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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 30
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Mp. Iven Allen, Mseyor
City of Atlenta,
Atlenta, Georgia.
Deer Meyor Allen:
411 of us here in the State of Georgia regret the events
that have occured in your City especially when you were one of the avant
garde who chempioned the Negro cause when the hysteria head its beginning.
It is a pity that those who heve been the leaders in this movement
to give the Negro all he asks for and more besides, overlaoked the simple
fect of neture thet when privileges are extended that are not earned whether,
they be Negro, white, children or soldiezs their demends ere never satiated.
Children learn early in life that a little yelling gets one thing md
its repebetion gets more so, thet is what you have today: the old spoiled
child tecnique. All of us respect authority that remains firm end never
deviates. ie
Here is Augusta, we have been free of such md mehy ere smug in the
feeling it won't happen here however, I contend things could erupt over
night should the proper agitator appear on the scene.
I em sorry that your chéckens of appeasment have come home to roost.
. (Former member of City Council )
——_— ( Chhirmen Richmond County Commission)
SBE fou he-dolion ry Lourmerck!
Mp. Iven Allen, Mseyor
City of Atlenta,
Atlenta, Georgia.
Deer Meyor Allen:
411 of us here in the State of Georgia regret the events
that have occured in your City especially when you were one of the avant
garde who chempioned the Negro cause when the hysteria head its beginning.
It is a pity that those who heve been the leaders in this movement
to give the Negro all he asks for and more besides, overlaoked the simple
fect of neture thet when privileges are extended that are not earned whether,
they be Negro, white, children or soldiezs their demends ere never satiated.
Children learn early in life that a little yelling gets one thing md
its repebetion gets more so, thet is what you have today: the old spoiled
child tecnique. All of us respect authority that remains firm end never
deviates. ie
Here is Augusta, we have been free of such md mehy ere smug in the
feeling it won't happen here however, I contend things could erupt over
night should the proper agitator appear on the scene.
I em sorry that your chéckens of appeasment have come home to roost.
. (Former member of City Council )
——_— ( Chhirmen Richmond County Commission)
SBE fou he-dolion ry Lourmerck!