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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 30
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19 May, 1967
Senior Senator Richard B. Russell
Washington, D.C.
Dear Senator Russell,
I enclose copy of Mr.Barker's answer to
our last letter (4-28-67) of which I sent you a copy at that
We do not want to make a political issue
of this, but we do want Dr.Creech to know that we have the fa-
cilities and scientists here in Atlanta for all possible care
against pests and diseases.
We have Dr.Buchanan, who is connected with
the United States Forestry Service, in his office right in
Piedmont Park, coordinating city, state, and federal pest and dis-
ease control,
We have Mr.B.Oortman, Chief Horticulturist
for the City of Atlanta, with his office in Piedmont Park, and
previously with Fraser's Nursery in Birmingham, Alabama, where
many trees imported from all over the world were in his care,
We have Mr.Carl Scott,Jr., Head of the Ento-=
mology Division of Georgia Department of Agriculture, and his
staff, on call at any time and making regular inspections,
We have Dr.Woolford Baker, professor of bio=-
logy, from Emory University, and himself quite interested in bon-
sai; Mr.Fred Galle, Head of Horticulture at Callaway Gardens, vice-
president of the American Horticulture Society, and among our own
members: Dr.Osman=-Hill of the Yerkes Primate Center, and Drs.
Phelps and Miller of CDC.
Every single member of our society is vi-
tally concerned with pest-control. One attack of borers can ruin
a bonsai forever. It may live, but the beautiful shape attained
after years of patient care and training is destroyed. ven an
attack of red spider mites disfigures an evergreen for not less
than 3 years and may kill it. Japanese beetle larvae are fatal
to azaleas and even aphids cause serious virus trouble with quince
and other members of the rose family.
We all strenuously use the most modern in-
ventions of systemics, soil sterlization, and disease control, and
we certainly do not want anything brought into our area which will
cause us any grief. Our trees are too valuable in terms of both
time and money to take any such risks. Bonsai are not like other
plants left to grow themselves. Members inspect all their own
trees daily while watering and grooming then.
Dr. Stephens himself, formerly connected with
the U.S.Forestry Service, gave us much frequent advice on the use
of systemics and hygienic measures, and was experimenting with
MSD on his own trees at the time of his death.
aaa eae r r ol ™ = » & -*¥
We feel that it is an imposition on the
Brooklyn Botanic Garden to take up their space, equipment and
time when we have just as good facilities and qualified men here.
Also we want the people of the Southeastern
Area to have the privilege of secing a living bonsai-masterpiece,
Which is a work of art just as a sculpture is in its category.
This is just one of many such trees for display which we hope to
import through the years and must set the precedent of our caring
for them ourselves,
We are also fortunate in having a climate
very similar to that of Japan (so that the tree would be much
better off, here, than at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden) and the :
art of Growing bonsai is becoming very popular here among the
horticulturally discerning. (As you know, we have individuals in 4
Georgia spending large sums for fully-automatic greenhouses to.
care for expensive camellias=- they have their Camellia Society-
also people devoted to azaleas, alpine vlants, and fabulous col-
lections of roses, who eventually find that bonsai-growing is the
ultimate in horticulture.)
We feel, too, that Atlanta has been dis-
criminated against in not being designated as an air port-of-
entry, and that it would be a good thing for her economy for all
kins of air-cargo.
In short, we need you to inform
Dr, Creech of these facts, berause in the vastness of agricul-
ture problems, he may not be aware that Georgia has come to the
fore in agricultural technology.
We are sending 3 copies of this letter, at
his request, to Mr. Stewart finn, Editor of "The Harvester", the
Georgia Horticulture Society's publication with over 10,000
readers. Mr.Winn wants to send these copies to:Mr.Fred Galle,
vice-president of the American Horticulture Society, Dr. John
Creech, Director of Agriculture Research Service, and Dr. Henry
Skinner, Director of the National Arboretum, because of his
interest in making Atlanta an air port-of-entry for nursery-
stock. We are also sending a copy to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
at his request, because of similar interests, and a copy to
Mr. Opey Shelton, President of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce,
knowing his concern with making Atlanta an air port-of-entry.
We know you are a very busy man, and little
problems like this take as much time as big ones, but to us it
is of paramount importance, We are sure that the development
of our Bonsai Garden will add lustre to Atlanta's image nationally.
Knowing of.your deep interest in Atlanta,
Georgia, and the South, and the South's orogress, we ask you:
1. to inform Dr, Creech, of the USDA, of our available facilities
and thoroughly capable, above-named scientists, and 2. to help
us have Atlanta recognized as an air port-of-entry and as a metro-=
polis as progressive as New York City.
Thanking you in the name of the Atlanta Bonsai
Society, the Georgia Horticulture Society, and all the people of ;
Sincerely, |
(Signed) Larry Williams, Chairman of
Committee for Memorial Garden
19 May, 1967
Senior Senator Richard B. Russell
Washington, D.C.
Dear Senator Russell,
I enclose copy of Mr.Barker's answer to
our last letter (4-28-67) of which I sent you a copy at that
We do not want to make a political issue
of this, but we do want Dr.Creech to know that we have the fa-
cilities and scientists here in Atlanta for all possible care
against pests and diseases.
We have Dr.Buchanan, who is connected with
the United States Forestry Service, in his office right in
Piedmont Park, coordinating city, state, and federal pest and dis-
ease control,
We have Mr.B.Oortman, Chief Horticulturist
for the City of Atlanta, with his office in Piedmont Park, and
previously with Fraser's Nursery in Birmingham, Alabama, where
many trees imported from all over the world were in his care,
We have Mr.Carl Scott,Jr., Head of the Ento-=
mology Division of Georgia Department of Agriculture, and his
staff, on call at any time and making regular inspections,
We have Dr.Woolford Baker, professor of bio=-
logy, from Emory University, and himself quite interested in bon-
sai; Mr.Fred Galle, Head of Horticulture at Callaway Gardens, vice-
president of the American Horticulture Society, and among our own
members: Dr.Osman=-Hill of the Yerkes Primate Center, and Drs.
Phelps and Miller of CDC.
Every single member of our society is vi-
tally concerned with pest-control. One attack of borers can ruin
a bonsai forever. It may live, but the beautiful shape attained
after years of patient care and training is destroyed. ven an
attack of red spider mites disfigures an evergreen for not less
than 3 years and may kill it. Japanese beetle larvae are fatal
to azaleas and even aphids cause serious virus trouble with quince
and other members of the rose family.
We all strenuously use the most modern in-
ventions of systemics, soil sterlization, and disease control, and
we certainly do not want anything brought into our area which will
cause us any grief. Our trees are too valuable in terms of both
time and money to take any such risks. Bonsai are not like other
plants left to grow themselves. Members inspect all their own
trees daily while watering and grooming then.
Dr. Stephens himself, formerly connected with
the U.S.Forestry Service, gave us much frequent advice on the use
of systemics and hygienic measures, and was experimenting with
MSD on his own trees at the time of his death.
aaa eae r r ol ™ = » & -*¥
We feel that it is an imposition on the
Brooklyn Botanic Garden to take up their space, equipment and
time when we have just as good facilities and qualified men here.
Also we want the people of the Southeastern
Area to have the privilege of secing a living bonsai-masterpiece,
Which is a work of art just as a sculpture is in its category.
This is just one of many such trees for display which we hope to
import through the years and must set the precedent of our caring
for them ourselves,
We are also fortunate in having a climate
very similar to that of Japan (so that the tree would be much
better off, here, than at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden) and the :
art of Growing bonsai is becoming very popular here among the
horticulturally discerning. (As you know, we have individuals in 4
Georgia spending large sums for fully-automatic greenhouses to.
care for expensive camellias=- they have their Camellia Society-
also people devoted to azaleas, alpine vlants, and fabulous col-
lections of roses, who eventually find that bonsai-growing is the
ultimate in horticulture.)
We feel, too, that Atlanta has been dis-
criminated against in not being designated as an air port-of-
entry, and that it would be a good thing for her economy for all
kins of air-cargo.
In short, we need you to inform
Dr, Creech of these facts, berause in the vastness of agricul-
ture problems, he may not be aware that Georgia has come to the
fore in agricultural technology.
We are sending 3 copies of this letter, at
his request, to Mr. Stewart finn, Editor of "The Harvester", the
Georgia Horticulture Society's publication with over 10,000
readers. Mr.Winn wants to send these copies to:Mr.Fred Galle,
vice-president of the American Horticulture Society, Dr. John
Creech, Director of Agriculture Research Service, and Dr. Henry
Skinner, Director of the National Arboretum, because of his
interest in making Atlanta an air port-of-entry for nursery-
stock. We are also sending a copy to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
at his request, because of similar interests, and a copy to
Mr. Opey Shelton, President of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce,
knowing his concern with making Atlanta an air port-of-entry.
We know you are a very busy man, and little
problems like this take as much time as big ones, but to us it
is of paramount importance, We are sure that the development
of our Bonsai Garden will add lustre to Atlanta's image nationally.
Knowing of.your deep interest in Atlanta,
Georgia, and the South, and the South's orogress, we ask you:
1. to inform Dr, Creech, of the USDA, of our available facilities
and thoroughly capable, above-named scientists, and 2. to help
us have Atlanta recognized as an air port-of-entry and as a metro-=
polis as progressive as New York City.
Thanking you in the name of the Atlanta Bonsai
Society, the Georgia Horticulture Society, and all the people of ;
Sincerely, |
(Signed) Larry Williams, Chairman of
Committee for Memorial Garden