Box 13, Folder 3, Document 81

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 81

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FEBRUARY 9, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,

February 9, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following

members present:

Sam'l Inman Cooper, Chairman George Heery

Harry J. Baldwin Mrs. Edith Henderson
James H. Dodd H. King McCain

John C. Gould Paul Muldawer

Julian Harris
Guests present:
Henry Toombs, Toombs, Amisano & Wells, Arch.
Clifford M. Clarke, Exec. V.P., Associated Industries of Ga.
Collier Gladin, City Pienusie pees
Eric Harkness, 8

Minutes of the January 26 meeting were approved.

Chairman Cooper reported that as requested at the previous meeting, letters
dated February 2 were forwarded to the following:
1. Georgia State College, in re to its inclusion on ACDC mailing list;
2. Georgia Institute of Technology in re to its inclusion on ACDC
mailing list;
3. Federal Reserve Bank in re ACDC commendation of proposed park
development at Spring & Marietta Streets;
h. Rich's, Inc., in re ACDC commendation of proposed "open green spot"
on site formerly occupied by the office of The Atlanta Constitution;
5. Dan E. Sweat, Director of Governmental Liaison, offering ACDC
cooperation in "Demonstration Cities" Seecvaas
The Chairman also read letters to Mayor Allen from the Peachtree Golf Club,
Secretary of State Ben Fortson, and Georgia Historical Commission, with
reference to "historical sites and /or structures", as forwarded to the

Commission from the Mayor's office.


"Terminus" Committee

Mr. Muildawer, chairman, reported that he and Mr. Baldwin have met
with certain representatives of the C&S Bank who are interested in partici-
Pating and assisting with the proposed development of the "old city" area,
In general the discussion has been about spearheading a non-profit group
together as a joint venture to acquire and develope this underground area,
He further stated that a large map of the city area has been provided so
the boundary can be plotted, and that the initial plans of Rapid Transit
do not seem detrimental to our ideas,

Mr. Baldwin added that Mr. Hugh Thompson, of the C&S Bank, is pre-
paring a brochure of ideas for the underground development, to be presented
to Mr. Mills Lane, President of C&S Bank. He suggested the chairman write
a letter to Mr. Thompson, with a copy to Mr. Lane, giving ACDC endorsement

and ideas on this project.

Urban Beautification Committee

Mr. Harris, chairman, reported that 2 members of the committee havo
met with the Planning Department, and another meeting is scheduled for

February 14, He added they will maintain contact with the Planning Dept.

Committee on "Historic Sites & Structures"

Mr. Baldwin, chairman, reported that he has been contacted by Eric
Harkness to the fact that the City Planning Dept. is interested in the
preservation of any historic structures in the area. Mr. Baldwin stated
that he feels that a form of criteria for historic or architectural stfuc-

tures needs to be established,

Mr. Henry Teombs, representing the Federal Reserve Bank, presented
drawings of proposed garden seheme at the southeast corner of Spring and
Marietta Streets, where the Federal Reserve Bank is demolishing the Silvey
Building. Mr. Toombs was thanked for making this review by the Commission
A letter of commendation to the Federal Reserve Bank, with a copy

to Mr. Toombs, was requested by members present.


Mr. Clifford M. Clarke presented for review by the Commission the
preliminary plans for an Associated Industries of Georgia office building,
at Washington and Hunter Streets, Certain members raised questions pertain-
ing to the relationships between this proposed building and the State
Capital and other existing adjacent buildings.

Mr. Clarke urged members of the Commission to make specific suggestions.
In response, it was requested that their architects give further study to
the arrangement of the street floor plan, in an effort to create more of
an épeh effeet, preferably with some green planting, to the exterior view of
this floor from adjacent streets,

It was also requested that further consideration be given to the
relative height of the building as presently shown.

Mr. Clarke was commended for making this presentation at such an
early stage, and Mr. Clarke stated he will try to make use of the guidance
offered, Mr. Tucker, architect for the AIG building, will attend a later

ACDC meeting for further discussion,
a ee

Mr. Muldawer requested that a letter be written to Mr. Raymond D.
Nasher, inviting him to me-t with the Commission as soon as possible,

relative to the "Platform City" proposed for development in the Capital area,

Gladin & Harkness

Messrs. Gladin & Harkness presented for review the proposed develop-
ments of the Georgia State Campus. The Commission was urged to make
suggestions on the development of criteria for bridges between buildings.
The following statement was approved by the members present, to be presented
to the Board of Aldermen at a meeting scheduled in the near future:

"It is the consensus of opinion of members present at the February 9

meeting, that ACDC strongly endorses, on the Georgia State College

Master Plan, the concept of the Plaza System, which includes the

separation of vehicles from pedestrian traffic by different levels."


The remainder of the meeting was devoted to discussion of appoint-
ments to the Commission. The Chairman stated he will write a letter to
Mayer Allen, and give ACDC's recommendations for appointments or reappoint-

ments to the Commission.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m,

Ann Butler
Recording Secretary


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