Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 12, Document 100
Text Item Type Metadata
April 4, 1967
Mr. Charlie Leftwich
1665 Jonesboro Rd., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
Dear Mr, Leftwich:
You probably heave noticed, more end more trees are being
planted in the downtown area by private property owners.
No provision was made in the 1967 Budget granted this
department for personnel or materials to maintain these
trees in @jproper fashion. Already, several have died
because of the lack of watering or because of the
intense heat being reflected off of light colored
buildings, etc. When the trees died, it seems that
this department receives criticism from the general
public when in fact we had nothing to do with planting
the trees. If just whsh to make it clear that we did
ask for sufficient help and equipment to adequately
maintain the downtown tree planting program but it was
not possible for it to be budgeted and our request was
not granted,
Very truly yours,
Jack C, Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
ICDs bjw
cect Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. —
All Members of the Parks Committee
Mr. Eric Harkness, Planning Dept.
Mr. Charlie Leftwich
1665 Jonesboro Rd., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
Dear Mr, Leftwich:
You probably heave noticed, more end more trees are being
planted in the downtown area by private property owners.
No provision was made in the 1967 Budget granted this
department for personnel or materials to maintain these
trees in @jproper fashion. Already, several have died
because of the lack of watering or because of the
intense heat being reflected off of light colored
buildings, etc. When the trees died, it seems that
this department receives criticism from the general
public when in fact we had nothing to do with planting
the trees. If just whsh to make it clear that we did
ask for sufficient help and equipment to adequately
maintain the downtown tree planting program but it was
not possible for it to be budgeted and our request was
not granted,
Very truly yours,
Jack C, Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
ICDs bjw
cect Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. —
All Members of the Parks Committee
Mr. Eric Harkness, Planning Dept.