Box 15, Folder 1, Document 88

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Box 15, Folder 1, Document 88

Text Item Type Metadata



Adair, Jack, President
Adair Realty & Loan Company
56 Peachtree St., N.W. JA 120100

Aiken, W. H., General Manager
Aiken, Inc,
239 Westlake Avenue, N.W. SY 4-2431

Allen, Mrs. John L,
League of Women Voters

3360 Nancy Creek Rd., N.W. CE 726870.

Arnold, ee ae e Director
2 39-Auburn he = N. = 521-2355

adieoree: Mrs. Amber W,
Asst, Solicitor General-Fulton County
Fulton County Courthouse JA 2-5310

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(Ch, UR Committee)
League of Women Voters

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Barfield, Carroll C., President
Harry Barfield Co., Inc,

304 Parkway Drive, N.E. JA 3-342l1

Beers, H. W., Jr.,Ch. of Board
Teers Construction Company
70 Ellis St., N.E. JA 5-0555

Bennett, Rembert B., President
Bennett Realty Corporation
15 Peachtree St., N.E, JA 2-8336
Bickers, Joseph T., Exec. V.P.
Atlanta Mortgage Brokerage Co, Inc,

187 Auburn Avenue, N,E. MU 8-3259
Bird, F. M., Attorney

Jones, Bird & Howell

Haas-Howell Bldg. JA 222508

Blayton, Je B. , Jr, , V. P, -Gen, Mgr.
WERD Radio Atlanta, Inc.
330 Auburn Ave,, N,E, JA 4-0666

Brewer, Oby T., Sr., President Chdwimer

Geo, Muse Clothing Company // Ye Soak
52 Peachtree St., N.W. JA 2-5400
Burns, Fred, Jr., Owner
Fred Burns Company
1070 White St., S. W. 758-7275
Chiles,John O., President |
ns-Cates | Company

iiding — JA 2-5477
Clement, Dr, Rufus, President
Atlanta University
223 Chestnut Street, S.W. JA 3-6431

Cooper, Sam I., President
Cooper, Barrett, Skinner, Woodbury
and Cooper, Inc.
Henry Grady Building JA 2-984%
Crank, Mrs./5: F,, ExeesSeey.

igen Gul SE/ i


Davis, Harold, Public Relations Di->-"
Georgia State College
33 Gilmer St,, S.E, 523-7681
Ford, Clement, Architect

240 W., Andrews Dr., N.W. CE 3-07¢'

pe esident
eam C
S.W. JA 5-8837

Cooper, V. F. (retired)
2%ll Birchwood Dr,, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

CE 3-1904

Gerson, John W,, Exec. V.P.
Atlanta Transit System, Inc.
P.O. Box 1595 JA 424°.
Grizzard, Claude, Jr,, President
Grizzard Advertising, Inc,
342 W. Peachtree St., N,W. JA 308441

Weaeckney, Dr, Richard C,
“~Ray Laboratory

239 Auburn Ave., N.E, MU 8-9071
Hallman, Noel W,, Secy. «Treas.
Hallman Bros. Construction Co,

45 Eleventh St., N.E. TR 2~6688
Harris, Dr. J. B,

Herndon Building JA 2-3225
Harris, Julian H,

Sculpturing Studio

177 Fifth St., N.W. TR 4-3105
Hendley, Albert G,

5801 Riverview Rd., N.W. 255-3559

Jones, Gordon, President
Fulton National Bank
Fulton National Bank Bldg. JA 3-75ll

Jones, Mrs. Maymie, Attorney
Jones, Jones & Mabry
Grant Building JA 5-2996
Kearns, Jack W.

Jack W. Kearns Insurance Co,

2476 Meadow Lark Dr,
East Point 761-6529
Manley, Dr. Albert F., President
Spelman College
Martin, E.M., V.P. and Secy.
Atlanta Life Insurance Co,

148 Auburn Ave., N.E. JA 1-0513


McDonald, Dr, Harold, Owner
Ballenger-McDonald Urology Clinic

PeachtreeeBaker Bldg. MU 8-3322
Moore, Fred, Manager

Georgia Properties Co,

825 Rhodes Haverty Bldg. JA 36646

Moore,James; President

Atlanta , ~ Labo Sees

1 eachtree St.7N.E. Rm 208 5-2793
Morris, Joe L. (retired)

1098 Lullwater Rd.,N.E, 378-1682


o eo 4,

Munford, Dillard, Ch, of Board
Atlantic Company
P, O, Box 1417 MU 8-1900
Palmer, Charles F,, President
Palmer, Inc,

303 Palmer Bldg. 522-9238
Patterson, Eugene, Editor

Atlanta Constitution

10 Forsyth St., N.W. JA 2-5050

Randall, Luther H., Ch. of Board
Randall Fuel Co., Inc.
665 Marietta St.,N. W. JA 24711
Richardson, Dr. Harry V., President
Interdenominational Theological Center

9 McDonough Blvd., S.E, JA 5-8843
Roe, Donald J,., V.P.

C & S National Bank

Advertising Dept - 588-3258

Scott, C, A., Editor and Manager
Atlanta Daily World
20 Auburn Ave,, N.E,

Atlanta, Ga, JA 1-1459
Shaw, W.J., Owner and Manager
Odd Fellows Bldg,. Real Estate
250 Auburn Ave,, N.E, JA 161891

Shrider, Robert E,, Director
Bethlehem Community Center
9 McDonough Blvd., S.E, MA 20919

Simon, E.L., General Auditor
Atlanta Life Insurance Company
148 Auburn Ave,, N.E, JA 100513

Sutton, R.O., V.P.
Citizens Trust Company
212 Auburn Ave., N.E. JA 4-0614

Tarver, Jack, President
Atlanta Newspapers, Inc.
10 Forsyth Street, N.E, JA 2-5050

Tatum, Luther S., V.P.
Atlanta Federal Savings & Loan Assn,
18 Marietta Street, N.W. JA 3-8421

Terrill, The Rev. L. M.
Zion Hill Baptist Church
2740 Collier Drive, N.W. SY 4-8100

Thompson, Buford H., President
South Side Atlanta Bank
1700 Lakewood Avenue, S,E, MA 2-3521

Toms, William A,, Broker
Harris Upham Company
44 Broad Street, N.W, JA 3-76ll

Ulrich, W. Roy
301 Ardmore Circle, N.W. Apt. 3-A

Upshaw, Mrs, Gladys
6160 Roswell Road, N.E, 255-0560

White, Robert H., Sr.,Chm, of Board

Southern Wood Preserving Co,
P.O. Box 10798, Sta. A PO 7-0211

(November 5, 1965)


Whitman, H.W. (Bo), Asst. V.P.
First National Bank
Box 4148 588-651°

Willis, Mrs, Ralph
12 Camden Road, N. W.
TR 6-7269

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