Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 12, Document 171
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Januery 10, 1967
Mr. Charles L. Davis
City of Atlanta
itlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Charles:
Thank you for your letter of December 30, 1966 regarding
your review of a copy of the proposed Urban Beautification
Grant Application which has been prepared by the Planning
it is certainly true that 6 major part of the City's total
share is the progrem of Park renovation and no provision
has been made or anticipated to finance the Park partici-
paticn cut of Park Immrovement funds. I informed the
Planning Department thet we anticipated a rebate of
approximately $110,000 from three Open Space Development
Grants which héve been approved by HUD. However, it mey
well be that thé Aldermanic Parks Committee would deem
it more appropriate that this rcbate be spent on Phase Il
of Thomasville, Gun Club, University, etc. or on Phase I
of Cleveland, Tull Waters, Empire Boulevard, etc.
You mentioned the C. W. Hill Park Site. I don't yet know
whether we are expected to buy the lend or whether it will
be donated, nor do I know the remifications of the federel
assistance programs pertaining to donations or purchsse.
You are in error, however, in that we do have $75,000 ear-
merked for the development of the Rockdale Urban Renewai
Since we have only 1/4 Mill income and this yields apporoxi-
mately $300,000 a year, it scems nearly fruitless to count
on completing the ten neighborhood parks and the four urban
renewal sites recently acquired within any reasonable
length of time.
Mr. Charles L. Davis
January 10, 1967
Page Two
I too recognize the desirability and appeal of the Urban
Beautification Program not only because of the reasons
you have stated but due to the fact it is the only
assistance program I know of that will enable us to
renovate old parks not scquired under the Open Space
Thanking you egain for your letter and assuring you that
I wish I did have a solution to our financial dilemma,
I am
Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
cc: Mr. Collier B. Gladdin
Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr. —
Mr. Charles L. Davis
City of Atlanta
itlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Charles:
Thank you for your letter of December 30, 1966 regarding
your review of a copy of the proposed Urban Beautification
Grant Application which has been prepared by the Planning
it is certainly true that 6 major part of the City's total
share is the progrem of Park renovation and no provision
has been made or anticipated to finance the Park partici-
paticn cut of Park Immrovement funds. I informed the
Planning Department thet we anticipated a rebate of
approximately $110,000 from three Open Space Development
Grants which héve been approved by HUD. However, it mey
well be that thé Aldermanic Parks Committee would deem
it more appropriate that this rcbate be spent on Phase Il
of Thomasville, Gun Club, University, etc. or on Phase I
of Cleveland, Tull Waters, Empire Boulevard, etc.
You mentioned the C. W. Hill Park Site. I don't yet know
whether we are expected to buy the lend or whether it will
be donated, nor do I know the remifications of the federel
assistance programs pertaining to donations or purchsse.
You are in error, however, in that we do have $75,000 ear-
merked for the development of the Rockdale Urban Renewai
Since we have only 1/4 Mill income and this yields apporoxi-
mately $300,000 a year, it scems nearly fruitless to count
on completing the ten neighborhood parks and the four urban
renewal sites recently acquired within any reasonable
length of time.
Mr. Charles L. Davis
January 10, 1967
Page Two
I too recognize the desirability and appeal of the Urban
Beautification Program not only because of the reasons
you have stated but due to the fact it is the only
assistance program I know of that will enable us to
renovate old parks not scquired under the Open Space
Thanking you egain for your letter and assuring you that
I wish I did have a solution to our financial dilemma,
I am
Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation
cc: Mr. Collier B. Gladdin
Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr. —