Box 13, Folder 21, Document 28

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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 28

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“slimitation than to fer

tack market distribu-
1p. aid
snwillingness to heed
warnings of some
the medical profes-
derscored for Hell-
‘d, when his own
wy told him she
t a lifetime supply
aceptives before his
came out, if it was
»ormmend withdraw-
mm the market.

- women are taking
this country “be-
demand for it is so
their own doctors,
profession in gen-
sibly even the fed-
nent do not dare to
id the medication,”
Puerto Rico
ass testing of the
2 in Puerto Rico
cation of safety
‘om that experi-
« dropout rate of
i was more than
‘t year, the mag-
ut, and no sys-
‘ip is possible,
‘““ineus, pill pio-
as saying, “Per-
* 20 per cent of
« for followup.
“| British Medical
‘cil estimates that
“7none contracep-
» her risk of clot-
; There can be no
wbt that some
1; omboembolic dis-
“sociated with the
contraceptives, its

3 are impossible

.o reliable data

‘g disease and
omen who don't
ceptives. But the

Ss a number of
«nose clinical experi-
“ces them of the
T those on the

Take Control,
Stokely Tells
Boston Rally

Boston, (AP)—Stokely Carmi-
chael led a march through the

streets of Boston's heavily Ne-

gro Roxbury section yesterday
and told Negroes they must
take control of the land and
stores in their areas.

"We will control things in our
communities by any means ne-
ecessary,” he told a rally in
Franklin Park,

‘Tf hunky [the white man]
gets his store bombed out every
Friday or Saturday,” Carmichael
said, “he’s going to have to sell
it to us.”

He also told the crowd that
the only way to stop “racist
aggression” by police “is by
armed resistance.” He did not
elaborate but said, “as long as
injustice prevails, there will be
no peace.”

Boston's Acting Mayor Barry
T. Hynes had criticized Car-
michael's visit, saying he “in-
cites violence wherever he goes"
and warned that violence would
not be tolerated, Roxbury was
the scene of Negro rioting the
weekend of June 2-4.

There was only one minor in-
cident yesterday. Police arrest-
ed a white man who was carry-
ing a sign reading, “I fight
poverty, I work.” He scuffled
with a small group of Negroes
and was charged with breach
o the peace.

Carmichael was expected to
return to Atlanta, where eh was
released from jail Saturday af-
ter posting a $1,000 appeal
bond. .

Associaton. } Py ; gry wy
_Frankie Hayes Lea eats, Le Jj)
his father, Frank. .
Frankie died of Ler

disease he thougi
beaten. Story on P D Lit?

Donova s
fx &
More Gi4- Aatdrcts cot ls Lx

Schools Superintend:

childhood programs, whir
‘in the city schools. pare sg

Stressing the special r )
the depressed areas of tl.
Donovan said a “very
strengthening” of the pi
would be forthcoming. .

But he reserved deta.
program and its finance’
press conference later
Board of Education .
ters in Brooklyn, ‘

On WABC.TV's “The
tendent of Schools Rep
novan said yesterday 1
three major problems of as Hn!
schools are money, a te ¢ Z [ry :
shortage and the lack of .
room space.

Local schools will rece


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Chit or pets filed

frit, .

neded siate aid only if th
Legislature, accepts the city) x

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