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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 47
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NOVEMBER 9, 1967
The regular mecting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
November 9, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Joseph S, Perrin, Chairman Samuel I, Cooper
Mrs. Alvin M, Ferst, Secretary John C, Gould
Harry J, Baldwin Julian Harris
", L, Calloway H, King McCain
Guest present:
Howard Openshaw, Direetor of Redevelopment, Atlanta Housing Authority
Minutes of the October 26 meeting will be distributed during the following
week, along with minutes of the November 9 meeting,
Mr. Perrin stated that following the last meeting, he had talked to
Alderman Millican who stated that action on the proposed bridge ordinance
will be delayed until members of the Aldermanic Board and the ACDC can get
together to exchange views about the purpose and provisions of the ordinance,
Thus, the chairman presented a letter to be forwarded to Alderman Millican
concerning a date for the groups to meet.
After informing Mr, Cecil Alexander that the ACDC was interested in seeing
the preliminary plans of the "Platform City," Mr. Perrin stated that Mr.
Alexander coneurred that he will check with his associates and that the
Commission will have the opportunity to review the project,
The chairman reported that a proposal for review has been received from
Robert and Company, re the Forsyth-Broad-"alton Streets area, as referred
to the Commission from Mr, Ray Nixon, The plans will be forwarded to Mr,
Muldawer, chairman of the Design Review Committee, for review,
It was brought out that members of the Commission are frequently embarrassed
when persons inquire about aetions of the Commission relative to projects
in the city, when the Commission has not been advised of the development of
Same, Thus, Mrs, .Ferst suggested that another letter be designed, possibly
signed by Mayor Allen, to be forwarded to various city departments, request-
ing that the ACDC be advised in advance of the development of important
related issues,
The chairman also reported on the following correspondence:
1. Letter of October 27 to Alderman Cook, forwarding ACDC's resolution
concerning the Terminus area, as presented by Mr. Garrett and approved
by the Commission at the October 26 meeting.
2. The Design Review Committee's report on the proposed Turnkey Publie
Housing Development at Hollywood Road, as forwarded to Mr. Matthew D.
Bystry on Oetober 27.
3. Letter of October 27 to Mayor Allen re recommendations to fill impending
vacancies on the Commission,
h. Letter of November 2 to Mr, Herb Reese, extending thanks for preparing
list of property owners of the Terminus area,
S$. Letter of November 2 to Mr, Robert Bivens, extending thanks for
inviting members of ACDC to meet with Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.,
on October 17,
6. Draft of letter to be forwarded to the Maya's Office, recommending that
Mr. John Portman be invited by letter from the Mayor to serve as the
first member of a special resource and advisory committee of the ACDC.
Mr. Howard Openshaw, on behalf of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee for
the Board of Aldermen, presented for review a proposal for a motel on
Capitol Avenue, across from the Juvenile Court and Atlanta Stadium,
During the discussion of the proposed project, the question was posed if
perhaps the City or State might need this parcel of land for future develop-
ment. Members expressed concern relative to this proposal as it relates to
the nevd for an overall master plan for the governmental groups.
These plans were retained by the Commission to be further studied by the
Design Review Committee, and a written report submitted to the Atlanta
Housing Authority.
Mrs, Ferst, Co-chairman of the Communications Committee, reported that she
has talked with Vrs. Ann Moses in the Mayor's Office about her help in
setting up better communications for the Commission with other related groups,
Mrs. Ferst reported that Ann Butler, Recording Secretary, will prepare a
list of ACDC accomplishments from the minutes of previous ACDC meetings, and
will set up a card file for the Commission's mailing list.
Mrs. Ferst submitted a list of persons whom Mr. Muldawer requested be
invited to the December 1h meeting.
Mr, McCain, chairman of the Appearance & Sanitation Committee, presented
information on a "rolling steel door" product to house garbage cans. During
the ensuing conversation, members discussed problems faced by the city rela-
tive to sanitation and appearance, Mr. Calloway suggested that an ordinance
is needed whereby a tenant, rather than only the owner of property concerned,
could be held liable for violation of sanitation laws.
Mr. Perrin reminded the members that a special meeting may be ealled within
the next few weeks concerning the bridge ordinance, He added that the
December 1h meetings, to which the Terminus property owners and other persons
concerned with the Terminus development are invited, wiil meet in the
Aldermanic Chambers.
There being no further business, the meeting was sdjourned at 3:45
Ann Butler
Recording Seeretary
NOVEMBER 9, 1967
The regular mecting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
November 9, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Joseph S, Perrin, Chairman Samuel I, Cooper
Mrs. Alvin M, Ferst, Secretary John C, Gould
Harry J, Baldwin Julian Harris
", L, Calloway H, King McCain
Guest present:
Howard Openshaw, Direetor of Redevelopment, Atlanta Housing Authority
Minutes of the October 26 meeting will be distributed during the following
week, along with minutes of the November 9 meeting,
Mr. Perrin stated that following the last meeting, he had talked to
Alderman Millican who stated that action on the proposed bridge ordinance
will be delayed until members of the Aldermanic Board and the ACDC can get
together to exchange views about the purpose and provisions of the ordinance,
Thus, the chairman presented a letter to be forwarded to Alderman Millican
concerning a date for the groups to meet.
After informing Mr, Cecil Alexander that the ACDC was interested in seeing
the preliminary plans of the "Platform City," Mr. Perrin stated that Mr.
Alexander coneurred that he will check with his associates and that the
Commission will have the opportunity to review the project,
The chairman reported that a proposal for review has been received from
Robert and Company, re the Forsyth-Broad-"alton Streets area, as referred
to the Commission from Mr, Ray Nixon, The plans will be forwarded to Mr,
Muldawer, chairman of the Design Review Committee, for review,
It was brought out that members of the Commission are frequently embarrassed
when persons inquire about aetions of the Commission relative to projects
in the city, when the Commission has not been advised of the development of
Same, Thus, Mrs, .Ferst suggested that another letter be designed, possibly
signed by Mayor Allen, to be forwarded to various city departments, request-
ing that the ACDC be advised in advance of the development of important
related issues,
The chairman also reported on the following correspondence:
1. Letter of October 27 to Alderman Cook, forwarding ACDC's resolution
concerning the Terminus area, as presented by Mr. Garrett and approved
by the Commission at the October 26 meeting.
2. The Design Review Committee's report on the proposed Turnkey Publie
Housing Development at Hollywood Road, as forwarded to Mr. Matthew D.
Bystry on Oetober 27.
3. Letter of October 27 to Mayor Allen re recommendations to fill impending
vacancies on the Commission,
h. Letter of November 2 to Mr, Herb Reese, extending thanks for preparing
list of property owners of the Terminus area,
S$. Letter of November 2 to Mr, Robert Bivens, extending thanks for
inviting members of ACDC to meet with Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.,
on October 17,
6. Draft of letter to be forwarded to the Maya's Office, recommending that
Mr. John Portman be invited by letter from the Mayor to serve as the
first member of a special resource and advisory committee of the ACDC.
Mr. Howard Openshaw, on behalf of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee for
the Board of Aldermen, presented for review a proposal for a motel on
Capitol Avenue, across from the Juvenile Court and Atlanta Stadium,
During the discussion of the proposed project, the question was posed if
perhaps the City or State might need this parcel of land for future develop-
ment. Members expressed concern relative to this proposal as it relates to
the nevd for an overall master plan for the governmental groups.
These plans were retained by the Commission to be further studied by the
Design Review Committee, and a written report submitted to the Atlanta
Housing Authority.
Mrs, Ferst, Co-chairman of the Communications Committee, reported that she
has talked with Vrs. Ann Moses in the Mayor's Office about her help in
setting up better communications for the Commission with other related groups,
Mrs. Ferst reported that Ann Butler, Recording Secretary, will prepare a
list of ACDC accomplishments from the minutes of previous ACDC meetings, and
will set up a card file for the Commission's mailing list.
Mrs. Ferst submitted a list of persons whom Mr. Muldawer requested be
invited to the December 1h meeting.
Mr, McCain, chairman of the Appearance & Sanitation Committee, presented
information on a "rolling steel door" product to house garbage cans. During
the ensuing conversation, members discussed problems faced by the city rela-
tive to sanitation and appearance, Mr. Calloway suggested that an ordinance
is needed whereby a tenant, rather than only the owner of property concerned,
could be held liable for violation of sanitation laws.
Mr. Perrin reminded the members that a special meeting may be ealled within
the next few weeks concerning the bridge ordinance, He added that the
December 1h meetings, to which the Terminus property owners and other persons
concerned with the Terminus development are invited, wiil meet in the
Aldermanic Chambers.
There being no further business, the meeting was sdjourned at 3:45
Ann Butler
Recording Seeretary