Dublin Core
Box 14, Folder 12, Document 89
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fist 22,
Mr. John Dougherty
Attorney At Law
Williem-Oliver Building
Atlenta, Genrpie 30305
ost 2 copy of my conclusions and recommendations as Paper eiet
z in cecordance vith the request made upon me by the City at 4 tlanta and
the Atlanta Firefishters Union, Incorporated. :
tt oe be noted that my recommendations will res elt ultimately in the ex-
pentiture of funds by the City of Atlanta. It will also be noted that my
etomine datas do not immediately recommend a full implementation of the reauire-
ments de by the Atlanta Firefighters Union, Incorporated.
ed all the material as conscientious
impozed by the . pene ; ene
iater end because of the very extensive nate :re of the tas!
more thorough study than could be sinok by one individual ‘al t £
ne had considerable time to seek out all the facts and te make appropriate recommend-
recommendations in sood
I ask both varties concerned to accept my fa
3 nunison for the greater good of the
permit our City to move forward in
City of Atlanta and our citizens.
Let me thank you most sincerely for asking me to serve as impartial medister.
Altheugh my task vas difficult, it was not unpleasant because of the cooperation
of the parties concerned.
EDs ry Ed@vin D. Harrison
Te Tr
ec; Mr. J. I Martin
Mr. R. L. Mitchell Pik
Moyor Iven Allen, dr.
eee y
fist 22,
Mr. John Dougherty
Attorney At Law
Williem-Oliver Building
Atlenta, Genrpie 30305
ost 2 copy of my conclusions and recommendations as Paper eiet
z in cecordance vith the request made upon me by the City at 4 tlanta and
the Atlanta Firefishters Union, Incorporated. :
tt oe be noted that my recommendations will res elt ultimately in the ex-
pentiture of funds by the City of Atlanta. It will also be noted that my
etomine datas do not immediately recommend a full implementation of the reauire-
ments de by the Atlanta Firefighters Union, Incorporated.
ed all the material as conscientious
impozed by the . pene ; ene
iater end because of the very extensive nate :re of the tas!
more thorough study than could be sinok by one individual ‘al t £
ne had considerable time to seek out all the facts and te make appropriate recommend-
recommendations in sood
I ask both varties concerned to accept my fa
3 nunison for the greater good of the
permit our City to move forward in
City of Atlanta and our citizens.
Let me thank you most sincerely for asking me to serve as impartial medister.
Altheugh my task vas difficult, it was not unpleasant because of the cooperation
of the parties concerned.
EDs ry Ed@vin D. Harrison
Te Tr
ec; Mr. J. I Martin
Mr. R. L. Mitchell Pik
Moyor Iven Allen, dr.
eee y