Box 13, Folder 3, Document 46

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 46

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OCTOBER 26, 1967

The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
Setober 26, at 2 p.m., in Comnittee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
rembers present:

Joseph S, Perrin, Chairman Franklin M, Garrett
Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Mrs, Edith Henderson
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary H. King McCain

W. L, Calloway J. Ben Moore

Samuel I, Cooper

Guest present;
Eric Harkness —- Planning Dept.

Minutes of the October 12 meeting were corrected as follow;
(Page 3) "Mr. Garrett was requested to draft a
resolution requesting the Board of Aldermen to

consider an ordinance designating the Terminus
area as an historic site,"


Bridge Ordinance

The chairman presented for approval a letter to the Mayor and Board of
Aldermen concerning the proposed Bridge Ordinance, The letter was approved
for mailing, along with an editorial dealing with the bridge ordinance which
was published in the Atlanta Constitution on October 23, and presented by
Mrs. Ferst.


Perrin presented a letter dated October 2h, from the North Georgia
Coapter, American Institute of Architects, nominating Mr. Fred Bainbridge
of the firm of Martin & Bainbridge, to serve on the Commission. This 1e*'
is the result of Mr. Muldawer contacting AIA re nomination for ACDC member-
ship, as requested at the last meeting. Mrs, Henderson's motion to accept
ATA's nomination of Mr, Bainbridge was approved,

The following recommendations of the Commission to Mayor Allen were approved:

Dr. Arthur G. Hansen (to replace Mr. Joseph B. Browder)
Engineering Category
3 year term

Mr. Fred Bainbridge (to replace Mr. John Portman, who is recommended as the
first member of a proposed special resources and advisory comr7**
tee to the Commission)

Architecture Category

3 year term

Reappointments (for 3 year terms) of the following:

W. L, Calloway Julian Harris H. King McCain
Lay Citizen) (Painting & Sculpture) (Engine ering)
Advisory Committee

Mrs. Ferst initiated a discussion during which several members concurred

in the view that Mr. John Portman was an invaluable resource for the
Commission and that though professional commitments prevented his regular
attendance, he perhaps would agree to serve on a special resources and
advisory committee to the Commission, Thereby, the chairman appointed the
following committee to discuss the feasibility of the appointment of other
advisory eommittee members to assist in special projects of the Commission:

Nr, McCain, chairman
Mrs, Ferst

Mr. Garrett

Mr. Muldawer

This committee was requested to present a report at the December 1, meeting.


As the result of the Commission requesting an easel, to be used for the
presentation of plans, Mr. Perrin reported that Mrs, Price in the Mayor's
Office will process the order for same upon receipt of specifications and
Source of supply. Mr, Muldawer will forward requested information to the


Mr. Muldawer gave a brief summary of the meeting which he and several other
members of the Commission attended on October 17 with Central Atlanta
Progress, Ine, A joint City/CAP planning team is trying to develope a
Central Atlanta Action Program, and the ACDC was asked for their suggestions
and comments on certain phases of the progran,


iirs, Ferst presented a newspaper clipping from the New York Times, Concern-
ing a design committee appointed by the Mayor of New York, whieh is similar
to the ACDC, Additional eopies of the article are being prepared,


Design Review


Mr. Muldawer submitted a report on the proposed Turnkey Public Housing
Development at Hollywood Road, as reviewed by the Commission at a previous
meeting, This report will be forwarded to Mr. Matthew Bystry, developer,
who submitted the project for review,

Mr. Muldawer also presented a copy of proposed Design Criteria for Multiple-
Dwelling Housing Projects, as developed by Messrs, Eric Harkness and
Muldawer, Copies of the criteria will be mailed to members for review,


As requested at the last ACDC meeting, Mr, Garrett presented a proposed
resolution requesting the Board of Aldermen to consider an ordinance
designating the Terminus area as an historic site. The resolution was
unanimously adopted and will be forwarded to Alderman Rodney Cook,

Mr. Garrett asked if the Terminus property owners had yet been sent letters
inviting them to meet with the Commission, as requested at a previous
meeting. The chairman replied that the list of property owners had only
that day been received from Mr, Herb Reese of Adams Cates Company. Mr.
Perrin proposed that the property owners be invited to the December ll
meeting of the ACDC, at which time the Commission will request the use of
the Aldermanic Chamber,

It was suggested that along with the Terminus property owners, Alderman
Rodney Cook, Vice-Mayor Sam Massell, and three members of the Chamber of
Commerce be invited to this particular meeting. Mrs. Ferst was requested

to be thinking about how the information should be presented, The Commission
hopes to finalize plans at the next meeting.


Mrs. Ferst presented a written report, consisting of the following accomplish-
ments or recommendations:

1. Completion of double posteard mailing to verify mailing list of over
100 names,

2. Compilation of material for ACDC brochure.

3. Arrange for secretary to compile list of ACDC accomplishments.

4h. Plan format for a regular annual report,

5. Request appointment of dinner committee to plan orientation meeting.
The following committee suggested: Mayor Allen, chairman; John

Portman, co-chairman; Ann Butler, member,

6. A luncheon meeting comprised of ACDC and various designated persons to
plan the proposed dinner meeting.

This report was accepted with commendation, and authorization given to move
forward with plans as stated in the report.


——- ae a al

Mr. Calloway inquired about the "Ugly Triangle" project, and the chairman
requested Committee #7 to report on this at the next meeting. Mr. Eric
Harkness will also check into this matter and report back to the Commission,

Mr. Moore, who was foreman of the Fulton County Grand Jury in July and August,
reported that the Grand Jury had forwarded the following recommendations
to the City of Atlanta;

1. That receptacles be placed in downtown Atlanta with placards;

2. Passage of the tree ordinance;

3. Require trucks hauling garbage and trash to be covered;

4. Require cement trucks to remove the cement they dump on streets,

Mr, Perrin suggested that the Sanitary Committee move forward to support
these recommendations,


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at }:00

Ann Butler
Recarding Secretary


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