Box 13, Folder 8, Document 8

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Box 13, Folder 8, Document 8

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December 26, 1967

Mr. Alex W. Smith, President

Central Atlanta Progress, Inc.

2 Peachtree Street, N. W., Suite 2740
Aflania, Georgia 30303

Deer Alex:

We have reviewed the report "Study Design for the Central Atlanta Planning
Process" which was prepared by Alan M. Voorices & Associates, Inc. for Central
Atlanta Progress, Inc. and the City Planning Depertment. Our feeling is that
the approach suggested by this report is much too extensive for this stage of the
geme and has one glaring weckness in that it proposes to farm out a great portion
of the research to private consulting firms. Our experience has been that it is
much more satisfactory to approach this type of project slowly, utilizing the
resources of those who are the most vitally concerned.

Ve propose that the technical work be done by the planning staffs of the City
Pionning Department and Central Atlanta Progress, inc. and that their work be done
under the direction of and in close cooperation with a committee to be made up of
myself as chairman, three members of the Board of Aldermen and three members of the
CAP Executive Board. This committee would insure thet the interests of botiy the
City af lerge and the interests of the property owners and merchants of the Central
Business District were well represented.

We further propose that this committee mect several times with staff members
of the City Planning Department and CAP to discuss the objectives that should be
pursued in a study of the Central Business District. We think that the members of this
committee, as well as the staff members, should have a definite and clearcut idea
of just what is to be accomplished by such a study. We think it is at this point that
we can decide how much outside technical support will be necessary to enable us
Mr. Alex W. Smith ?. December 24, 1967

to acconiplish the objectives which have been set, however, | have great confidence
in the staff of the City Planning Deperiment, as weil as CAP, end feel that a
majority of the technical work can and would best be done by these two groups.

i hope thet this alternative proposal will meet with your approval and aweit
your decision in fis regard.

Sincerely, yours,


cCee Mir. Jack Tarver
Mr. Robert M. Wood



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