Box 15, Folder 3, Document 3

Dublin Core


Box 15, Folder 3, Document 3

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Presént: W. A. Edge, Mrs. C. B. Wright, Harold Owens, Horatius
Rosser, H. H. Hines, Jimmie Kennebrew, Mrs. Mattie Ansley, Mrs.
Ida Wright, Mrs. Edith Tennant, Mrs. Christine Cook, Charlie Cook,
BE. G. Weems, Floyd Rutherford, Rev. IL. W. Hope, Sr., Bernard
Smith, June Cofer, Hubert C. Blankenship, Lewis Peters, Dewey
Gatley,Ellis Simon, Edward French, Sum-Mec Center, and Model
Cities Community Relations Assistants.

The meeting was called to order by Lyall W. Scott, who explained
the goal of the paint up campaign, the type of paint available
to residents and the purpose of this meeting and the role of the
Model Cities Paint Committee in this campaign.

Deacon Lewis Peters asked Mr. Scott as to whether this paint was
now available. Mr. Scott said that 8,500 gallons of paint are
presently available and that this committee should begin to devélop
quidelines so that the distribution can begin as soon as possible.

& Model Cities survey was distributed which showed number of
structures within each eomnaunity and the number of structures that
would be cleared in 1969.

A chart was also presented by Mr. Scott showing number of structures
after clearance in each neighborhood, percentage of structures
within each neighborhood when compared to tetal, Model Cities
structures, ratio of paint to be distributed within each community,
based on percentage of structures to tatal Model Cities area, and
approximate number of containers that each community would be
eligible for.

After considerable discussion Mr. Hubert Blankenship made a motion
te accept suggested ratio of distribution. This was seconded by Mr .
E. G. Weems and Mra. C. B. Wright and carried unanimously.

Mr. BE. G. Weens made a motion that each neighborhood paint committee
assume responsibility for selection of houses to be painted, and

fer distributing paint within the community. This motion was
seconded by Mrs. C. B. Wright and carried unanimously.

Mx. Jimmie Kennebrew made a motion that absentee landlords be
eligible for paint but this motion did not receive a second and
was defeated.

Mr. Jimmie Kennebréw “suggested that pledge cards be drawn up

for individuals applying for paint and that they be submitted to
paint committee within their community. Mr. Kennebrew made this into
motion and was seconded by Mr. Blankenship and carried unanimously.
(See pledge card in guidelines)

The committee also worked out wording for pledge card and was
accepted. Deacon Lewis Peters made a motion to recommend to Model
Cities Steering Committee have Model Cities pay to transport paint

to each local community. This was seconded by Mrs. Mattie Ansley
and carried “-s%iman axe

Further suggestions made but with no official action were:

wi neighborhood: paint ‘do;



Before and ‘@fter. pictures ‘should be faken: for publicity

_I£ any community has paint left from amount issued they

will allow some other community to use it.

‘Flyers be printed by Model Cities office with instructions

for mixing paint.

Community Relations Assistants will be available to assist


Bach neighborhood paint committeesBhould elect a chairman that
ean deal directly with Model Cities office.

-Discussion of Banquet postponed until next meeting

Acting Secretary
Mrs. Elizabeth Parks


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