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Box 14, Folder 12, Document 40
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Funds are not now available
either to shorten Atlanta fire-
men’s workweek or raise their
pay, the aldermanie finance
committee decided Friday.
The action came after some
}400 firemen, their wives and
,supporters had overflowed the
aldermanic chambers at a pub-
lic hearing. They asked that the
fire department‘s workweek be
cut to 56 hours from the present
60 hours and that time and a
th be paid for all hours over
The finance committee took
up the requests in executive
session and wound up deciding
that neither could be granted
immediately without raising
Aldermen Refuse Firemen
Shorter Hours,
taxes or the city’s finding some
new source of revenue,
The aldermen made two con-
cessions, however, by adopting
resolutions promising that:
(1) Time and a half will
henceforth be paid for fireman
called back to duty in emer-
gency situations after complet-
ing their regular 69-hour week.
It was estimated this will cost
only some $5,000 to $10,600 a}
(2) The 56-hour week for fire-
men will be given “The first
consideration” in drawing up
next year’s city budget over
any requests for across-the-
extra Pay
a 3//9
board salary raises in any de-
All members of the finance
committee stressed that they
were in sympathy with the fire-
men’s objectives. But all
agreed, too, with Ald. Charlie
Leftwich that the current city
budget “is as tight as it's ever
Comptroller Charles Davis!
told the committee that imple-
menting the 46-hour week would
require about 72 additional fire-
men at an annual cost (based
on top pay scale) of some
Paying time and a half over
Continued on Page 5, Column 1 |
- Firemen Los®
Request for
Fewer Hours
Continued From Page 1
40 hours for a 56-hour week
would cost about $704,618 a year’
and for a 60-hour weck about
$510,831 a year, Davis said,
At the public hearing, Capt. J.
C. Whitley told the aldermen
that the city was practicing
“false economy” to train young
men as firefighters and then
lose them a short time later te
jobs with shorter hours and!
weekends and holidays off.
_ Sgt. J. D. Garrett pleaded for
implementation of the firemen’s
requests, declaring: “We can’t
strike against you: all we ean
do is quit and look for some-.
thing else.”
Longtime Atlanta business-
man Sam Rothberg urged the
aldermen to give the firemen a
wage “that is just, fair and
right” even if it meant increas-
Ing taxes.
Insuranceman M. M. (Mug-
&sy) Smith said an important
factor is “the life hazard—when
these men answer a fire eall,
ee never know if they'll come