti.1cy c :~hibit
sanit :it' on p:..·actiCL.:..., ; :'.: ood )lZL .:c.:~.1!:; and 1):cepL1:.:-atio::1,
hornc rn11·::;:n] :'.:"A·acti CJJ ;::.1.1 uso c:i: ~)~:cvca···io.1 and
ti·eatmcr.·~ sor\·ices.
3. To m2.!~c services 2.ccc:.:; -::o :;.· of ·f ae :_:i:rojcct
area in s ·.:icicni: v..__ ...: .. ~c.;:; ".;c :n1.ccv -~:1ci:.. needs J
Tl: ~ [O~i oi SOC~- ~ l O.l!d '\7 8 ~.~:..:...~~ Sv: ·.,<~::~~ ... -):.',£~~,:an_22 is to s·~:.." S::.t! ~~:--ic~~
indiv: ualcJ fa.sD1li..;s a:.1d •'-~c::._:;~ ~0-·~100.:1.s so r:i:1crt residea-:.:s .:.:so s.::, ess
2..c.l.'.1u te stre.~;-~:1D skil: and. .:~0 0-1:.:ces i:o copz ·with a:1 phases
i ::.i:co This basic -~enc ·~ :'.:,:,rTi.-_::; t::e ..:ou:n datio .• :or these mo;:c
s1ncific go:1:s:
incornc to a ~ev ~- -::!12..t ;::,:..·ov:.des io::- ade(1ua·::e
rcsou:..·ccs o cooC:se:,:vices 'i:o 1ncct ·fr. .
basic needso
2. To fr. -i)rove
-~:1.e kno\':~Jc32, :.cil:i. a:1ci. 20::.vo.·don o~
pa1·ents fo . iu.iii:lin::; -~~:.:::. ::: c~-:.Lcl .. ~·eu.:i:~;.13 rcc:;_:,o:risi' i":::;:.::.::o
3o To insure -::112.t ... esider:ts :12.·v.:: ~Sc,qu.~..: ,:! l0g2.J. res o·J.:tces
o m2. tl ei:· 1·:\;iY~s 2.ncl de ,.._~op ::.~-:c:.:v· dual 1: -s pon2 :.·.:.::.::...:icco
~. To im?::-ove ·foe ho:r:1e n::::..;_1ac;cc,e :c.~ E...nG. consumer s~ci::.:.s
of resic:.cnts in th a:i.·e2."
':'he eoai o.c ci:ben pa:::·.;:,.::;i:i.,2,·~::..:m :.::; '.; o ".J::ovidc ample oz:)o::'i:u:-1::.->·
fo:..· t~1e constz-uc'd re invo:''1c~1:~s o:: c~-::izenc ·n the 1nodel
neiehbo hood areao C ii/zen -· ::_vo~yc ::;18:;:).'i; w::.E be a.cco:::Dp:is~:2d b·:.r:
~-:::i ·ovidb · ne · -:--~1.b o::hooC::. ::c .sicl..::nts wi::::1 c:. 1,_eanin::::\,:!. ;.: o:z

=n "'Cbu"
•::, c ··--•u,-.·'·u·
·· ·, o;s,-,.,
··y o
J.--0 a·,d
,.,...., ,_
.1.--b '·'1~
L..t. -....lovv
1 _ ... 1i_ _ .....
2. Solic::.-::ing exp:;:eosl0i.1 o:Z res::.clc::-rts conce:i:ns, esi.:.:es;
an· needs: and ·~'1c o ·po:::'c:i;·n.:; .:le::.:· exp1·es sed vie rs ::.r_
the plaa:1i11 0 and execu-:::ic:i of t 11e p:_._:ogramo
3o D eve·oping and cnco··::.a;::;:.nG co:.:n .1.u:,.1:.-~y nei3hbo:1:~100__,_
organizations as well as 1.::dlizi:.11:; e:~is ~i;.13 citiz c:i.1 c oTD::-nL:..:c · s
established undc1.· o·~hc::- :...--cde::2.l pro::;rs.rnso
Th e City o: A-:::ani:a 9~:oposc:.:: .: o p1·10:ritics amo:..1c l::-::os:..·2.m
goals durini the plannin~ D1"~2<.c e o::: the m.od,:;l neighbo:cl1.ood ;,:.: .:;:.:::m~
�At:lant:i., Gco1·Gia
P:::i.:rt I. page 9

n vi-c~w of the ex·i:el1'~ of cidze:n .,_,;a ··tic:. ·x~-::io~1.

which is pronosed
in t:10 prog1·am, it is the c Ey.-s in-..:er.. Co.1 to p:..'ovide fo:.· ma.,dmum
citbc ..1 partic"patim1 b a:::·ivil.:; at p1<::o:1.· .-des amone p:.·ocran1.
P.::o::- to be::;i:.ninG fo~·:.:n.:-. ~ ;::,:.:<:-".::.
,:~1 of ..-_tJ.anta 1 s mode_
nei.::;:1borhood ?:.~1 .·!:::3 s-·2..~-~ ~~:.·o? ~-.:.1, c ever a :en.ass mccC~1:;s
wc:.·0 held i:,,1 t:18 1,_odcl <-,:.'..')c... ::_ w:.ic~'l C10 1'/ayo·.: c~:? foe
pu:.·posc it 1c ~.odd ne:.:{i.1·00.1..·~'"oo.:. ~ :.·cG':::·am; ::.;.1 e2.c:1 ;·nee~i::.1i
a uc.j J.: '1111ai!."Q ,vas circul&.-~cCL ·~o ~ --- 8a :tes t<l~:.1~!J :'leG ::,or.1.dr.;d
by :::-..:0..:..·ki.1~, L·0m 20 c;1o·c0s, ::~13 ::ve p:too~en1s w:-.:::.--. . .:.::..2- 1 fol':.:
\Vere n:.ost cri"L:ica ·~ o tl1e 110:~:1bo:l~1ood.o i/{"'1:le response ·~o ··:1is
qt:.8stion::1a.irc ,v~s c:.1.::3l1·.;c~:.:._:.J;. :-~ c2.::1 be co~1side:::ed o:1ly
c:·::._J:.oratory ns it rep:·e.J cnts o_:..:·1
cr.:12.l! :'·e1 ce1Y-~age o~ -~!le c:~e~
i·csic. -~ nt:.,, Howcve:.·~ this tn~2 0:Z c2.n be ::.·efincd .:....:.1 ·bro.:d.:::1,3cl · .!l -~he clcve2.op:x1en:; o:Z p:':'i ::~·:;i,3s .:o~· the model
nci_:;:100:.hood prog:;:a:m b o:,:de:: to 2.s::;u:.·c that cit· zens v:3\
ar rci ected ~-~ the s s·~::!:.n oi ·:::.::-io::itics -~::.2.:[; is deve].opeci
du ·in t:1e -nl:l.nning sta eo


. •
,. , ..
o:.: Z!.1: :,:1'~2:·:~c12..'C8C!. JYJ t:t:;j_"l1 ::_;_1, ,v ...1:.c.j,1 9::-c:·2...T.n. 2..c·i.::t~,:~..: .. :...::
an~ ?=o · ects a:'c mutua::y ~. ~ir:._·o--c~::~e- Fo:. e::ar.:.1.p:e; i:: ·2:~z
Physicai Lr-p ..·oven1c;,1ts s cctio.--:. 2, (;01n·-;::c.1.1e:;.1 sive ;_•ang · or
t:-e~:~.nent r ..1cthods is p:i:o~osc:,C:.~ :r;."lc, -':::-. at :~10 2..:.·2a
dcsi5nc1tcd as a. u:i.·b2.n :.,·,.::n...,w:_·, p:.·o~cct ancl ·che adj2.ccffi; ccc~c
enfo3:cerJ.1c:-..-: p::.·o·ec·t a2.·ca mt:.s·~ co:.:1 :~!~11:.G t c::ci1. 0·~~1(;:: ·"r-_ .;:2.:.~n~.n~J
fina::.1ci:ig" timin·r; z.11d c:::0cu.~::.ono r-~~:.::s 2.?::,:. is rr-.01... and p::. cc!ud.cs t~1e ~1,;.:.."' .:he:: C,,:!·~e~io:i.'2.tio:-: o~ 2:-:cas
su:.·:-ounding u:..·~an ren2,·.ra_._ p:~ojec·.:: :: o 2:n th~ pas·~ 1:.0:.:.·c:.c:.·~.26.
-.~""s 'n-v"'
o.·1·~L.. ...,o,._
1c;1a· .;.-.., .•- -,~c-.,,
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6 on a c-m"""·e'.1e·-c-!c,
UJ.J. lJ4
,..!.u,., • ....,
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t,CH - ~ st:::at __,y for 'i:l.G enti:::-e p::og ,•;1.~no T:--ij.s me2.ns -~I:2.t :.·ci:r::fo:·c~:,.1.:;:;-it
an.:. .suppor·~ are provided ior :iod:. v1:::l:.i1:. and b tv,een :_)::o:::;::·.:,:-_1.
components~ FQj: ex2.:rnp e, 1-,o.·t1e rn.2..~::1~ .nance o:· i::-.n~J:..·ovc~r:r:0: -~
is directly :.·elJ.·i:ed and dep.::ndc_y~ ·.i::--on the _ revision o1: t:;.·
p r o gra m.s in h ome rnanagemen;; a.r.d :.10n1e "j_' pai--o
.tJ... .....,'-'-


�i-1.tfanta, Gco:rgia
Pill.'t I, p:lf:,C 10
The general 3.I) wll.. 1"8S\...~t i:.1 ;:i. we;_j_.,coo:r:di.,atcd wm:k

_.)ro.:;rc:.m L"1VO vbc; ev,;:,i·y 1,;::i.:;·~ing aicn.c:y wifo res om.:ccs ch::i.t

c::-.;1 be brou~L-:: to hear on '-· . ..:2. !1:.·ot)icj_-,1..,. Second the I)::03;:ar.a.

l.Pi :; \1il: :;:est:L·"' ·foe d...!c'-'--.-i::s.·;:..:i~i!;:o:: of pub:ic servic es

to t:l(! ~-.~oJ.c . 2,~·e2, ..) So~fl.C GC:i. .\-'"'"Ge fc:..c.L:·~ics
,.., -,-~-,:01·
1n·,-':c ..,1- '·re"·:--,,:1.c--,;·
.,.. u..,·1np1"') ,,,;n
c...,,... ...
~..,"" ...':
t. ,
• e,, ....
r -·-- c-e·••r',
C10 1.'dre u:::e::.. ofoc:r.s w:.:r 'i.,-.: :..1.2.C:e av2.L::i.blc in oi ·foe
foc.l.r sc:.·vi~c nc:i.ihb :,: hoods ' ..:;t'!.,:::1 ;:.c z;:- c1-:.1l):.oyn'lcat D.nd plz~cc-:11.c~:.·:: cc11t.:.;:... 6 ar~d stil:i. otli~:..,~ \.1:.1:. Ge::· ,e c1 st.:udivicior:i. oI -~11.0
n : 1100: "10 d suc:1 2.s 2. d.2...- c2..::e cc..:i.~.· .:::.." ia T:-:c t" :re:. ::_ .,o:.... D
cl;..:...:."~~Ct(';ris:: o:Z c~ch 1Ji 0~ ~2.~---~ co:::~?o:.1cr..~J :lJ ~.1.1.c:!.~:::iinu.. .-i~
involvc;.,:1(.'.~ oi .:i.;:c citi::;v:1,:; ::.:'l -:::1;:; \v'v~::· 9::.·o[p.· 2.m dcc:s.' o::.'l
n-:.2..:~in.; 1 and educai:.ona· p:,:o:::,:..·:.r:::.::i., ·-:r~10 ::ai.:t:..··~:h genc1·al
a 99::.·o::.c}1 is the d.evc:i.op"D- ;.;,; o:2 .::; ·co::.;:; _c:i.:;hoo:::h ocds whic:1
wi:: :i_::i:..·o:Y1otc idcn~ity, int-3::cs·::J coo)2:;,·2.::iv..:.: ero1·t 3 2..nd. v.1i:~
help t o s usta·n gains :r:n.adc ·~h:}O" 3:: -~:'"!..:; ~?:.: OJ;:t:a:rn o
•.i. ..
" 1..;
JJ.. V
1"" 0 rd
. . . r--or_l,.....~.-.I.I ...... v~•v n,odr..l
T 11C p 0·og--m
.I.C... .. O
~, 4
c;;, •• p~•
•• v_J
..,-._,·· · '-' ~1•
2..:.·ca <l:.Z..:,3r;;; g::: 22.try i;:or,.,. th~ L·.c.i'f _ ·L2. . 7_J::oj.:::c\: app::. oach ,.-.,h:.c:1
l1as tJ"?icc1l:.. . bccu uDed i~1 P.. ::,:~::·.;a :..~- ·i::1c ri·~1c ...~'3 l!C..S bc8:.J.
no ::.$ wh:cl1 wou.~c. cco:i:C:.'..:.:z.~c 2.c·~bi~:~s i;.1 C10 ::-r:.2.~mc:.·
rec:u:.:;:ed and proposc8. ::01· -~:-~:- 1::cc.:;::.:::.:r:.:!, T~ ~ b:::c;:i.·-·::.1 2.:-id sc.:Je
of ac~iv:i.t:;_c,:; needed a1:d p::opo~ ~c'. ::a:.: ~:-:.c .::,-:;2. oecn
ir. .-"l_ osJ~Cl~ ~ :.~--'1p.. e :i.11.c:t.~·~ due ·~c- ~ :!.cl.c~ o:: J.'G.JCt1:: .. esc ~ :.'03:.,. . . :-."1s
ar..C: projects ha re gcnc::.:aJ.:.y ..,-c:cm .:..ccor;.::):~.s:1ed on a f :c·ar;~-.r-. e:..:·,;e ·
b asis. Ci·~~z.en in·volv~m.e:::i: ~1c:..s r-_o'C ei.-1COt~:.:2.3ed a::1C:. :..::.~(!ci
to t:1c dC[l:Ce pi-· e 13C7'.l -;;.._i p1'Cj_:O .... .z;cl: 1:0:. ~1Z./V8 3 8:..""'."~CB i2.cili-~i3s
be en dcccn·i;::-a: h:ed -~o the dci:-:e.3 \7:1· c:~ is :::oq-u..'..::ed to make
a s i3n ificant i m pact 0:1 the _u2.::i.ty o:~ ii::c :.n 'i:11:s a·'eao


Inn ovati ve pr o p osal::; a :: e no·..; ~~:-.'1i"~3d -~o :c.~as v1h:.c,1 2.:te - nti::.· ly
new b u t inciu e conc ej_)ts v1}.ici1 may be :.W\V eithe_ t o t he ci-::y
ao a wh ol e o i· t o the mo6.e:l ne:~~1:om:hoocl a:;:e a .
S eve:.· 2..l significan·~ p ·o~Jos2.:s have o.:-::en n-1acie ;.' e-2.t~ve to
~~: ·"\-io·1
"G' _=:.·~-:-,


r__.:::.::lce1, ·_
d e v,.,·o-J-i110
,vJ. 1 ...

o,1., e n"'1'v,... c1··---

v.1.,...-..,.._, _ --,::--,:_
- - :>

O J.. .;.;, .,) ..,
'-' ;J
Ci,.._! ....
stl·on~ n eighbo~:hood :cle~Y~:.-::: o Evcryfo:.._.3 :~::-oi::a ·J13 cissi:> ci
sb·cets and th e s t1:udu:·e o:; cL·.ze: pa :,:-d,cip2.ti.o;.1 to :::i2 lo:::2:~io:.1
of se::"·ice s and t:l1e d.eve op1ne;.-.:.t o~ noig}11:;0:..~l;.ood tc2-:i11. ~ f :~
c mn pcdtive spor ts wi · b e onc.Yi:eci ·i;owc:.:rd ·fo.-· s g oalo
..,.__..,t, ... \,,.; ... .!.""'(.:.,t.,_
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�A-c:a.nta, Gco-·::;·a.
Pa:i.:t Io page 11
-· t:;.·.:-..i!1:n::; p:..·o_:;:c·2.;11 \·1i1: be G.,~v ;~opcci. to b .·;.i,:.n potcnti::~1

1J:.,:::~::. b 01·hooci lc:2.d.:.: :;,•..; a~1cl to {u:.:tl1e :.: c; c the fJ ld.lw pre o ~n(!:J

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.:;-.: ·: . .::·~t:rc, fu~:c'-io:"s, ailc .:L:2..~1c:;1g o::.' govc:..'n~-r1cn; -~o -~::.e
-·~s~ ' or.ts
t:.c a~· ... a. P ·:~-a·._..'/ eri<,hac:.s vv:~:. be on city
~ov~r . . ··r1 :i.l~o
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.;J lc~:t::; c "":::i. d:..ccuso

a·,~v c·· o·o c.,,
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4 ..
Schee:. :.:'::c~l~· ,·v:1_ be utilizcc~ . ~o:: ~=.:·~c. !.-":sd. d~y ~=---c. e 1./c:1:l:12
cG.-~~,~.:~::..or..., 2.. :·_ ., o~ __ e:...

~"':· o .:;~: 2.:-..::s ::c ~G.c ~1 ~:1c c c::-_1z::-1t:::-~:. ·~,·~.. j"'2..c~~:.-~:l~ o 'tTi.:.:. be used :o:..·

me~ti::1.3s a.:id a: a .:.cj_:te:;..· fo:._· a v·a-::.::.;~·./ o:? ~::-;a::~11.., ~C.uc~;~io:1.,
1·e c rc~::.:ion., 2...nd s Cit!, se:..··vicG So 7 ·-_c co:;J.cG "'t of 'Cl1e 2-s

i~u;.... 3 to o:~,2:-;.· Cj_1::ic11lnc:i:~J c..C.ul·~

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g o 11 v1ili be dc\··~i.Ol).:!d.~
Ano::1.c:r frt:nov.:::~ivc co:.1co~)-~ ;::.:;,.v to -~::.c: a.::cs :.s -~::8 d.cvz~o:r.1.0:-:.·~
of nume:;.·ous oppo::tun:i:i:ies fo· · ?:.:..·ei-;~s to :~~.-1~n·ove -2:C.e:.:.: k:.1 v/ eC:. 6 e

.::1d s .dl:i. o.: chi: d :.•e2.ring~ Em~:;~1a:::,.:; 1.-;rl:~ be p:ic.;;C: o:r: -~he

00s erv2.'·ion oy lJa:;,,·ei:to of s:.dEeo. :!?o::: 011s ·;10:f!.d:..1::; v/i.'~l1 ·foe~:::
c:1i~drcna Oose:rvation wn·i be cm-11b:.•• ed. ,.-,i~;h c:.m:/-~tl8d

lx"struc".:ion followed. by supc : :v:ce<l ~j2,:rtlc:.~::-at~on of p::1:·0.:::'.:s usi:::g

expe--::..ence s t~. t e c1che:1..· :.·a:fr. ..::z- th2.:.'l .-i...:.:;·j;;;.•oorn :cc·~m: eo
Decc:.1.traHza::ion of city sc:·v:;.ce.::; as vvc~: 2.s so ::2.l, :·cc:.·c2.·~io!12.lJ
cducatio!" a~ l1ealtl1 sc::v:ccs \1ii" be c:·_couro..t;ccl~ i~11 -~h.J:..1
major st:·,. .:~egy w:.11 be t:-1c co:::1si60:.-2..0:i.e devc~.0~x1,.ent of cors'-.::·.-:0 :·
co - o p3 ancl c :::e di union ::; to :i: ed.uce cos·~ of i::;oocis 2.nd cerv· cc;;;
�h.-~la.nta, Georgia
Part Io page 12
the sup~:ily and concn:i on o.Z ho,::.::.:i.nG i:-1 fi.1c n-ioclcl :1ci~hborhoc,d
2.rca. spcciali::;ts in C:c 1om.::: f:i.:"l:.. ;,.cing ficlclo wiE
b-J as:-.::~d to ~id in clcv ~lO !)l:1[_'. 1· -::-.v ·.,ct;:ocls to inc:.:c.ase the s·~oc:-.::
of low i:-:c oc1e ~--.::il.sin~ ·:.·1.zc::.:L:,>,· ~vu.l~a.0:e -co the area's .c3iC:.c:r:.ts 0
_\. ho:ne ir-.1p:;:ovc:::1c:-r~s fu·:1d w:::::. be a.-·~~ _-o~:Th'i:c d to :;,r ovitJ. c
"O\\· -inco.·.-...e: ~::.1nilics w·t~1 non-=1-·0..:1:.: 3 :. one te:-r. -i. l oans for
ho .. e in-i::- ovcn1en s.
-~ council of ar;::.:1:-i:c:c ·.:s and .:i1.:ilde;.•::; v;::.l: ·-.3 fo,:med -::o o ..... cr

1o~nc ::.:-."l:;:,:: ov ment counse_·:;.1'.:; '.;o;.1'.;s o.: t~1e ;.·.:.oc2d

ncig:10 0:..·hood 2..:;:cao One c · :1. the a:..· ca w~ll be remodeled
as ::i. tc~chin~ c.cvice co sho N -· ::.:;ic..:::;its 1·cmoci...:li:1g effo.,,·ts
anc :10\-1 ·o m.ake repai ·s ~
P:- · fos s ioa~l des :.gners w:::.::. })e used 2.s ?::o~ect ct2..f£ and
cor:.3ul~2.nts to oifo;_• a.dv:".ce 0::1. :·.:..·- ~e :c::.o;: .:..~-id c .·te:-io::..· esizr.. of
the l-:ouscso Desi:;n c om j?zt'-cio:.1s wi.'.l c est2.b~ished wl:e~:eve ::

,oJ.:; :.u_c o

Effo:.:--::s v.1i:: oc r:1.ade to Sl:b.:;"i:2.7.;.::::J.::.:... in-...~:c ov..:: ·.;:1c '?
co:·.C:.::.:ion cI 'i:he area q A co:t~1.::::,:..·c.:::, __ .::;:·rc 1..cs::.:3a _~;::.~--will ·oe
d c\,~lu?cd io:· -~ne ei1tirc L-eis:1Jo:... ::0G::":. to cic:-J.-:0~1s~:.. 2..·~e \vl12..~ c:::.:-1.
be n.ccom)ii:;l1cd when a~J. )::./"':.;:a:. e~cn.'1.;;n:.:c of a coD:::n.uni'·:r c:..:·e
co;1sid.e:rcd 2.s :.'e~~te el~1ncr.. ::s0 ~:1.8 r_'1c~3i neigl1bo_ehooC a:.<1 0~
\Vil: 0:; 2.. :-::o·:: p~:o-r~r:.i and -~!": - go~~s ~~1. 1 c-·~C!.11C.ard.s dc~,e~O?G<i
wil be used a'~,:;:- o:: a c:;:~y~wic.
Tec:1E::.c:..ues to visuz~l:1 and a ucii:J:~y ct:.:::fa:..··n.patib:. - le.::'.
uses will be i1np:-i:oved o The bes ·.: -~:.·ccs a;.1cl sh:·ubs to be t:.scd
fo:i.· a p2.:::-::icula:· dcs:~n. pu:t;_)osc \"l:!.:.:.:.:. ·oe cb·~z,:.ned i:;:or.n ::.:;.fo:rm2.tic:1
1'1 0\i./ . cing de v eloped. by the s-::-1te r::.gl1.way Dei)c.:i.'·i;rDe:'
T ;.-:.c d esiz n a:1cl cuHu:;_·""l aware:-:.es3 c::- -:::1e ::_-,eo-ole wE:.:. be
,.._-., na· ed· th-•our:Tl"

.,,. .C....

~ ;1e -·i •<r'
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e •.
-- ~;::1....-.4.:l J. Cl"'"'" Cc 1· ·1
- ..,;-.., -:-, ·,') -~ c ·•~ -~1.J ,. ~c ·•
and crafts festival a .: 1.d Garden club.:;; com·ces :n sc:-.ool z..::1c.
voca:ional b ·ainin3 p ro[;ra1ns in ,nd land s c ape
c ons ~1·uction ,;.;o r ko
._ Gi,. 1,.1L.J
- · '-"""\;-':)
c.:.:i.' 1,J
A co:nrn.ii:tee of i:1.du:::;t···a~ devc::.o~Kn<2n'~ sp.:::cia}.·:::;~:.:; ,vLl b~ io:. :rneci
to e::1cou:.age industry -~~ loc;::,o;c in -~:1e 2.1·ea a:..1' m&.~ce :::eco::-ni:Y-end2'.::.:. ns
£or indust:..-ia l sites :i.n fo.e a::c2.o Cont:r2. ctors a1'!d u:1io:-1s w::~1
be encouraged t o set up 0:1 ... ·::he -j ob ..::i.·a ·n:.n3 o-::..· app;;.·en-~:.ceshi _
p r ograr:ns on w o le done in t c Q.' 'C2.o
�A~lantag Gco:·~iz.i.
P;:i.:.:i: lo pa .c 13
A C.)::11.:n:ace cornpo.;ed oi ·10rr1e: b(!~-~\."!~:::;, ur::·.0n lct1dc;:-::::,
3.rc:.::::'"cts, mo::te,-~e bz..nkc~·.:; ::-.n-.: o:::h,l'G wiL ·oc cst2.blLh-::d
·w 2.<lvise on n ~w teci1noJ.o,<.c:::: ,:-.:,c:;._.:.b:i.c fo:t the ~re::10 '..C:'lle use
of :·10u:n2 :n -:.: :.c ... :c·c2., sur.::.. 2.s r.1.01::.ilc ho::nc
1-:i::l(s, ro v ~10~si:.i, hi::-)1 r:.s..:::, a;:c:. p1·t.:: .. ,_0 si;.1glc and muhif:..-::ily units wiil b - t:10:.~ot:.3~1~.,- c~:~)~o:·ed,
oi :1L!W typ0
T::..c c:..ty!. str~t:0:1 agency d8143.215.248.5511~·:·. ._:~ to :.. cc ::~~.,.:,, pl~L1.~i.:-:.3
g1·:i~1t iund.J 2.110 to CO.i1duc·;; v:~(; :'l.10(:~~ s·-~:'..'.:;1.10C':hoocl _· ~·oz:ra:·.1. ,;;:.11
be t:1e c:ty d: A:;lan'L~ A r.-:.o__:__:;_ ::~c5.:;hbo:::nocd ad:·a:2·.i:.,·:::-::J.'
un:.,, d:.:·cct:y :.i:espo~:sfo~c ·:: .,: •.:: i.:L;,ro:::J y;;.L 'uc e;:;·~""'.)lisl:cd
in d1e O:fiice of L0 i.1.aym:., T:1::..s .-_-_oc..::1 nei~hoo:rhoo

- ojcc,:;, o:;_) e:;:~ting u:1d01 a p;:ojc\,~ C::.:..·cc·~o:...·~ 1:· 1 co_:.::;~::;-~ of bo~:
rcc:, personnel and p rs o~·"::_e::.. 0~1. '.~02.n. -~::..- 0:r..1. pa:-·~ici c..,tin2
ag,.,:i.cies o
A m1,;moe:;: eJ~e cutive bo:::...·2 w:.~~ o.3 :.·es:i_)o:c1siblc for
prc_:;:r.:.m policyo ,...his boa:i:c.l w:.l: c o:c.s:i.:, ~ oi -':J.18 Mayo:;. 1 who
v,:1: 0~ chai::rr_ar!., ~nd :otn_.?. 4 o·~l1e:..· :::-.:.-~r~Oe:·s ·~e:_:,~:8~enting v2._ iot:s
pa:."~:.c~pati11.3 a3,3:1cics o T~:.i.:; e:.;ect:::'.:.\r.,.c i~o2..1·ci ,·1i· 1 be res ;,o:.:.s:·J le

.':o::.: dete:rmi:nin:; fine:. p:roz::J..:r."l cc::·;e::l·~ 2..:.:d 1·..,con1.n:.=mding -~:ne

allccati.o _ of supplcrncnta e::~~.t ~c.:-.ds o
The r:1.0clel nci3h-;_)Orho od :;,:;.·o.;:rc.."--· s~2.L: w5.ll consi:::; ·. oi cJ. d::.:·cc-~o:..·
a:i~ p1·inci1_Ja.l staff n:c::.·.-:.bc'.!:a in socic:-:·. 1 j_..L-··i:;~cal and
pl2.i"lnin.3; h will inchl 1e su::,poz-t s·.::..1.::..: :o· e.::i..::_ of ".;l1e above
iunc ·io:1S as \Vell as s ccrc·c:::. ··ia~ s-.:2.:f"
i.-wolved in dcv lo:-::,h~s ·j1e ?::'0~~:2. •.- 2.::0. ~-"'- m:1 . .d.11.z p:2.. ~1:n:i.:.:g
decisio..1s o ,.,..~1.e cou;.1c:1 wi~~ ::c-:fow &:.'..ct _.-~a.!~c :·c cc::.. r:.1.::;:.--:d.2:~io::s
on eacn ;irocram compon -nt pan be:Zo:...·e 5;::: is p:.·3s13:1.·~ed to
th e c;"t,; utive ooa2.·clo
A ~cc:1r.ical advisory bou.::d, co;.·_si::;ti;_~:; of 1·0):c·esent2.::·vcs .::~or_1.
-;;~1e public a1.d private 2, 6 nc:cs wi:ic:'l ~")led.:;ed -~:i cL'
in the cm1C:.l'.ct o:Z -~:1e "u:,:c,-,:;.:::,.i-:1,
will be es·i;z.,;'.)].1s:2c-:-:o

This board will also l'e~,r" cv, anc n:c:.:.~c :.·econ1.mendz.Hons on p:::.~1.s
bcfm·e they a1·c presenb:)d to ·;;:1.J z::~cutive 002.:i:d~
The Citi zens A<lvisory Cor,1::-D· ·~..;ec {o;.· '(J1.·~:.::...:1 renewal will fo:.:m
a suoco ·.nr.:1.i.ttc e on 'i;~1e model .-_,3i::;:1~0:;:~:.c:x-:. p:.:ojcc·~
rf:1.~c ,,ci·.1.:i.-r:.:l::t.;;-2
wilJ. ·.1:evicw and discuss :r."lpo:c·:.c:.:nt ::::sues ··e~J.ted ·i:o ·:.:rrn :J:.·o~,3c·~ 2..:;::C:.
will provide an impo:..·tan"i: lrn~ w:C d:c :ie2.<l,31·ship 0£ tb.3 .::or,:1.::.1.tmh·r.,


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