Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 12, Document 130
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March 2, 1967
Mrs, Charles E, Clark
684 Hillpine Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mrs. Clark:
Thank you very much for your letter of February 23, 1967
addressed to Mgyor Ivan Allen, Jr. His honor has
forwarded your correspondence on to me for reply.
I have inspected the strip of woods on Monroe Drive to
which you refer and think the best thing to do would be
to retain the area in its natural condition, Unfortunately,
the City Parks Department does not have any money remaining
in its Bond Fund for the purchase of additional park land.
Your suggestion that Mr, Wilbur Kurtz, Sr. be memorialized
in some appropriate manner is well taken - and I personally
feel very strongly that we must acknowledge ell that this
fine gentlemen did for Atlanta,
Thanking you again for your letter, I am
Jack C. Delkus
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
ce: Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. .
Hon. Richard C, Freeman
i i em
Mrs, Charles E, Clark
684 Hillpine Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mrs. Clark:
Thank you very much for your letter of February 23, 1967
addressed to Mgyor Ivan Allen, Jr. His honor has
forwarded your correspondence on to me for reply.
I have inspected the strip of woods on Monroe Drive to
which you refer and think the best thing to do would be
to retain the area in its natural condition, Unfortunately,
the City Parks Department does not have any money remaining
in its Bond Fund for the purchase of additional park land.
Your suggestion that Mr, Wilbur Kurtz, Sr. be memorialized
in some appropriate manner is well taken - and I personally
feel very strongly that we must acknowledge ell that this
fine gentlemen did for Atlanta,
Thanking you again for your letter, I am
Jack C. Delkus
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
ce: Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. .
Hon. Richard C, Freeman
i i em