Box 12, Folder 29, Document 8

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Box 12, Folder 29, Document 8

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December 12, 1967

Mrs. L. V.Slade

Dear Mrs. Siade:

I have a copy of your letter of December 6th
addressed to Mr. Albert Bows of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce.

This is to advise that this department has
114 police women assigned to the Traffic Department and 14 police
women (matrons) and two policewomen. Mrs. Ruby Barrett and
Mrs. Emily Thacker are on special assignments in the Crime

All of these policewomen are furnishing a
very fine specialized police service as requested by the public.

I regret that the person whom you talked
to at the police station did not furnish you this information, but
obviously you needed some specialized service that the Crime
Prevention Bureau could furnish best.

I have instructed Mrs. Barrett or Mrs.
Thacker to contact you and to determine what your problems are
and to see who can best furnish this service and see that you get it.

Sincerely yours,

HTJ: gp

CG. G. hi ot ®
Mr. R, Earl Landers at

Mr. Opie Sheiton
Mr. Al Bows


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