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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 12
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June 14, ay A yt
wh i
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
The duties and obligations associated with the
closing of shcool and assisting in the United Negro College
Fund Campaign, are my explanations for the delay in formerly
acknowledging my acceptance of the assignment you have me
at the Cosmopolitan A.M.E. Church, Tuesday night, June 6,
This comes to inform you that I have already
had two meetings with a small group of concerned citizens,
representing religious, fraternal, civic and business
organizations. Another meeting is scheduled for early
next week. .
In due course, I shall submit to you the nemes
and identify the interests and connections of the persons
Sincerely yours,
os { : - ;
é. fM LA
E. M. Laws
137 Griffin St., N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
wh i
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
The duties and obligations associated with the
closing of shcool and assisting in the United Negro College
Fund Campaign, are my explanations for the delay in formerly
acknowledging my acceptance of the assignment you have me
at the Cosmopolitan A.M.E. Church, Tuesday night, June 6,
This comes to inform you that I have already
had two meetings with a small group of concerned citizens,
representing religious, fraternal, civic and business
organizations. Another meeting is scheduled for early
next week. .
In due course, I shall submit to you the nemes
and identify the interests and connections of the persons
Sincerely yours,
os { : - ;
é. fM LA
E. M. Laws
137 Griffin St., N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia