Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 21, Document 27
Text Item Type Metadata
June 27, 1967 ff
TO: George
Mr. B. M. Huggins, 377-4315, called today regarding the Y.S.D.
Boys Club in Kirkwood. Mr. Huggins advised he is the owner of
a building at 75 Norwood Ave., N.E,. and the Boys Club rents this
building from him. He advised that since these Negro boys had
moved into the building they had broken out the windows and the
building was in deplorable condition. He also stated that they
do not have any garbage cans but dump the garbage in a ditch in
back of the building. The Sanitary Dept. could not be expected
to get up this garbage.
He submits this only as information that in a short period of
time they have ruined a good building and has no bearing on
neglect of city services,
TO: George
Mr. B. M. Huggins, 377-4315, called today regarding the Y.S.D.
Boys Club in Kirkwood. Mr. Huggins advised he is the owner of
a building at 75 Norwood Ave., N.E,. and the Boys Club rents this
building from him. He advised that since these Negro boys had
moved into the building they had broken out the windows and the
building was in deplorable condition. He also stated that they
do not have any garbage cans but dump the garbage in a ditch in
back of the building. The Sanitary Dept. could not be expected
to get up this garbage.
He submits this only as information that in a short period of
time they have ruined a good building and has no bearing on
neglect of city services,