Box 13, Folder 12, Document 131

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Box 13, Folder 12, Document 131

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684 Hillpine Drive, .. &.
Atlanta, Ceorgia 30506
February 23, 1967

“onorable Ivan Allen, Mayor
city of atlanta
Atlanta, Ceorgia

Dear Mayor Allen:

Aas you know Atlanta was saddened by the recent death of
iy. Wilbur kurtz, Sr., who had been so outstanding in our City's
history and it occurred to me what a wonderful tribute to his
memory if the City could obtain the Little strip of woods on
lionroe Drive, which is up for re-zoning now, Petition 4-66-260-B,
and convert this into a "Confederate Memorial Park."

Our Alderman, Hon.Richard C. Freeman, has fought so hard
to try and keep this property from being re-zoned for apartments
and tefore it becomes & losing battle 1 humbly ask that you toss
this idea around and i'm sure there are hundreds of people willing
and ready to contribute to & memorial to Mr. kurta.

Unfortunately, the City refused to accept this property
years ago when it was offered as a park area, and I am under the
impression that there is very little money tied up in it now.

It would be most fitting as a "Confederate Memorial" as 1 under-
stand the Civil War was fought hard in this vicinity and even
today trenches can be found testifying to the battle.

If there is any spark of interest on your part, I hope
you will act promptly, as this matter will be decided by the
Zoning Committee very soon,


Flt Bas b Class

Mrs. Chas. E. Clark

ee: Hon. Richard ©. Freeman
1650 Sussex Hoad, N. #,
Atlanta, Georgia


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