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Box 14, Folder 4, Document 102
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May 12, 1965
Dear Governor Sanders:
Your letter to Mr. Billy Graham, notifying him of
the eancellation of the dedication ofthe Atlanta
Municipal Stadium on July 29, arrived in his ab-
gence. However, I have told Mr. Graham of your
letter, and he asked me to write to you on his be-
half tc thank you for letting him know so quickly
of thie change in plans and to assure you that he
will be happy to be with you for the dedication in
1966 if it can be arranged on 4 date when he is
free to come to Atlanta.
May 1 suggest that you have someone in your office
get in touch with Mr, Walter Smyth who is in charge
of our Atlanta office to work with him in arranging
for a date next year? Mr. Smith can be reached at
766-522) in Atlanta; his mailing address is Post
office Box 20809, Atlanta, Georgia 30320.
Sincerely yours,
Secretary tO Billy Crahan
The Honorable Carl E, Sanders
Governor of Georgia
Atianta, Georgia