Box 15, Folder 2, Document 61

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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 61

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March 3, 1969 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison


To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. )e ded
From: Dan Sweat ad fer

Subject: Grant Review Board - Model Cities

Attached are the minutes of the Grant Review Board meeting of
December 31, 1968. The recommendations set forth in this document
were accepted by the Model Cities Director and have resulted in much
better lines of communications between the Model Cities program and
the various City departments, other governmental agencies, and
private organizations who are involved in the execution of the Model
Cities program.

The Grant Review Board on February 27, 1969, discussed the current
status of the Model Cities program and the resolution for approval for the
first year program which will be brought before the Board of Aldermen on
Monday, March 3.

Collier Gladin, the City's Planning Director, felt that the approval of the
resolution should be initiated jointly by the Planning and Development
Committee and the Finance Committee and should not imminate from the
Aldermanic representatives on the Model Cities Executive Board. It was
the concensus of the Grant Review Board that the resolution for approval
should come from the Executive Board and that it is the responsibility of
each Aldermanic Committee chairman to insure that his committee has
given proper attention to the program. It would be desirable for each
committee involved to give its approval/disapproval on any paper coming
from the Model Cities Executive Board prior to its being introduced in the
Aldermanic Board, Such Aldermanic Committee expression attached to
a Model Cities paper would certainly strengthen the paper and result in
much better communications of the entire Model Cities program.
Mayor Allen
Page Two
March 3, 1969

In the final analysis, whenever a paper is introduced, it should he the
responsibility of each member of the Board of Aldermen to ask that it
be referred to the particular committee if there is some question about
its contents. The Model Cities organization should continue to seek
prior approval of City departments and Aldermanic committees prior
to introduction of a resolution or ordinance for approval by the full
Aldermanic Board,

DS :fy


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