Box 13, Folder 3, Document 72

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 72

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APRIL 13, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,

April 13, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following

members present:

Joseph S,. Perrin, Chairman Franklin M. Garrett
Paul Muldawer, Vice-Chairman John C. Gould

Mrs. Alvin M, Ferst, Secretary Mrs. Edith Henderson
Harry J. Baldwin J. Ben Moore

Samuel I. Cooper
Guests present:

Mr. Frank J. Bull, Bull & Kenney Architects
Mrs. Silver, (Student Reporter) Georgia State College

Minutes of the March 23 meeting were approved,


Mr. Perrin reported on the following correspondence:

1. Letter of 3/27 from Mr. Richard H. Rich, Rich's, Inc., thanking ACDC
for its commendation of Rich's 100th anniversary celebration;

2. temo dated 3/31 to the Atlanta Board of Aldermen, requesting denial of
petition for zoning change for property located in front of the Old
South Motel on the South Expressway at Cleveland Avenue, pending an
investigation of the potential best utilitization of such strip develop-

3. Letter of 4/5 from Mr. Robert H. Jones, President of Old South Motel,
thanking ACDC for above mentioned memo to the Board of Aldermen, Mr.
Jones added that the petition was defeated,

h. Letter of 4/6 to Mr. Lester H. Persells, Atlanta Housing Authority, re
review of proposals for the Rockdale Urban Redevelopment Area.

5S. Letter of 4/6 to Mr. Robert F. Lyle, attorney, re draft of ordinance
for presentation to the Board of Aldermen dealing with a percentage for
the allied arts.

6. Letter of 4/6 from Mr. James B, Pilcher, City Attorney's Office, re
preservation of sites and structures of historical or architectural
value in Atlanta.

7. Letters dated 4/6 to Dr. Wm. M. Suttles, Georgia State College; and Mr.
James H,. Finch, Finch, Alexander, Barnes, Rothschild & Paschal, request-
ing design coordination for various complexes being developed contiguously
around the central city.

8. Memos dated 4/13 to Ernest Davis, State Auditor; Earl Landers, Admins
Asst. to Mayor Allen; and Alan Kiepper, Fulton County Manager; re design
coordination for various complexes.

9. Letter of 4/13 to Mayor Ivan Allen, requesting that Mr. Joseph B. Browder,
Vice-President of Georgia Power Company, be appointed to the Commission
to replace Mr. Orbie Bostick, who has resigned,

The chairman added that he has received no reply to letter of April 6
written to Mr. Hugh Thompson of the C&S Bank, inviting him to meet with the
Commission today re "Terminus" development. Mr. Muldawer stated that he
has heard that Mr. Thompson is no longer with the bank,


ir. Muldawer reported on the review of redeveloper's proposals for the
Rockdale Urban Redevelopment Area. He stated that he had attended the review
on Tuesday, April 11, and also this morning, and that Messrs. Baldwin and
Gould were presently at the review and would be at the meeting later. Mr.
uldawer added that the documents are still on exhibit at the Atlanta Housing

Authority, and everyone is welcome to go and look at them.

Mr. Muldawer also brought up the matter of a public housing project at
Harwell Road and Skipper Drive. Upon Mr. Perrin's suggestion, Mr. Muldawer
and Mrs. Ferst drafted a letter to Mr. M, B. Satterfield, Executive Director
of AHA, inviting him, the developer and architects to submit this proposal
to the Commission for review and suggestions at the April 27 meeting. The

letter was written and forwarded to Wr. Satterfield that afternoon.

Along this same line, Mr. Cooper was requested by the chairman to review
the ACDC ordinance and give thought to the feasibility of requesting addition-

al authority from the Board of Aldermen jn reviewing public housing projects.
a Be

Mr. Cooper was urged to present recommendations to the Commission at the

next meeting, if possible,

“An appointment was made for Messrs. Cooper, Perrin, Muldawer and Mrs.
Ferst to meet with Mayor Allen on Thursday, April 27 at 10:00 a.m., relative

to housing development,

our. Bull, of Bull & Kenney Architects, presented plans for additions
and renovations to Fulton High School on Jonesboro Road, Mr. Moore's motion
to approve these plans was passed, Mr, Perrin expressed the appreciation
of -the members to Mr. Bull for the prompt presentation, and also commended

Pull « Kenney for a fine job.

- The Commission also reviewed plans of the "Downtown Project" at Spring
and Techwood Viaduct, by Toombs, Amisano & Wells, Architects, A report
of :ACDC recommendations on this project was prepared and will be forwarded

to the architects,


There being no committee reports, Mr. Perrin stated he will write
notices to various members stressing the importance of attendance and

projects in which they are involvec,


Members agreed to postpone until next year plans for city show in con-

junction with the Arts Festival in Piedmont Park.
Mr. Cooper stated that he has prepared a general report to the Mayor

on what the Commission did last year under his chairmanship.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30

Ann Butler
Recording Secretary


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