Box 15, Folder 1, Document 87

Dublin Core


Box 15, Folder 1, Document 87

Text Item Type Metadata




Robert L, Sommerville, President
Atlanta Transit System, Inc,

P, O. Box 1595


Alexander, T. M., Sr.

President, Alexander & Associates, Incg.
208 Auburn Avenue, N,E,

JA 1-0549

Bivens, Bob, Exec, Director

Uptown-Assn,of Atlanta~ (ext 20 Ctla
615-Peachtree St.,-Rm.914/2. pees

873-6983 _9 F ties: Sucte” ar¢o

Blayton, Jesse B,, Sr. President
Mutual Federal Savings & Loan Assn,
205 Auburn Ave,, N.E,

JA 3-8282

EQ. Yate, Hh.
e, Vice Pres,

Atlanta Div. » Georgia Power Co,
Box 4525
522-6121 , Ext. 8312

Calloway, William L., Pres.
Calloway Realty Company
193 Auburn Avenue, N.E,

JA 2-4525

Haas, Mrs, Leonard

Grizzard & Haas, 306 Carnegie Bldg.
133 Carnegie Way, N. W.


Hamilton, Mrs, Grace

Hamilton Associates - Consultants
582 University Place, N. W.

MU 8-7249

Hearle, Percy

PO-Box-4207 1 278 Goa apts at

CR §=5551 ore ALE, 00 #0
lak 2978

Leockerman, Mrs, Doris

3411 Pirie gteeains Rd, » NW.

Mathias, Charles C,, Staff Representative
United Steel Workers of America

Suite 334, 1776 Peachtree St.,N. W.

TR 5-5351

Mays, Dr. Benjamin E,

“President, Morehouse College

223 Chestnut Street, S, W.
MU 8-4223

Milton, L. D., President
Citizens Trust Company
212 Auburn Avenue, N.E,
JA 4-0614

Milton, Virgil W.

3626 Tuxedo Road, N, W.
Atlanta 5, Ga,


Padgett, A, B,, Executive Director
Metropolitan Foundation of Atlanta
1423 Candler Building

MU 8-4117

Rich, Richard H,
Chairman of the Board, Rich's, Inc,

Box 4539

JA 2-4636

Rebinsen;—James D., Jr.

Chairman of the Board, ist Natl, Bank

Fiest-Nationat Bank Bidg.,; Box 4148

Schukraft, Edgar E,
Owner, Schukraft Florist
1050 Cascade Avenue, S, W.
PL 8-2684
Warren, Roy, Chairman of the Board
Roy D, Warren Company, Inc,

30 Pryor Street, Sy Wy

JA 3.6262

Yates, Clayton R., President
Yates & Milton Stores, Inc,
228 Auburn Avenue, N, E,

JA 1-1401


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