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Box 14, Folder 4, Document 103
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Sy eee er ——¥ ——i§ eS SS ae a Se a
@ffice of the Guternor
Carl £. Sanders
GOVERNOR April 28, 1965
Dr. Billy Graham
Montreat, North Carolina
Dear Billy:
dedication of the Atlanta }
evening, July 29.
For many reasons, this activity has been post-
poned and the formal dedication of the Stadium will be
held in April of 1966, the night of the first game of the
season at which time the Atlanta Braves, formerly
Milwaukee Braves, will play their initial game.
Therefore, I would like to advise you of the can-
cellation of the date of July 29, and on behalf of the City
of Atlanta and the entire State, extend you an invitation
to be with us on the occasion of the dedication in April,
1966. I regret that no actual date can be furnished you
at this time, but as soon as it is tied down, we will be
back in touch with you.
I regret that you will be unable to speak at the
Prayer Breakfast in '66, but sincerely understand your
busy schedule.
As you know, the entire State is honored to have
your offices located in Atlanta, and it would indeed be my
personal pleasure when you are visiting in the Atlanta
offices, to have you drop by and visit with me, or if possible,
Page Two ,
April 28, 1965
Dr. Graham
to have lunch or dinner with Mrs. Sanders and me at
the Mansion.
With kind personal regards and best wishes, Iam
be: Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor wi
City of Atlanta |
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
@ffice of the Guternor
Carl £. Sanders
GOVERNOR April 28, 1965
Dr. Billy Graham
Montreat, North Carolina
Dear Billy:
dedication of the Atlanta }
evening, July 29.
For many reasons, this activity has been post-
poned and the formal dedication of the Stadium will be
held in April of 1966, the night of the first game of the
season at which time the Atlanta Braves, formerly
Milwaukee Braves, will play their initial game.
Therefore, I would like to advise you of the can-
cellation of the date of July 29, and on behalf of the City
of Atlanta and the entire State, extend you an invitation
to be with us on the occasion of the dedication in April,
1966. I regret that no actual date can be furnished you
at this time, but as soon as it is tied down, we will be
back in touch with you.
I regret that you will be unable to speak at the
Prayer Breakfast in '66, but sincerely understand your
busy schedule.
As you know, the entire State is honored to have
your offices located in Atlanta, and it would indeed be my
personal pleasure when you are visiting in the Atlanta
offices, to have you drop by and visit with me, or if possible,
Page Two ,
April 28, 1965
Dr. Graham
to have lunch or dinner with Mrs. Sanders and me at
the Mansion.
With kind personal regards and best wishes, Iam
be: Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor wi
City of Atlanta |
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia