Box 13, Folder 3, Document 70

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 70

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April 20, 1967

Mr. Samuel I. Cooper, F.A.I.A.
501 Henry Grady Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Sam:

Each member of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission joins
with me in expressing to you our sincere and genuine
appreciation for the outstanding leadership and direction
that you gave to our group during its first year of exis-
tence. Your outstanding service and devotion, together
with your perception of purpose, certainly has established
a precedent toward achievement that will continue to be
felt in the years ahead. This leadership I am sure will
continue to be felt not only by this precedent, but by your
continuing participation and influence in the affairs of

the Commission,

I know that each member of the Commission would not only
want me to express these sentiments on an official basis,
but that they share my feelings that having the opportunity
to work with you was a warm and rewarding experience on the
personal level as well. Your report recently submitted to
the Commission covering the functions of the Commission
from February, 1966, to March, 1967, is ample testimony of
the quality of leadership which you gave to our city in the
capacity of Commission chairman.

Mr, Samuel I. Cooper
Page 2
April 20, 1967

On the more personal side, please accept my thanks for
all that you have done so far this year to give guidance
and assistance to me in my new role on the Commission,

I extend to you the hope that the year ahead will be
filled with the richest of blessings.

Cordially yours,

Joseph S, Perrin


ce Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
ce Vice-Mayor Sam Massell, Jr.

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