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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 69
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MAY 11; 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday
May 11, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Joseph S. Perrin, chairman w, L, Calloway
Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Franklin M. Garrett
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary Mrs. Edith Henderson
Joseph B. Browder J. Ben Moore
Gtests present:
Mrs. Ivan Allen, III - Atlanta Junior League
Irs, Abernathy - atlanta Junior League
ir. John E. Dugger - Bradbury & Associates
Mr. Ron E. Mitchell, Jr. - Bradbury & Associates
Dr. Paul Brown - Central Pre: byterian Church
Minutes of the april 27 meeting were approved,
Mr. Perrin stated that he had visited with Eric Harkness in the
City Planning Department, and was shown a plan they are working on which
includes the Techwood Project, Rich's area, Government Center, Peachtree
Center and Park Place Development, and that Planning will now be working
on a concept design for those areas, Mr. Harkness hopes to call a meeting
of the interested parties to explore some problems and prospects of con-
tinuing development of those areas around the City.
A letter dated May 3 was received from the Atlanta Housing Autho-
rity seeking review of Redeveloper's Proposals for the University Center
Urban Redevelopment Area, Messrs. Baldwin and Calloway had reviewed 6 of
the 7 projects, and Mr. Perrin reviewed the remaining proposal that same
day, and he related to the Commission his report of same. Mr. Perrin
stated that he hopes to have liessrs, Baldwin « Calloway's written report
within a few days, so that they may be forwarded to AHA.
A letter dated May 4 was received from Mr. Ernest Davis, State
Auditor, concerning an overall development plan for the government center,
Also in this regard, Mr. Perrin commented on the April 28 editorial in
the Atlanta Journal written by Mr. Reese Cleghorn.
Mr. Perrin stated that he had received a call from Alderman Hugh
Pierce, who stated he will support the Tree Ordinance, and also voiced his
concern about old elm trees near the Atlanta Stadium overgrowing the side-
walk, This matter will be brought up for action at the next Commission
A letter has also been received from Mrs. Raymond M, Finney,
secretary of the Collier Hills Civic Association, urging passage of the Tree
Ordinance, as submitted to the Planning and Development Committee by the
City Planning Department,
Mr. Perrin made the motion that a resolution stating ACDC support
of the Tree Ordinance be written and forwarded to the Planning and Develop-
ment Committee and to the Planning Department. The motion carried,
Also in this regard, Mr. Browder, Vice-President of Georgia Power
Company, requested that it go on record that the Power Company is for the
Tree Ordinance, but that on occasion it is forced to "butcher" trees, He
asked if the Commission has got the feelings of Southern Bell and Georgia
Power in this regard. Mr. Perrin sugested that he speak with Mr. Gladin
or Mr. Harkness.
Mr. Muldawer reported that this last week he received an invitation
from the Metropolitan Planning Commission to join a tour of the underground
area for the Junior League to see the potential of the "Terminus" area and
to perhaps consider this as a sort of project for them. After the tor,
lir. Muldawer had contacted Sam Massell and was advised to seek the support
of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Perrin suggested that he also contact Hr.
Don Ingram of Central Atlanta Progress, Mr. Rich or Mr. Neeley of Rich's,
and the Convention Bureau, and to ask other appropriate organizations in the
city to write letters in support of this project to the Chamber.
Mr. Perrin stated that he has contacted Mr. Ray Moore, who is
interested in giving news coverage to newsworthy Civic Design Commission
project and activities,
The chairman further suggested that as concrete plans are made
relating to the promotion of the "Terminus" area or other developments, to
let him know of same so that he can set up news coverage with “SB,
Messrs. Dugger and Mitchell of Bradbury & Associates, made a
comprehensive review of the plans for the Georgia Plaza Development.
Slides of the project were shown, followed by questions and comments from
the Commission.
Dr. Paul Brown, chairman of the Building Committee for the Central
Presbyterian Church, also made a presentation of concern of the Church
relating to certain aspects of the Development as it relates to the parking,
ingress and egress,
The chairman requested Mrs, Henderson to draft a report of this
review, to be forwarded to Bradbury and Associates,
Mr. Muldawer stated his concern about the Parks Committee of the
Board of Aldermen voting down the proposed bicycle trail in the Collier Hills
area, and said he would like this matter to be studied and reopened, Mr.
Perrin stated he feels we should get the reaction of the entire Commission
and @iscuss the matter with Eric Harkness before we make a move to reopen
the issue. It was decided that this matter will be taken up at the next
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at :30
Ann Butler
Recording Secretary
MAY 11; 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday
May 11, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Joseph S. Perrin, chairman w, L, Calloway
Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman Franklin M. Garrett
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary Mrs. Edith Henderson
Joseph B. Browder J. Ben Moore
Gtests present:
Mrs. Ivan Allen, III - Atlanta Junior League
Irs, Abernathy - atlanta Junior League
ir. John E. Dugger - Bradbury & Associates
Mr. Ron E. Mitchell, Jr. - Bradbury & Associates
Dr. Paul Brown - Central Pre: byterian Church
Minutes of the april 27 meeting were approved,
Mr. Perrin stated that he had visited with Eric Harkness in the
City Planning Department, and was shown a plan they are working on which
includes the Techwood Project, Rich's area, Government Center, Peachtree
Center and Park Place Development, and that Planning will now be working
on a concept design for those areas, Mr. Harkness hopes to call a meeting
of the interested parties to explore some problems and prospects of con-
tinuing development of those areas around the City.
A letter dated May 3 was received from the Atlanta Housing Autho-
rity seeking review of Redeveloper's Proposals for the University Center
Urban Redevelopment Area, Messrs. Baldwin and Calloway had reviewed 6 of
the 7 projects, and Mr. Perrin reviewed the remaining proposal that same
day, and he related to the Commission his report of same. Mr. Perrin
stated that he hopes to have liessrs, Baldwin « Calloway's written report
within a few days, so that they may be forwarded to AHA.
A letter dated May 4 was received from Mr. Ernest Davis, State
Auditor, concerning an overall development plan for the government center,
Also in this regard, Mr. Perrin commented on the April 28 editorial in
the Atlanta Journal written by Mr. Reese Cleghorn.
Mr. Perrin stated that he had received a call from Alderman Hugh
Pierce, who stated he will support the Tree Ordinance, and also voiced his
concern about old elm trees near the Atlanta Stadium overgrowing the side-
walk, This matter will be brought up for action at the next Commission
A letter has also been received from Mrs. Raymond M, Finney,
secretary of the Collier Hills Civic Association, urging passage of the Tree
Ordinance, as submitted to the Planning and Development Committee by the
City Planning Department,
Mr. Perrin made the motion that a resolution stating ACDC support
of the Tree Ordinance be written and forwarded to the Planning and Develop-
ment Committee and to the Planning Department. The motion carried,
Also in this regard, Mr. Browder, Vice-President of Georgia Power
Company, requested that it go on record that the Power Company is for the
Tree Ordinance, but that on occasion it is forced to "butcher" trees, He
asked if the Commission has got the feelings of Southern Bell and Georgia
Power in this regard. Mr. Perrin sugested that he speak with Mr. Gladin
or Mr. Harkness.
Mr. Muldawer reported that this last week he received an invitation
from the Metropolitan Planning Commission to join a tour of the underground
area for the Junior League to see the potential of the "Terminus" area and
to perhaps consider this as a sort of project for them. After the tor,
lir. Muldawer had contacted Sam Massell and was advised to seek the support
of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Perrin suggested that he also contact Hr.
Don Ingram of Central Atlanta Progress, Mr. Rich or Mr. Neeley of Rich's,
and the Convention Bureau, and to ask other appropriate organizations in the
city to write letters in support of this project to the Chamber.
Mr. Perrin stated that he has contacted Mr. Ray Moore, who is
interested in giving news coverage to newsworthy Civic Design Commission
project and activities,
The chairman further suggested that as concrete plans are made
relating to the promotion of the "Terminus" area or other developments, to
let him know of same so that he can set up news coverage with “SB,
Messrs. Dugger and Mitchell of Bradbury & Associates, made a
comprehensive review of the plans for the Georgia Plaza Development.
Slides of the project were shown, followed by questions and comments from
the Commission.
Dr. Paul Brown, chairman of the Building Committee for the Central
Presbyterian Church, also made a presentation of concern of the Church
relating to certain aspects of the Development as it relates to the parking,
ingress and egress,
The chairman requested Mrs, Henderson to draft a report of this
review, to be forwarded to Bradbury and Associates,
Mr. Muldawer stated his concern about the Parks Committee of the
Board of Aldermen voting down the proposed bicycle trail in the Collier Hills
area, and said he would like this matter to be studied and reopened, Mr.
Perrin stated he feels we should get the reaction of the entire Commission
and @iscuss the matter with Eric Harkness before we make a move to reopen
the issue. It was decided that this matter will be taken up at the next
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at :30
Ann Butler
Recording Secretary