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Box 14, Folder 4, Document 104
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DRAFT - News Releage after 6:00 p.m. Saturday, April 3, 1965 (oe L
(by Stadium Authority): La We rae p
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Georgia's Governor Carl E, Sanders, Atlanta's Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
and Fulton County Commission Chairman James H. Aldredge will highlight the
opening game ceremonies at the Atlanta Stadium at 7:10 p.m. on Friday, April 9th.
Whkh/ Brief ceremonies will precede the first of three exhibition games between
the Milwaukee Braves and Detroit Tigers,
Stadium Authority Chairman, Arthur Montgomery and Mel Allen, Braves
radio-t.v. announcer will be masters of ceremonies,
Stadium opening plans were announced by Edgar Forio, chairman of the
inauguration and dedication committee. He said that formal dedication of the
stadium will come later this year.
All those employeed in the construction of the stadium have been invited
to attend this opening game as guests of the Braves, More than 30,000 persons
are expected for the opening night. Other participants in the opening game
ceremonies will be Dr. Pierce Harris, pastor First PreSddéA Methodist Church
and former professional baseball player; M/ William C, Bartholomay, Chairman
of the Braves and John McHale, the Braves' President. The Murphy High School
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i Sic and.the Boy Scouts will fernish the color guard. e 2, t th
The Atlanta Transit System will operate shuttle busses at standard fares
throughout the downtown area to the stadium, Transfers from regular transit
lines will be accepted on the Stadium Suttle busses,
Atlanta taxi firms will operate to and from the stadium in the downtown
area ata flat rate of 50¢ per person.
Sid Scarbrough, Stadium Manager, pointed out that there will be
some 25,000 downtown commercial parking spaces available. Parking facilities
in the vicinity of City Hall and the State Capitol will also be available, Parking on the
streets around the stadium will be prohibited in order to allow maximum traffic flow.
Busses, including busses from other cities, will be given the right of way.
Saturday's exhibition game will start at 7:30 p.m. and the Sunday game
will be at 1:30 p.m.
Approsimately 1,200 parking spaces in the immediate area of the
stadium will be available for the earliest arrivals.