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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 82
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JANUARY 26, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
January 26, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following
members present;
Sam'l Inman Cooper, Chairman John C. Gould
Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Julian Harris
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary H. King McCain
Harry J. Baldwin J. Ben Moore
W. L. Calloway
Guests present:
Eric Harkness, City Planning Department
Ray A. Nixon, Chief of Construction Department
A. P. Brindley, Parks Engineer
Minutes of the January 12 meeting were approved,
Chairman Cooper reported that the following letters have been received or
written by the Commission:
1. Letter of Jan, 13 to Mr. Hugh Pieree, Chairman of the Ordinance &
Legislation Committee of the Board of Aldermen, requesting that
Ordinance creating ACDC be amended whereby reappointments to the
Commission could be made,
2. Letter of Jan. 13, from Mr, Jack C. Delius, General Manager of Parks
Department, re five parks plans revicwed by the Commission on Jan. 12,
in answer to Muldawer's memo of 12/21/66.
3. Letter of Jan. 19 to Mr. Jack C, Delius inviting him or his represem-
tative to meet with the Commission on January 26.
4h. Letter of Jan, 16 from Mr. John E. Sims, Director of University System
Building Authority, in answer to ACDC correspondence of 1/10 re
request for preliminary plans for review, and ACDC's letter of reply
S. Letters of Jan. 19 to the editors of the Atlanta Journal and Consti-
tution, commending architeetural projects whieh were reviewed by
ACDC in 1966, as requested by Muldawer at 1/12 meeting.
6. Letter of Jan, 20, from Charles Davis, City Comptroller, stating that
the Board of Aldermen on 1/16/67 approved an appropriation of 2200
for ACDC in the new budget.
7. Letter of Jan, 23 from Mr. Thomas Hal Clarke, President of Atlanta
Historical Society, recommending Mr. Franklin Garrett for appointment
to the Commission, in the category of Sites of Historical or Archi-
tectural Interest,
8. Copies of letters dated Jan, 2h written by Mayor Allen to owners of
hk historical sites, as requested in letter of 12/22/66 from ACDC
to Mayor Allen,
Mr. Brindley, representing Mr. Jack Delius, General Manager of the
Parks Department, met with the Commission to explain and comment on the
five parks plans (as reviewed by the Commission at Jan. 12 meeting), and
also the letter from Paul Muldawer, chairman of Architectural Review Committee
to Parks Department, concerning these plans. Mr. Brindley stated that some
revisions have been made in these plans in accordance with comments made
in Muldawer's letter.
Mr, Ray Nixon submitted for ACDC's review preliminary plans for the
Howell Mill Road Bridge over Southern Railway.
Messrs, Nixon and Brindlcy were thanked by the Chairman on behalf of
the Commission for making these reviews possible,
โโ- โ
Re ACDC Mailing List
Mr. Perrin suggested that Georgia State and Georgia Tech be put on
ACDC's mailing list to receive letters requesting preliminary plans be
submitted for review by the Commission. Mr. Perrin brought out that although
they are not legally required to submit, he feels they should be informed
of their privilege to do so, With concurrence of members, Georgia State
and Georgia Tech will be added to the mailing list.
Re Demonstration Citics Program
In view of ACDC's concern regarding housing conditions in the
"Demonstration Cities" Program, Mr. Calloway voiced his opinion that ACNC
should be given the opportunity to render opinions and/or suggestions on
preliminary plans, Mr. Harkness brought out that the Planning Department
is preparing an application for a planning grant which will cover a great
many aspects, including the social, economics, physical problems, etc., of
the model neighborhood area, and that he is preparing 2 parts of the program
which deal with design and historic preservation. He further stated that
he hopes to get comments and review of the Civic Design Commission on this
part of the program.
Mr, Perrin suggested that the Commission consider following Mr. Hark-
ness' point of view, and appoint one or two members to collaborate with
Harkness on this project. The chairman stated that Wr. Harris is chairman
of the committee to collaborate with the Planning Department on the Urban
Beautification Program. Mr. Harkness stated that Mr. Harris will be added
to the mailing list to attend these meetings. The Chairman sugrested that
Mr. Harris appoint a co-chairman to his committee to represent him at the
meetings in ease he could not attend. Upon Mr. Calloway's offer to serve
on the committec, the chairman concurred and Mr. Calloway was added to the
"Urban Beautification Committec,"
The Chairman was requested by members present to write Mr. Dan E,
Sweat, Direetor of Governmental Liaison, who is handling the "Demonstration
Cities" Program, and offer ACDC's assistance.
Re Commendation Letters
embers present requested that letters be forwarded to Rich's and
to the Federal Reserve Bank commending them for proposed development of
open spaces, as recently publicized in the Atlanta newspapers,
Mr. Harris further suggested that Rich's be commended for its 100th
Anniversary Celebration. Mr. Harris was requested to draft such a letter
for the chairman's signature,
Re Meeting Dates
Mr. Harris asked if it would be inconvenient for ACDC meetings to
be changed to Fridays, as he has conflicting engagements and cannot always
be present on Thursday, With a majority of the members present concurring
that Thursday is more convenient, Mr. Harris asked that the subject be
dropped, stating that he hoped to be able to adjust his Thursday teaching
schedule at Tech accordingly.
Re ACDC Citation
Mrs. Ferst reported that j25 has been donated by the Chairman toward
a proposed $100 to develope a seal or citation to be given to projects
of outstanding merit in the judgement of the Commission, per Mrs. Ferst's
motion of January 12, and expressed hopes that the remaining $75 will
shortly become available,
Re Appointment to Commission
Chairman Cooper presented a copy of the amending Ordinance approved
by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on January 18, 1967, as requested by
the Commission, whereby re-appointments to ACDC were made possible. The
remainder of the meeting was devoted to recommendations for appointments
or re-appointments to the Commission.
The Meeting was adjourned at :30
Ann Butler
Recording Secretary
JANUARY 26, 1967
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held Thursday,
January 26, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the following
members present;
Sam'l Inman Cooper, Chairman John C. Gould
Joseph S. Perrin, Vice-Chairman Julian Harris
Mrs. Alvin M. Ferst, Secretary H. King McCain
Harry J. Baldwin J. Ben Moore
W. L. Calloway
Guests present:
Eric Harkness, City Planning Department
Ray A. Nixon, Chief of Construction Department
A. P. Brindley, Parks Engineer
Minutes of the January 12 meeting were approved,
Chairman Cooper reported that the following letters have been received or
written by the Commission:
1. Letter of Jan, 13 to Mr. Hugh Pieree, Chairman of the Ordinance &
Legislation Committee of the Board of Aldermen, requesting that
Ordinance creating ACDC be amended whereby reappointments to the
Commission could be made,
2. Letter of Jan. 13, from Mr, Jack C. Delius, General Manager of Parks
Department, re five parks plans revicwed by the Commission on Jan. 12,
in answer to Muldawer's memo of 12/21/66.
3. Letter of Jan. 19 to Mr. Jack C, Delius inviting him or his represem-
tative to meet with the Commission on January 26.
4h. Letter of Jan, 16 from Mr. John E. Sims, Director of University System
Building Authority, in answer to ACDC correspondence of 1/10 re
request for preliminary plans for review, and ACDC's letter of reply
S. Letters of Jan. 19 to the editors of the Atlanta Journal and Consti-
tution, commending architeetural projects whieh were reviewed by
ACDC in 1966, as requested by Muldawer at 1/12 meeting.
6. Letter of Jan, 20, from Charles Davis, City Comptroller, stating that
the Board of Aldermen on 1/16/67 approved an appropriation of 2200
for ACDC in the new budget.
7. Letter of Jan, 23 from Mr. Thomas Hal Clarke, President of Atlanta
Historical Society, recommending Mr. Franklin Garrett for appointment
to the Commission, in the category of Sites of Historical or Archi-
tectural Interest,
8. Copies of letters dated Jan, 2h written by Mayor Allen to owners of
hk historical sites, as requested in letter of 12/22/66 from ACDC
to Mayor Allen,
Mr. Brindley, representing Mr. Jack Delius, General Manager of the
Parks Department, met with the Commission to explain and comment on the
five parks plans (as reviewed by the Commission at Jan. 12 meeting), and
also the letter from Paul Muldawer, chairman of Architectural Review Committee
to Parks Department, concerning these plans. Mr. Brindley stated that some
revisions have been made in these plans in accordance with comments made
in Muldawer's letter.
Mr, Ray Nixon submitted for ACDC's review preliminary plans for the
Howell Mill Road Bridge over Southern Railway.
Messrs, Nixon and Brindlcy were thanked by the Chairman on behalf of
the Commission for making these reviews possible,
โโ- โ
Re ACDC Mailing List
Mr. Perrin suggested that Georgia State and Georgia Tech be put on
ACDC's mailing list to receive letters requesting preliminary plans be
submitted for review by the Commission. Mr. Perrin brought out that although
they are not legally required to submit, he feels they should be informed
of their privilege to do so, With concurrence of members, Georgia State
and Georgia Tech will be added to the mailing list.
Re Demonstration Citics Program
In view of ACDC's concern regarding housing conditions in the
"Demonstration Cities" Program, Mr. Calloway voiced his opinion that ACNC
should be given the opportunity to render opinions and/or suggestions on
preliminary plans, Mr. Harkness brought out that the Planning Department
is preparing an application for a planning grant which will cover a great
many aspects, including the social, economics, physical problems, etc., of
the model neighborhood area, and that he is preparing 2 parts of the program
which deal with design and historic preservation. He further stated that
he hopes to get comments and review of the Civic Design Commission on this
part of the program.
Mr, Perrin suggested that the Commission consider following Mr. Hark-
ness' point of view, and appoint one or two members to collaborate with
Harkness on this project. The chairman stated that Wr. Harris is chairman
of the committee to collaborate with the Planning Department on the Urban
Beautification Program. Mr. Harkness stated that Mr. Harris will be added
to the mailing list to attend these meetings. The Chairman sugrested that
Mr. Harris appoint a co-chairman to his committee to represent him at the
meetings in ease he could not attend. Upon Mr. Calloway's offer to serve
on the committec, the chairman concurred and Mr. Calloway was added to the
"Urban Beautification Committec,"
The Chairman was requested by members present to write Mr. Dan E,
Sweat, Direetor of Governmental Liaison, who is handling the "Demonstration
Cities" Program, and offer ACDC's assistance.
Re Commendation Letters
embers present requested that letters be forwarded to Rich's and
to the Federal Reserve Bank commending them for proposed development of
open spaces, as recently publicized in the Atlanta newspapers,
Mr. Harris further suggested that Rich's be commended for its 100th
Anniversary Celebration. Mr. Harris was requested to draft such a letter
for the chairman's signature,
Re Meeting Dates
Mr. Harris asked if it would be inconvenient for ACDC meetings to
be changed to Fridays, as he has conflicting engagements and cannot always
be present on Thursday, With a majority of the members present concurring
that Thursday is more convenient, Mr. Harris asked that the subject be
dropped, stating that he hoped to be able to adjust his Thursday teaching
schedule at Tech accordingly.
Re ACDC Citation
Mrs. Ferst reported that j25 has been donated by the Chairman toward
a proposed $100 to develope a seal or citation to be given to projects
of outstanding merit in the judgement of the Commission, per Mrs. Ferst's
motion of January 12, and expressed hopes that the remaining $75 will
shortly become available,
Re Appointment to Commission
Chairman Cooper presented a copy of the amending Ordinance approved
by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on January 18, 1967, as requested by
the Commission, whereby re-appointments to ACDC were made possible. The
remainder of the meeting was devoted to recommendations for appointments
or re-appointments to the Commission.
The Meeting was adjourned at :30
Ann Butler
Recording Secretary