Box 14, Folder 12, Document 90

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Box 14, Folder 12, Document 90

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August 22, 1966

Mr. Robert LL. Mitchell
Attorney at Law

401 GTliliam-Oliver Duilding
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Hr. Mitckeli:

K am enclosing a ccpy of my conclusions and recommendatinns
aS impartial mediator in accordance with the request made upon
me by the City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Firefighters Union,

It will be noted that my recommendations will result
ultimately in the expenditure of funds by the City of Atlanta.
It will also be noted that my recommendations do not imnediately
recomend a full implementation of the requirements made by the
Atlanta Firefighters Union, Incorporated.

I have studied all the material as conscientiously as I
could and am aware of the shortcomings imposed by the restrictions
placed on me when designated ag impartial mediator and because
of the very extensive nature of the task which would require
more thorough study than could be given by one individual alone
even though ke had considerable time to seek out all the facts
ang t9 make appropriate recommendations.

I ask both parties concerned to accept my recommencations
in good faith and by so doing permit out City to move forward
in unison for the greater good of the City of Atianta and our

Let me thank you most sincerely for asking me to serve
as impartial mediator. Although my task tas difficult, it was

, not unpleasant because of the cooperation of the parties concerned,

Sincerely yours,

Edwin DBD. Harrison

cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, re
Mr, John Dougherty
Mr. J. I, Martin


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