Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 21, Document 54
Text Item Type Metadata
November 13, 1967
‘Mr. Mike Chanin
Alumni Memorial Office
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mike:
I have read with interest your column "The Jaundiced Eye",
I congratulate you on it and I think you have done a good job
in researching the facts and in presenting them.
May I offer you the following information which I do not believe
you had at the time you wrote the article. The Atlanta Chamber
of Commerce, for a number of years, has accepted members
regardless of race; and, even today, Mr, Clayton R. Yates
serves as a member of the Board of Directors.
Further, your statement concerning The Commerce Club is in
error, as I have personally, on several occasions, had Negroes
as my guests for lunch in The Commerce Club. No objection
has been voiced to my knowledge.
This information is not offered as criticism nor for cerrection
but, merely, for you to have.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
ee eee
Sl a a li liner ill eel
‘Mr. Mike Chanin
Alumni Memorial Office
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mike:
I have read with interest your column "The Jaundiced Eye",
I congratulate you on it and I think you have done a good job
in researching the facts and in presenting them.
May I offer you the following information which I do not believe
you had at the time you wrote the article. The Atlanta Chamber
of Commerce, for a number of years, has accepted members
regardless of race; and, even today, Mr, Clayton R. Yates
serves as a member of the Board of Directors.
Further, your statement concerning The Commerce Club is in
error, as I have personally, on several occasions, had Negroes
as my guests for lunch in The Commerce Club. No objection
has been voiced to my knowledge.
This information is not offered as criticism nor for cerrection
but, merely, for you to have.
Ivan Allen, Jr.
ee eee
Sl a a li liner ill eel