Box 13, Folder 11, Document 64

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Box 13, Folder 11, Document 64

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Northwest Perry Homes Arca
2339 Arno Court, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Today thore is an ever-increasing desire on-the part of the young people

to be heard, probably moreso in low-income arcas,

It goes without saying that in the Northwest Perry Communities there are
hundreds of young people who are without any or have very few meaningful
programs in which to participate. It has been said that "an idle mind is

the devil's workshop.”

The rising rate of Crime, Delinquency, Truancy and drop-outs among the
youth in our communities, indicate that city, public and private agencies

are failing to provide young people with the inner controls of behavior

_ which are basis for a healthy way of life and a clean community.

Due to the many inadequacies in the arcas of supervised recreation in the
Northwest Perry Communities, we the recreation committee, in keeping with
your requast, recommend the following services, program and facilitics for

your consideration and evaluation.

Sugeested Arcas of Concern and Responsibilitics:

1. Keep the communitics informed of available resources and opportwritics
in the fields of recreation and youth,

2. Allow the community the opportunity to assist in the planning, developing
and running of recreational programs for youth and young adults in the

It generally felt that the communitics in the Northwest Perry area are faced

with the same types of problems that exist in other communities throughout

the city. In trying to offset some of these problems, we are further ree
connending the hiring of recreation personnel on a permanent basia from the

llorthwest communities through the Neighborhood Youth Corps in-school and

out-of-school programs.

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3. Recommendation for the placement of Recreational Leaders.

(a) Pitts Elementary School Perry Boulevard, N. W.
(b) Finch Elementary School Ajax Drive, N. We
(c) Chattahoochee Elementary School Peyton Road, N. W..-

4. The hiring of recreation personnel on a permanent basis by the Housing
authority to supervise recreation in the Perry Homes projects.

5. The completion of the Gun Club Park.
G6. Additional Play Lots for the area.
(a) Possible Location of Play Lots.

(1) Intersection of Hollywood Road and Main Street, N. W.
(2) Intersection of Marco and Argyle Drive
(3) 2000 McCallie Boulevard
(4) Westmoreland Circle (near 1333)
(5) Clarissa Drive (Between Buildings 1602-2215)
(6) Perry Boulevard (near 1395 Drew)

7. The Extension of the “Champ" Program to include other communitics.

&. Swimming Pool for the areca.

The committee, along with other members of the Council, will be willing
to meet you and/or other responsible representatives of the City Parks
Department, in trying to make our community a better place in which to

live °

CC: Mayor Ivan Allen
Virginia Carmichacl
John Cox
Bud Stone
J. ll. Robinson
Dan Sweat

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