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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 60
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MONTHLY MILESTONES: Major emphasis was on reviewing all project staffing,
constructing a project control and planning system, and taking all other
necessary steps to be prepared for implementation. Delays in signing the HUD
supplemental funds implementation contract caused certain adjustments to be
made in previously-established plans of the Model Cities administration and the
38 delegate agencies which will use 1969 supplemental funds.
MILESTONES NEXT PERIOD: Signing the HUD contract, finalizing all projects,
signing contracts with the delegate agencies, constructing a temporary multi-
purpose service center, staffing, and developing additional administrative’
Generale: a: 6 i eee er ce
Administration... .
Social Services. ...
Physical Planning. . .
Economic Development .
State Participation. .
Data Coilection. ....-.
Problems ..... «cs « »
Policy and Advisory Groups
Staff, wc bk Ge RS
CONTRACT NO, Mp-10-001
City of Atlanta
Model Neighborhood Program
673 Capitol Avenue, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
Johnny C. Johnson, Director
February-March Bi-Monthly Report
April 10, 1969
Report No. 6
Prepared by Alan Wexler,
Technical Writer
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A. General, Project Status, and Other Related Projects Under
A.1l. Administration
A.l.a. The HUD-Atlanta Model Cities 1969 implementation contract
had not been signed as of the end of this reporting period.
This contract, wnich in 1969 is expected to be for some
$7.175 million, was expected to be signed within 30 days.
Because of the delay in contract signing, HUD granted
the Atlanta program a planning grant extension. Atlanta
had received a total of $245,500 in planning furids since
November, 1967. In another related action, HUD and the
Model Cities Executive Board approved a blanket 15% shifting
of funds in line items.
The $8.9 million HUD-Atlanta Model Cities Urban Renewal
contract (NDP-Neighborhood Development Program) had been
signed earlier this vear. During this reporting period
the local Model Cities delegate agency (Atlanta Housing
Authority) began full implementation (See Physical Services
section of this report).
A contract was effected with Arthur Andersen and Co., a
management consultant. The agreement stipulated that the
company would assist in developing a program implementation
and control system. As part of the system, Arthur Andersen
worked with Model Cities staff in developing the necessary
work programs (involving timing) and budgeting for each
project. Basically, the system will give us an accurate
analysis of project status at anytime.
Sample contracts were developed to be discussed with
delegate agencies which will use supplemental funds,
The agency contracts cannot be signed until the grant
contract is signed.
Several coordination meetings were held with delegate
agencies which will use supplemental funds. One meeting
concerned practices the agencies will follow regarding the
hiring of indigenous aides (health aides, housing aides,
social work aides, etc.)
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Another highly important meeting was held with the 9
agencies scheduled to occupy the proposed multi-purpose
buildings. The 2 new buildings will be constructed near
the site of the present Model Cities edifice. All agencies
seemed to agree on the need for a common basic-information
system in the building, joint purchasing of furniture and
equipment, and methods of coordination.
The 2 new buildings will be constructed on land to be
leased from the Atlanta Housing Authority. Bids for
construction of the buildings were to be let in April.
Regarding the common basic-informaticn system, a tentative
plan was worked out between Model Cities and Economic
Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. EOA would receive some $35,000
in supplemental funds to run the system. The plan would
include some 7 resident aides who would file, bring clients'
common data to the agencies, etc.
Joint purchasing through the General Services Administration
appeared to be impossible except possibly for Model Cities
and local agencies already having GSA account numbers.
Letters of committment were obtained from several agencies
regarding on-loan planners and other personnel for 1969.
The director attended an inter-agency meeting in which
the need for better communication was discussed. United
Appeal Agencies, EOA, and the Urban League were also
Discussions continued with Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
regarding its proposed additional 2 sub-centers. The 2
sub~-centers are being coordinated with employment outreach
programs in the two neighborhoods. The 2 sub-centers would
be placed in the Grant Park and Adair Park neighborhoods.
As of the end of this reporting period, the preliminary
plan called for the 2 new centers to be funded entirely
by the Model Cities supplemental funds. EOA recently
established an additional neighborhood center in Mechanicsville.
The 25-member Model Cities Better Health Corp. Board of
Directors met several times. (The Board is composed of medical
and dental professionals, and area residents.) A committee
was formed to study site selection for the future medical
facility. The facility will house a group medical practice
and a multi-phasic screening center - for examination of
people obstensibly weil. The site selection committee worked
with students of the Georgia Tech School of Architecture.
Another committee studied the 8 new projects which will be
involved in the 1969 Model Cities Health Component. This latter
committee sought to develop a full understanding of the community
health needs and implementation mechanisms.
A health technical advisory group began studying the
details and scope of the proposed multi-phasic screening
The Social Services staff held preliminary discussions with
the Wesley Community Centers, Inc., regarding the latter's
proposal to deal with special problems of Mechanicsville
area children.
The Social Services Section Staff began making some 1,100
interviews of area recipients of old age assistance payments.
Model Cities resident neighborhood workers were also
helping in the project. The purpose of the survey was to
determine housing conditions, housing preferences of the
recipients, the social service needs and other needs. From
the survey results, more comprehensive and effective programs
for the aged SE expected to result (including the housing aid
to the aged project), The study was initiated by the Fulton
County Department of Family and Children Services. It was
to continue during the next reporting period.
The Georgia General Assembly failed to provide the $4 million
requested as replacement funds which would be necessary if thi
federal welfare freeze is effected this July. As of 1967,
there were 6,766 Model Cities area residents receiving assisti
(involving some 3,100 families). The freeze would only affec
aid for dependent children recipients (4,683 individuals, or
1,091 families in Model Cities).
The Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention planner met wit!
the Southeastern Regional Director of the Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration (a branch of the Justice Department
The Assistance Administration is the agency administering
the Omnibus Crime and Safe Street Act funds. During March,
the C & D planner attended a conference on pre-~planning
sponsored by the State Planning Bureau. The Bureau is the
State coordination agency for the funds. Funding to the
State appears to be likely in early summer. Model Cities
is expected to benefit significantly through more efficiency
in the Atlanta Police Department, the Fulton County Juvenile
Court and other local criminal justice agencies.
The Atlanta Board of Education agreed to continue ongoing
federal programs and initiate several new 1969 projects, all
of which would be contingent on a continuation or new grants
of federal funds. Involved in the Board's agreement was
approximately $680,000 for a new primary school and $230,000
for a middle school (to be named for Dr. Martin Luther King),
Physical Planning
The Atlanta Housing Authority, which has signed its $8.9 million
contract with HUD for the 1969 Model Cities urban renewal
work, began intensive operations. By the end of the reporting
period, there were approximately 25 Housing Authority employees
working on the Model Cities - Housing Authority Program.
Involved in the work was inspecting property for Model Cities
project rehabilitation standards compliance, making rehab-
ilitation grants (4 grants made already), processing
several loan applications, negotiating with rehabilitation
contractors, inspecting the work of those private contractors
and performing surveys of the residents’ housing needs
(those residents in 1969 clearance areas.). :
Three of the 4 rehabilitation grants amounted to the maximum
of $3,000, and the other came to approximately $2,800.
Over 700 appraisals were made by independent, professional
appraisers. Regulations require 2 such appraisals on each
of the 378 parcels scheduled for 1969 clearance.
The survey of clearance area residents' housing needs was
performed by approximately 4 relocation workers.
An Urban Design proposal for the Model Cities area was
formulated which would use Model Cities supplemental funds.
However, because of the delay in HUD's approval of the
implementation contract, other funding possibilities were
tentatively explored. The Urban Design proposal would
seek to combine the disciplines of architecture, landscape
architecture and city planning in making the area more
Along the lines of the Urban Design proposal, Model Cities
staff met with the Atlanta Housing Authority to discuss the
role of consultants hired by AHA. Such consultants would
attempt to obtain residents' input into the design plan.
Meetings were held with AHA and the City Building Department
to coordinate policy making on inspection procedures. It
was decided, among other things, that AHA would perform
nearly all inspections in 1969 clearance and rehabilitation
areas and the Building Department would inspect the other
parts of Model Citites, The Building Department would also
inspect in 1969 clearance and rehabilitation areas upon
receiving complaints or upon noticing obvious violations
of Model Cities project rehabilitation standards compliance.
' Other matters discussed with the Building Department were
procedures regarding building permit issuances and informing
residents about buildings regulations, benefits, etc.
Approximately 4 meetings were held on establishing a non-
profit rehabilitation corporation (under HUD's 235-J program).
The program would find residents needing housing rehabili-
tation, and have the corporation buy the house, rehabilitate
it and sell it back to the original owner. One probiem
encountered has been finding a sufficient number of residents
who need such rehabilitation and who meet the minimum income
requirements. Black contractors would be used wherever
Generally related to the above was a city-wide meeting attended
by Model Cities staff. The purpose of the confab, which
sponsored by the Ford Foundation, was to discuss methods
of encouraging the development of black contractors through-
out the city.
A meeting was held with residents of the Sugar Hill community
in Model Cities. They had been concerned that their landlords
would sell their dwelling units because the property was
zoned industrial. Approximately 150 people live in that
community, which is already heavily industrialized. The
residents want the area rezoned residential. Model Cities
began researching the area's land use history and other
related matters to determine the proper course of action.
A meeting was held with FHA officials, whe had expressed a
desire that Model Cities should do everything possibie to use
the 100 units allocated to the area in 1969 under HUD's 235
programs. The 235 program encourages the construction of low
and moderate income housing. Model Cities said it was studying
the matter intensively.
Discussions were held with AHA to determine co what extent
it would be feasible and/or necessary to provide social
services to residents of clearance and rehabilitation aress.
Model Cities in 1969 will have 5 buses (4 regular, 1 reserve)
circling the area to provide inner-neighborhood public trans-
portation. The project will cost $205,000 in Model Cities
supplemental funds, which will help pay for most of the
operational costs. During this reporting period, 2 of the
5 buses were painted the Model Cities colors (blue & white).
A.4. Economic Development (Employment and Industrial-Commercial Development)
One of the major efforts in this section was the recruiting
of residents for the approximately 400 full-time and 190
part-time jobs directly resulting from the 1969 programs.
Nearly 10,000 newspapers were distributed in the area to
inform residents of job descriptions. As a result of the
newspapers and other methods of communication, 279 persons
applied during pre-established interview times in the 6
neighborhoods composing Model Cities. In addition, some
300 active applications in the 3 area EOA Neighborhood
Service Centers were placed into consideration, as were
nearly 120 applications from professional workers in various
fields. Georgia State Employment Service (GSES) handled
the interviewing and provided the other aspects of coordi-
nation during the 8 interviewing days. In the next several
weeks, Model Cities and GSES are expecting to hold additional
interviews, possibly even a few night interviews, for people
who had to work during the regular interviewing schedule.
Several meetings with trade union officials produced no
significant advance into placing ghetto residents with the
unions. AFE-CIO representatives participated in the dis-
cussions. The only verbal commit@ment obtained from the
unions was that they would work to improve the skills of
lower-level werkers already employed in industry. They said
these workers could be shifted to jobs in housing rehabili-
tation, etc., given training and accepted into the unions if
they met the requirements. The positions they would leave
in private industry would then be filled by disadvantaged
residents. But, importantly, the unions did not agree to
lowering their entrance requirements. Further discussions
were still being planned by GSES, Model Cities ard the unions.
There has been union involvement in the Atlanta Urban League's
LEAP proposal (Learning Education Advancement Program). This
plan would give individuals possessing certain basic educationa
qualifications the necessary training to help make them more
competitive when appearing before the various union appren-
ticeship boards. But even this program fails to include the
large portion of Model Cities who are educationally disadvantag.
The Model Cities Director continued to particupate actively
in CAMPS (Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System), which
coordinates all public manpower programs in the area. In
December, 1968, Model Cities presented its employment plan
to CAMPS. The latter approved it and included it as an
addendum to its 1969 program. The Model Cities - GSES staff
planner also submitted to CAMPS Part A of the Fiscal Year
1970 Model Cities plan (general information on programs
available, suggested changes to existing programs, suggested
new programs, etc.).
Discussions continued among representatives of the’
Model Cities Employment Task Force. In addition to
Model Cities representatives, other agencies involved
on this committee include the following: Vocational
Rehabilitation; Vocational Education; Economic Opportunity
Atlanta, Inc.; and GSES. During this reporting period,
2 residents were added, bringing total representation
up to 20 people. One of the main efforts of this Task
Force is to effect the best coordination of available
manpower programs.
Discussions continued with the President of the Citizens
and Southern National Bank. The institution decided to
participate in the Peoplestown neighborhood in a clean-up,
paint-up campaign, but not in a more extensive campaign
because of the delays necessary while Model Cities and
housing officials decide what will be involved in intensive
rehabilitation, clearance, etc. The Bank will also be
involved in a major development corporation geared to
increasing ghetto home and business ownership.
Increased efforts by the local chapter of the National
Alliance of Businessmen continued to have ramifications
for Model Cities. The NAB plans to devote extensive
emphasis this year on obtaining increased female employment,
improving transportation to job locations, improving the
attitudes of Ist and 2nd line supervisory levels, and
obtaining additional job commitments. The GSES-Model Cities
employment representative presented a speech on Model Cities
at a meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the International
Association for Personnel in Employment Services. The
confab also included a speech by the Local NAB Director
stressing emphasis on above subjects.
The GSES-Model Cities Employment Coordinator dealt with at
least 4 major firms which had expressed interest in hiring
Model Cities area workers. The J.C. Penny Co. agreed to
hire some 35 residents in its warehouse operation. Hiring
is expected to be in the period July-September 1969. Model
Cities attempted to work out a transportation plan assuring
easier access to the warehouse, located several miles away.
Dixisteel, a subsidiary of Atlantic Steel, expressed an
interest about phasing in more women in its galvanizing depart-
ment, positions previously considered male-only jobs. Certain
success has been experienced by the company in the 5 positions
opened through the NAB program last year.
Southland Engineers and Surveyors, Inc., appeared to be
optimistic about the possible placement of 5 residents at a
time in a training situation which would pay $1.70 an hour
and wnich would lead to some interesting future employment
possibilities. The training was expected to take 6 months
for someone with an 8th grade education.
The Best Manufacturing Corp. (Menlo, Ge.), said it was
definitely interested in placing a plant in Model Cities
which would employ some 200 - 500 residents in a glove
sewing operation. However, a great deal of administrative
paperwork must be accomplished to overcome certain policies
which previously have excluded sewing operations from being
eligible for Manpower Development Training Act funds (MDTA).
Negotiations will continue further with the company if and
when such a bottleneck can be overcome.
Model Cities-GSES staff began examining the approximately
78 projects which will use supplemental funds to learn if
there are any salary inequities among positions having similar
Model Cities began intensively reviewing the Atlanta Business
School proposal te train individuals having a 10th grade
education or better. The training would take approximately
9 months.
The GSES-Model Cities staff assisted an area candy manu-
facturer to obtain management and engineering assistance.
Review was given to the proposal submitted by the Golden
Age Employment Service to develop job-openings and to place
some of the hard-to-assign people (senior citizens, the
handicapped, and the youth). The Service is sponsored by
the National Council of Jewish Women.
GSES continued to provide 3 full-time employees, 1 part-time
enployee and one New Careerist. All of them have been provided
free of charge to Modei Cities; but when the Atlanta-HUD contract
is signed, Model Cities will contract with GSES for approxi-
mately $27,000 to defray the 1969 GSES costs.
The GSES-Model Cities representative began work’ ng with the
Physical Planning Director on a program which would provide
training for residents in painting, sheetrock work, paper-
hanging, light carpentry, ete. Most of this work would occur
in housing rehabilitation projects.
State Participation
The State Depar.ment of Fanily and Children Services agreed
to reproduce a reprinting of the one-year and five-year
GSES continued to provide 2 planners and a secretary. In
addition, it temporarily loaned an interviewer and assigned
a New Careers’ trainee.
B. Data Collection
By lak
C. Problems
Discussions intensified with the Urban Observatory. The
Observatory, one of 6 in the nation, will be operated by
Ga. State College. The main point of discussion with the
Observatory concerned establishing an evaluation program
for Model Cities. Observatory funds, as with Model Cities
supplemental funds, had not been granted by the end of the
reporting period.
Eric Hill and Associates, Inc. presented its report on
residents' housing preferences, resources and needs which
will be involved in the Model Cities housing component.
Contacts were made with the Bureau of Labor Statistics con-
cerning its census of the area. BLS said the initial sta-
tistics would be available sometime within the next few.
months. The entire census will be completed approximately
in October, with final tabulations being made available in
late 1969 or early 1970. This census is expected to provide
the base data for the Model Cities program.
The social services and resident involvement components
started a 13100 questionnaire survey on housing and other
aspects concerning Old Age Assistance residents of the area.
(See Social Services section)
The Atlanta Housing Authority surveyed all of the residents
in 1969 clearance areas. The data obtained was on general
family characteristics, housing conditions, and housing
A rodent control program, using EOA funds, began in the Pittsburgh
neighborhood. During the reporting period, the main emphasis
was on surveying the rodent population. Eventually this year,
an eradication phase will be effected.
Fulton County Juvenile Court gathered data on Model Cities
area juvenile offenders. The statistics were categorized
according to census tract, offense, age, sex, race, school.
attended, and certain other categories.
The Atlanta Police Department continued to supply data on
Model Cities area adult offenders. This information was
categorized under each of the 7 major offenses. The statistics
were only on crimes committed in Model Cities.
The major problem was the delay in signing the implementation
contract. This delay caused scheduling adjustments to be made
by the approximately 38 delegate agencies which will use
supplemental funds.
A. Policy and Advisory Groups
B. Staff
B. la.
One new member was added to the 14-member Executive Board -
Walter Mitchell, County Commission Chairman, who took the
place of Charlie Brown, the former Commission Chairman.
The other policy and advisory groups recorded no changes.
There were 24 staff members as of the end of this reporting
period; in addition, there were many on-loan assignees and
Several other staff members were expected to be hired in the
beginning of the next reporting period.
A. Activities
A. 1LJé.
Incorporation procedures were initiated for Stadium Heights,
Inc., the new name for the resident organization. Charter
calls for 15 members. Several meetings of residents,
attorneys, and Model Cities staff were held in formulating
the charter and by-laws.
One meeting was held in each of the 3 1969 rehabilitation areas
to inform residents of the grant or loan procedures, and
involvement of the C & § National Bank. A total of approx-
imately 225 persons attended the meetings.
The resident involvement staff arranged for 200 free Alliance
Resident Theatre tickets each week to be given to Model Cities
residents (mostly school children).
Two issues of the Model Cities newspaper were distributed.
The issues concerned housing and employment. Some 10,000
copies of each issue were distributed.
Model Cities staff met with residents of the Sugar Hill
community (See Physical Section).
Continuous contact was made with HUD regional officials on
various aspects of the program.
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