Box 13, Folder 3, Document 85

Dublin Core


Box 13, Folder 3, Document 85

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December 22, 1966

Mr. Robert Sommerville, President
Atlanta Transit System, Inc,

125 Pine Street, N. E.

Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Dear Bobs

Enclosed is a copy of the letter recently received from W., L. Calloway,
a member of our Atlanta Civic Design Commission.

Since the Commission so completely concurs in the sentiments expressed,

I am happy to transmit to you its approval, its approbation, and its
commendation for the improvements made on the Atlanta Transit Company's
Parking Lot. Such actions by individuals or corporations owning property
in the city are of benefit to the general public, and tend to generate
greater pride and satisfaction in our community, of which most of us are
already proud, but which is still far from perfect.

Because you are already acquainted with the overall objectives of the

Atlanta Civic Design Commission, you will realize that any improvement

in the aesthetic aspects of the city is warmly welcomed by each of its


With all personal good wishes for the Christmas season and the coming year.
Sincerely yours,


Sam'l Inman Cooper, F.A.I.A.

SIC sab

ee Mayor Allen/
ec W. L, Calloway


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