Box 13, Folder 12, Document 105

Dublin Core


Box 13, Folder 12, Document 105

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“Hl AdOol*

A: ; ‘
Ad “SAGO 4
uss cS 1ge2 Fy

Pebrusry 3, 1967

Me. Thomas FP. Chovce
Basociate City Attorney

City of Atlanta

Department of Lew

‘2614 First National Dank Bldg.
Ftlanta, Georgie 30303

Dear Toms

Thank you for your letter of February 1, 1967 and the
attached opinion regerding the Cyclorema end its aift
te the City.

4& search of our records reveal that the last year a .10¢
ecmission cherge was made was 1916. Starting in 1917
the admission fco was increased to .15¢ end hes consis-
tantly risen over the years to the present cost of $1.00
for adults and .50¢ for children. Group rates of course
ere .50¢ for adulte and 25¢ fer children. Therefora, it
appears that for at. leart 51 years we have been charging
in exceas of .10¢ per person to see the Cyclorama.

I a not believe I will rently to Mr. Gress’ letter une
Jess i hear further from him and iz I should I will
merely cdviee nim that for 51 yeers we have been cherg-
ing fees in excess of .10¢.

Thank you for your obviously very thorough reseerch end
trusting we might reciprocate, i am


wack c. Delius
General Manager of

Parks and Recreation —
TCDiabjw *

ces All Members of the Park Committee (w/attach.)


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