Box 14, Folder 4, Document 118

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Box 14, Folder 4, Document 118

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February 15, 1965 - Guest House, 18th Floor C & S Bank

Mr. Forio called the meeting to order at 3:30 P. M., February 15,
1965 with the followins vresent:

Committee Members Cthers
Mr. Fcrio Sidney Scarborough
Mr. Shelton Ernie Jchnson
Mr. Mann

Mr. McCart (Aldredge)
Mrs. Drummond (Mayor Allen)

Mr. Foric opened the meeting and explained that he had appointed

a sub-committee consisting of Mrs. Drummond, Goodwin, Johnson,

and Scarborough to study the dedication program. He then presented
copies of the sub-committee's report to the committee and called
for discussion.

In the discussion that followed, it was decided to inaugurate the
Stadium on April 9 and formally dedicate the Stadium on either
June 14 or July 29, 1965. Some discussion was had about delaying
it until 1966 but was discarded by the committee. There was some
discussion about the opening of the Cracker season on April 17.

The following appeared to be the consensus of the body:
l- The Cracker's opening game ceremonies would be strictly
a Cracker operation and the committee would make no


2- April 9, 1965 (Braves vs. Tigers) would be observed with
the following ceremonies.

a, Invocation - Dr. Pierce Harris
b. National Anthem —- High School Band
ec. Color Guard - Boy Scouts

d. "First Ball" activities, Governor Sanders, Commis-
Sioner Aldredge and Mayor Allen.
Page 2
February 15, 1965 - Minutes
Committee on Dedication of Stedium

3- It was the consensus of the body that President Jehnson
should be invited to participate in stadium dedication
ceremonies and that the dates of June 14, 1965 and July
29, 1965 would be presented for his consideration

Mr. Forio appointed the following cowmittees:

l- Program
Chairman Earl Mann

V. Chairman Opie Sheltan
Sidney Scarboxough

2- Publicity

Mrs. Ann Drummond
Others to be added

ae Invitption
Opie L. Shelton
4- Plaque

Mayor Allen
Arthur L. Montgomery

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


{ 9)


Set he ae: Seer | \
Sidney Scarborough for
Edgar Forio


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