Box 13, Folder 3, Document 116

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 116

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nee RPE er a he ET OW a Pe a a a Re ee a ee ee

Miss Dorothy Greer
McLean Trucking Company
736 Memorial Drive, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Dorothy:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter and the attachments
from your brother regarding his program at the Smithsonian

I gather from reading his letter to you that the project entails
making reproductions of the originals, and the reproductions
placed appropriately. Am 1 wrong in assuming that he doesn't
mean they will give the original to Atlanta?

Be it the original or reproduction, we would still like to pursue,
it. Ido know, however, that the Atlanta Art Association will a

accept anything but originals.

I amasking our newly created Atlanta Civic Design esacaiiannille
give some thought to this. They will meet again on June 2nd,
the meanwhile, I would appreciate your charifying "original" for us.

Most sincerely, ‘

Ann Moses

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