Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 12, Document 99
Text Item Type Metadata
April 7, 1967
TOs Miss Virginia Carmichael, Director of Recreation
FROM: Jack Delius
SUBJECT: Hammond Drive Park Site ~ Guy Webb School -
Fulton County Park System
I received a telephone request from Mr. Alan Kiepper, the
County Manager, asking that we at the earliest date possible
submit to his office a proposed program for the operation of
the Hammond Drive Park Site adjacent to the Guy Webb School
for this coming summer. Fulton County's department of
Public Works under Mr. A, T. McDonald are proceeding to de-
velop the driveways and parking area of the park and I
assume will do certain underbrush clearing. Stan Ayer of
our Park Engineering Division is rapidly completing the work~
ing drawings on the walks in the park as well as grading
scheme for the tennis courts and amphitheater. I understand
thet Fulton County School authorities will make available two
baseball diamonds adjacent to the site which are connected
with Guy Webb School,
Mr. Kiepper would like a complete proposal including the dates
the programs could start and the suggested ending date; the
t and number of staff, salary expenses, supply expenses, etc.
Please work up an adequate and complete proposal for supervised
recreation at your earliest convenience. I would suggest that
possibly the program would have to be in the nature of @ day camp
activity since facilities would not be completed this summer,
Thank you very much.
ect: All Members of the Parks: Committee
Hon. R. Earl Landers )~
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