Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 21, Document 11
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July 18, 1967
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayer City Of Atlanta .
City Hail
68 Mitchell Street, S.W.
Atianta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Alien:
At a meeting held in the auditorium of the GIEA Building, 201 Ashby
Street, NW., attended by fifty five citizens of the Nash-Bans Area,
reference was made to the fact that I, organizer of the Nash-Bans
Coordinating Committee, hac written you two letters and have not
received a reply from either.
In one letter, an invitation was extended to you to appear before
the above named group fer the purpose of describing in some detail,
the manner and extent to which you wish the committee to cooperate
and assist in the proposed Urban Renewal Development under considera=
tion for the Nash-Bans Community.
The committee represents every church in the community. Also, every
parent whose child is in attendance at E.A. Ware, English Avenue, or
M.M. Bethune Schools, is represented by the P.T.A. of each of the
three Schools. In addition, Business, Fraternal, Civic and Professional
Organizations are also represented,
The purpese ef this letter, however, is focused on the future. Therefore,
we would appreciate a cemmunication from you indicating the earliest
pessible date when you and other appropriate city officials could meet
with this committee,
A special meeting of the committee will be called immediately upon
receipt of a commmnication from yeu indicating your availability to
appear befere its members.
Respectfully yours,
EM. Laws
EMs licw E. Mo s
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayer City Of Atlanta .
City Hail
68 Mitchell Street, S.W.
Atianta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Alien:
At a meeting held in the auditorium of the GIEA Building, 201 Ashby
Street, NW., attended by fifty five citizens of the Nash-Bans Area,
reference was made to the fact that I, organizer of the Nash-Bans
Coordinating Committee, hac written you two letters and have not
received a reply from either.
In one letter, an invitation was extended to you to appear before
the above named group fer the purpose of describing in some detail,
the manner and extent to which you wish the committee to cooperate
and assist in the proposed Urban Renewal Development under considera=
tion for the Nash-Bans Community.
The committee represents every church in the community. Also, every
parent whose child is in attendance at E.A. Ware, English Avenue, or
M.M. Bethune Schools, is represented by the P.T.A. of each of the
three Schools. In addition, Business, Fraternal, Civic and Professional
Organizations are also represented,
The purpese ef this letter, however, is focused on the future. Therefore,
we would appreciate a cemmunication from you indicating the earliest
pessible date when you and other appropriate city officials could meet
with this committee,
A special meeting of the committee will be called immediately upon
receipt of a commmnication from yeu indicating your availability to
appear befere its members.
Respectfully yours,
EM. Laws
EMs licw E. Mo s