Box 12, Folder 29, Document 7

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Box 12, Folder 29, Document 7

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December 18, 1967

Rev. Andrew W. Blackweod, Jr.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
2461 Peachtree Road N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Dear Reverend Biackwood:

I have your letter of December 12th
addressed to the Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.

This department began employing
Negro police in 1948 and today 14% of the total personnel are Negro
and they are assigned to all divisions in the department.

All qualified Negroes who have made
application in recent years, have been examined and certified by the

city's personnel department and employed by this department.

The assignment and promotion of all
police personnel is the responsibility of the Chief of Police. I
depend heavily on the advice of other superiors of this department
including other Negro superior officers. We make every effort to
assign every efficer to where the need is the greatest and the
officer can do the best job.

We have a Recruit class of new police
officers who will be in training for five weeks, starting January Ist,
which will include both white and Negro officers. We would be
delighted to have you speak to this class for about 40 to 50 minutes
on race relations if your busy schedule will permit it. Supt. J. L.
Tuggle (a good Presbyterian Elder) is in charge of our training program.
HWill ask him to contact you and schedule your appearance at your

Sincerely yours,
HTSigp ‘

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Bat Ste Tuggle 3 shief of Paliea


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