Box 13, Folder 12, Document 29

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 29

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Atlanta Bonsai Society

Atlanta, Georgia

19 May, 1957

The Honorable Ivan Alllen, Jr.
Mayor of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 530301

Dear Mayor Allen,

Enelosed please find cooy of most recent,
letter to Senior Senator Richard B. Russell. It is a resume
of the arguments sent to Mr. Johnston, Director of the Plant
Quarantine Division, USDA, but which, thus far, have failed to
convince him.

Perhaps 2 not from you to Senator Russell
would motivate him to action for us?

Thanking you in advance, and also acknow-
ledging receipt of copy of your letter of May 2nd to Mr. John-

Your sincere,

Was Mra kes S atch

Mrs. Charles Busch, Secretary to
Chairman of Committee for Memorial
c/o Greenwood

2160 Stewart Ave., Si

Atlanta, Ga. 303515


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