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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 80
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FEBRUARY 23, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
February 23, at 2 p.m., In Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Sam'1l Inman Cooper, Chairman Julian Harris
Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Mrs, Edith Henderson
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary J. Ben Moore
Harry J. Baldwin Paul Muldawer
John C. Gould
Guests present:
Robert H. Jones - Old South Motel
Foy L. Hood - Associated Industries of Georgia
McKendree A. Tucker Tucker & Howell, Arch.
H. Griffith Edwards Edwards & Portman, Arch.
Herschel S. Owens - n n
Dave Lunde - Aeck Associates, Inc.
Minutes of the February 9 mecting were approved.
Chairman Cooper read the following:
(1) Letter dated February ei to Mayor Allen re appointments to ACDC
for 1967;
(2) Letter dated February 23 to the Senate Chamber, State Capitol,
endorsing work of the Georgia Arts Commission, and urging rein-
statement of funds in the 1967 budget
Messrs, Tucker and Hood met with the Commission for further
discussion of the proposed Associated Industries of Georgia office building
at Washington and Hunter Streets, as presented by Mr. Clifford Clarke at
the last ACDC meeting.
Before the diseussion began, the Chairman pointed out that ACDC
has no legal jurisdiction, but that it reviews and suggests, and hopes for
Concerning the suggestions for certain changes in the street
floor plan, whereby a more open effect would be created, and also the relative
height of the building, Messrs, Hood and Tucker feel these ideas would not
be economically feasible, as much rentable floor space would be lost and
they need all the revenue they can get,
Mr, Perrin commented that since there is little space, then it
demands the maximum utilization, He added he was very concerned, as a
citizen in this community, with the fact that we are finding space more and
more precious, and are getting increasingly out of scale with human beings.
Mr, Perrin coneurs that we want Atlanta to make economic progress, and that
this is done by building things that are economically feasible, But, he
added, the Commission is charged with the responsibility to see that more
than just an economic effort is made,
Mr, Muldawer expressed his personal opinion that as the Capitol
is very important, he feels it should be higher than all the buildings
around it, and that other buildings should humble themselves to it. He also
feels that in this case the exterior material should be neutral to the gold
on the Capitol dome, rather than harmonize with it.
Chairman Cooper stated he is of the opinion that as buildings
looked different heights from different angles, and that as the Capitol is
several hundred feet from other buildings, he feels from an economical point
of view, that the Commission should not hamper, even with suggestions. He
feels this building is better than the average building, and is an asset to
the City. Mr. Cooper added that the Commission would like to see the
building harmonize with surrotindings as much as possible, but that we do
not want to diseourage to the extent that it won't be constructed. He
concluded that the Commission is interested, as are Messrs. Hood and Tucker,
in doing the best job possible on this property.
Mr. Tucker expressed his appreciation for the review, and stated
he feels something has been accomplished,
Mr. Robert H. Jones, owner of the Old South Motel on the South
Expressway at Cleveland Avenue, met with the Commission concerning the
‘rezoning of a small strip of land in front of his motel and adjacent to
the expressway, He objects to this rezoning, as a filling station is pro-
posed to be built on that site, Mr. Jones stated that he has discovered
that many of these small remnants of land adjacent to expressways are being
petitioned for filling stations, and he hopes that some city group can study
this problem and elaim an overall approach to the entire thing while there
is still time. He added that this particular petition will be brought up
at the Zoning Committee meeting, which was being held that same day.
Mr. Muldawer concurs that this is a special problem that needs a
general policy on what should happen to these strips, and how they can be
The following recommendation was approved and was presented to
the Zoning Committee during its session:
Subjeets; Proposal for Rezoning of Forrest Hills Drive, S.¥.
Petition #Z-66-281-G
"It is recommended that aetion on the petition for rezoning of
the stove prajeet be deferred pending further study of this site
and its particular environment and other similar remnant parcels
throughout the City, It is further recommended that based on
these studies, a general policy be established by the City Planning
Department relative to strip developments with particular conside-
ration given to their relationship to interstate highways."
At the invitatign of Mr, Muldawer, chairman of the Architectural
Review Committee, the following architeets were present to review with the
Commission plans previously submitteds
Architeet Project
H. Griffith Edwards & Herschel S, Owens Trailways Bus Terminal &
(Edwards & Portman Parking Garage
Dave Lunde (Aeck Assoe., Inc.) Fine Arts Bldg. for Georgia
State College
Ivey Construction Company
Office Bldg.
Mr. Muldawer added that several sehool submissions are to be
reviewed at the next meeting, and requested a representative of the School
Department and also the School Architect be invited to the meeting for
discussion of the reviews,
The meeting adjourned at 4:h5 p.m,
Ann Butier
Regording Secretary
FEBRUARY 23, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
February 23, at 2 p.m., In Committee Room #h, City Hall, with the following
members present:
Sam'1l Inman Cooper, Chairman Julian Harris
Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Mrs, Edith Henderson
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary J. Ben Moore
Harry J. Baldwin Paul Muldawer
John C. Gould
Guests present:
Robert H. Jones - Old South Motel
Foy L. Hood - Associated Industries of Georgia
McKendree A. Tucker Tucker & Howell, Arch.
H. Griffith Edwards Edwards & Portman, Arch.
Herschel S. Owens - n n
Dave Lunde - Aeck Associates, Inc.
Minutes of the February 9 mecting were approved.
Chairman Cooper read the following:
(1) Letter dated February ei to Mayor Allen re appointments to ACDC
for 1967;
(2) Letter dated February 23 to the Senate Chamber, State Capitol,
endorsing work of the Georgia Arts Commission, and urging rein-
statement of funds in the 1967 budget
Messrs, Tucker and Hood met with the Commission for further
discussion of the proposed Associated Industries of Georgia office building
at Washington and Hunter Streets, as presented by Mr. Clifford Clarke at
the last ACDC meeting.
Before the diseussion began, the Chairman pointed out that ACDC
has no legal jurisdiction, but that it reviews and suggests, and hopes for
Concerning the suggestions for certain changes in the street
floor plan, whereby a more open effect would be created, and also the relative
height of the building, Messrs, Hood and Tucker feel these ideas would not
be economically feasible, as much rentable floor space would be lost and
they need all the revenue they can get,
Mr, Perrin commented that since there is little space, then it
demands the maximum utilization, He added he was very concerned, as a
citizen in this community, with the fact that we are finding space more and
more precious, and are getting increasingly out of scale with human beings.
Mr, Perrin coneurs that we want Atlanta to make economic progress, and that
this is done by building things that are economically feasible, But, he
added, the Commission is charged with the responsibility to see that more
than just an economic effort is made,
Mr, Muldawer expressed his personal opinion that as the Capitol
is very important, he feels it should be higher than all the buildings
around it, and that other buildings should humble themselves to it. He also
feels that in this case the exterior material should be neutral to the gold
on the Capitol dome, rather than harmonize with it.
Chairman Cooper stated he is of the opinion that as buildings
looked different heights from different angles, and that as the Capitol is
several hundred feet from other buildings, he feels from an economical point
of view, that the Commission should not hamper, even with suggestions. He
feels this building is better than the average building, and is an asset to
the City. Mr. Cooper added that the Commission would like to see the
building harmonize with surrotindings as much as possible, but that we do
not want to diseourage to the extent that it won't be constructed. He
concluded that the Commission is interested, as are Messrs. Hood and Tucker,
in doing the best job possible on this property.
Mr. Tucker expressed his appreciation for the review, and stated
he feels something has been accomplished,
Mr. Robert H. Jones, owner of the Old South Motel on the South
Expressway at Cleveland Avenue, met with the Commission concerning the
‘rezoning of a small strip of land in front of his motel and adjacent to
the expressway, He objects to this rezoning, as a filling station is pro-
posed to be built on that site, Mr. Jones stated that he has discovered
that many of these small remnants of land adjacent to expressways are being
petitioned for filling stations, and he hopes that some city group can study
this problem and elaim an overall approach to the entire thing while there
is still time. He added that this particular petition will be brought up
at the Zoning Committee meeting, which was being held that same day.
Mr. Muldawer concurs that this is a special problem that needs a
general policy on what should happen to these strips, and how they can be
The following recommendation was approved and was presented to
the Zoning Committee during its session:
Subjeets; Proposal for Rezoning of Forrest Hills Drive, S.¥.
Petition #Z-66-281-G
"It is recommended that aetion on the petition for rezoning of
the stove prajeet be deferred pending further study of this site
and its particular environment and other similar remnant parcels
throughout the City, It is further recommended that based on
these studies, a general policy be established by the City Planning
Department relative to strip developments with particular conside-
ration given to their relationship to interstate highways."
At the invitatign of Mr, Muldawer, chairman of the Architectural
Review Committee, the following architeets were present to review with the
Commission plans previously submitteds
Architeet Project
H. Griffith Edwards & Herschel S, Owens Trailways Bus Terminal &
(Edwards & Portman Parking Garage
Dave Lunde (Aeck Assoe., Inc.) Fine Arts Bldg. for Georgia
State College
Ivey Construction Company
Office Bldg.
Mr. Muldawer added that several sehool submissions are to be
reviewed at the next meeting, and requested a representative of the School
Department and also the School Architect be invited to the meeting for
discussion of the reviews,
The meeting adjourned at 4:h5 p.m,
Ann Butier
Regording Secretary