Box 13, Folder 8, Document 10

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Box 13, Folder 8, Document 10

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Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


December 20, 1967

Mr. Rodney Cook
34 10th Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Dear Rodney:

This letter is in response to one sent by Senator Dan Mcintyre to Mayor
Allen about the traffic problem in Buckhead. His major concern is the proposed
implementation of the Buckhead loop by Fulton County. As you may remember
the Buckhead loop was conceived by this department and totally rejected by
Buckhead, However, in passing the '63 Bond Issue, the people in Buckhead convinced
the County to include some projects that, in effect, do begin creation of portions
of the loop at a lower level of service, i.e., collectors rather than limited access

As the present time Bill McGeorge. of Fulton County Public Works is actively
pushing for completion of the loop up to a point (See | on Figure |). He has been
_ working with us on it and has asked for our support which we are now prepared to
give with some reservations and conditions. One reservation is that the proposed north
terminus at Wieuca Road will probably create more problems that it will solve. The
loop should be brought back into Peachtree Road or at least to Peachtree Dunwoody
(See 2 on Figure 2). The second reservation concerns proposed widths which vary from
two to three to four lanes. The road should be a collector with a uniform four lanes —
from beginning to end. The bridging of F-056 north (North Fulton Expressway) should
reflect this width,

Last, but not least, our support is conditional on a full understanding of our
complete position. This loop may help Buckhead's interval circulation problem but
that is about all. It is not a solution to the Peachtree Road corridot traffic problem
which begins in DeKalb County and ends south of Brookwood Station. (See attached
paper on Buckhead traffic problem and Figure 2, especially No. 2). | say this to
Mr. Rodney Cook 2. December 20, 1967

attempt fo establish priorities. The overall benefit to the total community is limited.
Since capital improvement funds are in very short supply, they should be spent on priorities
which are more urgent in nature and will result in greater overall benefit.

| am sure that you are aware the City is actively participating in and receiving
data from the Atlanta Area Transportation Study. Up to now, this has been conducted),
mostly by technicians with little invalvement by policy makers. Recently, a policy
committee was formed of which the Mayor is a member. | sent you a short paper on om X
for your consideration.

The nature of the Buckhead problem, in fact many of the traffic problems
throughout the City, such as Campbellton Road, and the patchwork manner in which they

are being handled leads me to say that some more logical, comprehensive approach must \
be adopted by policy makers for considering our transportation problems. A


Collier B. Gladin
Planning Director




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