Box 13, Folder 21, Document 53

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Box 13, Folder 21, Document 53

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November 13, 1967 i


On October 13, when May Ivan Allen, Jr., accepted the list of namrs as reco=
mnended by Mr. E. M. Laws, for membership on the NasheBans Coordinating
Committee, and designated them as official representatives of the Nash—Bans
Area, he made the following statements "Our number one goal is to make the
Nash=Bans Community a better place in which to live, Now it is up to all of
us, the Committee and the City to work together to see that we achieve our
purpose", No development in the area shall take place under the auspices of
any department in the City Government without the delegated representatives
of the Committee being brought into a consultative relationship with the pro-
posed development in its initial stages,

Mr. Collier B. Gladin, Director of City Planning Department, has recently
employed a trained specialist in Urban Development in the person of

Mr, Peter LaBree to make a study of the Nash-Bans Community in order to make
a comprehensive survey and recommendations for the oversall Urban Renewal
Developments in the orea,e In view of the fact that the proposed recommen=
dations of Mr, LaBrie should be expected to include the location of the
parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities as related to schools,
churches, and the residential areas, it would seem altogether appropriate
that the Atlanta Board of Education be requested to suspend any further de-
velopments in the area on the Junior High School Complex, until the over-
all schedule for Urban Renewal development of the Nash-Bans Community has
been finalized.

In consideration of the situation that is deseribed above, be it resolved that
a resolution be adopted at this meeting and be forwarded to the President

of the Atlanta Board of Education by the Chairman of the Nash=Bans Coordi-
nating Committee requesting that the Atlanta Board of Education suspend any
further development $n the Junior High School Complex until Mr. LaBire's
study has been made , his recomnendations submitted to the Director of the
City Planning Department, and an opportunity afforded the members of the
Committee to be made intelligently aware of the degree and extent to which
the proposed school complex shall become a part of the over-all program of
development of the Nash-Bans Community.

Be it further resolved that representatives of the Board of Education,
representatives of the City Planning Department, and the Nash=Bans Coordi-
nating Committee shall meet to evaluate Mr, LaBrie's recommendations, in the
light of the sentiments expressed by his Honor, Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., when
the members of the Nash=Bans Coordinating Committee were given their official

Be it further resolved that, a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded
to his Honor the Mayor, Mr. Collier B, Gladin, Daily and Weekly Press, and
a copy recorded in our minutes,


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